发表于 2009-6-8 19:54:55
I am just curious why you want to grep "$stop" in ncsim log.
$stop should be generated in your code under some conditions, right?
Now that you know that condition, why not use that cond. to produce a signal instead of searching log file?
you can modify the run tcl like this, I don't compile it so pls ignore syntax warnings.
set top name #your_top_tb_fille_name here
set stop $top.stop_signal #your stop signal name here
set clk $top.clk #just a option
#set assert_1164_warnings no;
stop -cond {[value $clk] == 1} -execute {if {[value $stop_signal] == 1} {exit}} -cont -silent
run 150000us
exit |