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Selling your quest rewards - buy wow gold

发表于 2009-7-15 21:54:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Goblin Rules of Acquisition,buy wow gold, subsection K4, under the heading, Quest Rewards.

The first rule is very simple. It is so simple, that it sounds a bit dim-witted.

The heavier the armor, the buy wow gold more it is worth. Plate is heavier than mail, then leather and cloth follow. Some plate items are heavier than other plate items, and so on. This is important to note because heavy mail items might actually be heavier than a light plate item.

To make this easier to understand, I will arrange items in tiers, from lowest to highest. For our purposes, I am only comparing plate and mail. Lower tiered items are lighter in weight than higher tiered items.

    Tier 1: Cloaks, necklaces and rings.

    TIer 1.5: Bracers, belts and gloves.

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    Tier 2: Boots, helms and shoulder armor.

    Tier 3: Chests and pants.


Following the tier system, a T3 item in mail will be worth slightly more than T2 plate. It will be worth significantly more than a Tier 1.5 and under item. This should hold true for leather compared to mail, and cloth compared to leather.

A mail T2 item will be slightly better than a plate T1.5 item.

To memorize this rule, you could also try picturing the size of the items. As long as you crumple up the cloak, the weight rule could also become the size rule.

This tier system is not known to many people, who always choose plate over mail, and so forth. If you're looking to make more gold with no extra effort, then this rule is for you.

Weaponry also has a hierarchy. Generally, the more DPS a weapon has, the more it is worth. Knowing this rule will help you choose between, for example, three two-handed weapons.

Usually, items follow this pattern, from most expensive to least:

Two-handed > One-handed > Wands, guns, bows and crossbows > Shields (a shield is used as armor and as weaponry by some classes) > Trinkets > Thrown and off-hand.

Sometimes you will be given wow gold a choice between some weapons and some gear. Weapons are generally worth more than gear, but it does depend on the weapon and how "heavy" the armor item is.

Here is the complete cheat sheet, from items that sell for the most, to items that sell for the least. These rules will not hold true in every situation, but offer a solid guideline.

    Two-handed weaponry.

    One-handed weaponry.

    Wands, guns, bows and crossbows.

    Plate chestpieces and pants.


    Mail chestpieces and pants.
    Plate boots, helms, and shoulder armor.
    Leather chestpieces and pants.

    Mail boots, helms and shoulder armor.

    Thrown weapons and cloth chestpieces and pants.

    Leather shoulders, boots and helm.

    Off-hands, necklaces and rings.

    Plate bracers,cheap wow gold, gloves and belts.
    Cloaks, cloth shoulders, helm and boots.

    Mail bracers, gloves and belts.
    Leather bracers, gloves and belts.
    Cloth bracers, gloves and belts.

If you don't want to keep a copy of the list handy, then be prepared to make less money from selling your quest rewards to a vendor. Still, you can memorize some basic rules.

Cheat Sheet Rules:

    Chestpieces and pants are very heavy items, and are worth more than other items that are made of a substance world of warcraft gold that is one "notch" heavier. Plate is one notch above mail, which is one notch above leather, with cloth at the bottom.

    Accessory items are not worth much.

    Two-handed weapons are worth more than anything, with one-handers coming in second.

    The higher the DPS on an item, the more gold it is worth.
    Cloaks are generally a poor choice if you can choose mail or plate items instead.

Now that you know how to squeeze every last copper from a quest reward, go forth and make me proud!

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