发表于 2007-1-29 16:45:05
为了让大家更详细了解这个IC,我在baidu上开了博客,大家可以去踩踩. http://hi.baidu.com/embedall/blog/item/007e993808b8e3c2d462255d.html
订购电话:13684928940 0755-83605322 83606552 马工 常年有货,提供样片或批量,无铅产品,需要Datasheet的话请联系333mmd@163.com,
Throughout this document "FS453" is used as a general term to reference the FS453,FS454, FS455, and FS456.
The FS453 and FS454 are the PQFP versions of the chip, and the FS455 and FS456 are the BGA versions of the chip.
The FS454 and FS456 support Macrovision anticopy protection, while the FS453 and FS455 do not.
[size=133%]FS454 Intel ADD Demo/Evaluation Card
[ 本帖最后由 embedall 于 2007-1-29 16:50 编辑 ] |