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1 Expcrimcntal rcsults for new low-power, celinhlc
start-up CMOS KC oscillators are presriited. The oscil1utoi.s usc LL
inodificd Fnbre-Noiiiiniitl tronslinetlr current conveyor.
Mciisureineiiis show rclinblr oscilln(iaii start-up tor pawer supply
voltngcs tliat range fi'om 1.W io SV with current consumption
kom 1 OClnh to I .2mA, respectively, Oscillation hqiieocics up to
S5MIIz linvc bccu obscrvcd in circuits litbricilled in a modest
2pm CMOS rechnology.
2 Abstract-This paper presents a technique of
temperature compensation for a low power RC
oscillator that due to design considerations is biased
with a PTAT current. The RC oscillator was
implemented in a 0.25 um technology and the overall
performance obtained over the whole range of
temperature was less than 4 %. |