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PING 是一个用来检测网络连接速度的工具,它会在本机和给出的远程主机名之间建立一个SOCKET 连接并向其发送一个ICMP协议格式的数据包,然后远程主机作出响应,发回一个数据包,通过计算发送到接收数据包的时间间隔,我们可以确定连接的速度。
此程序可以使用于 asp+asp.net 虚拟主机,时代互联(www.now.net.cn)的虚拟主机可以支持 。虚拟主机的其他的配置问题,可以见:www.now.net.cn/host
主机+域名+邮箱 的优惠套餐,可以见 : http://www.now.net.cn/special/host.net
使用方法 ping <hostname> [/r]
<hostname> 主机名
[/r] 可选属性,决定是否连续的 ping 远程主机。
namespace SaurabhPing
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
/// <summary>
/// 主要的类:ping
/// </summary>
class Ping
const int SOCKET_ERROR = -1;
const int ICMP_ECHO = 8;
/// <summary>
/// 这里取得Hostname参数
/// </summary>
public static void Main(string[] argv)
//If user did not enter any Parameter inform him
Console.WriteLine("Usage ing <hostname> /r") ;
Console.WriteLine("<hostname> The name of the Host who you want to ping");
Console.WriteLine("/r Ping the host continuously") ;
else if(argv.Length==1)
//Just the hostname provided by the user
//call the method " ingHost" and pass the HostName as a parameter
PingHost(argv[0]) ;
else if(argv.Length==2)
//the user provided the hostname and the switch
//loop the ping program
//call the method " ingHost" and pass the HostName as a parameter
PingHost(argv[0]) ;
//if the user provided some other switch
PingHost(argv[0]) ;
//Some error occurred
Console.WriteLine("Error in Arguments") ;
/// <summary>
/// 主要的方法,用来取得IP,
/// 并计算响应时间
/// </summary>
public static void PingHost(string host)
//Declare the IPHostEntry
IPHostEntry serverHE, fromHE;
int nBytes = 0;
int dwStart = 0, dwStop = 0;
//Initilize a Socket of the Type ICMP
Socket socket =
new Socket(AddressFamily.AfINet, SocketType.SockRaw, ProtocolType.ProtICMP);
// Get the server endpoint
serverHE = DNS.GetHostByName(host);
Console.WriteLine("Host not found"); // fail
return ;
// Convert the server IP_EndPoint to an EndPoint
IPEndPoint ipepServer = new IPEndPoint(serverHE.AddressList[0], 0);
EndPoint epServer = (ipepServer);
// Set the receiving endpoint to the client machine
fromHE = DNS.GetHostByName(DNS.GetHostName());
IPEndPoint ipEndPointFrom = new IPEndPoint(fromHE.AddressList[0], 0);
EndPoint EndPointFrom = (ipEndPointFrom);
int PacketSize = 0;
IcmpPacket packet = new IcmpPacket();
// Construct the packet to send
packet.Type = ICMP_ECHO; //8
packet.SubCode = 0;
packet.CheckSum = UInt16.Parse("0");
packet.Identifier = UInt16.Parse("45");
packet.SequenceNumber = UInt16.Parse("0");
int PingData = 32; // sizeof(IcmpPacket) - 8;
packet.Data = new Byte[PingData];
//Initilize the Packet.Data
for (int i = 0; i < PingData; i++)
packet.Data = (byte)'#';
//Variable to hold the total Packet size
PacketSize = PingData + 8;
Byte [] icmp_pkt_buffer = new Byte[ PacketSize ];
Int32 Index = 0;
//Call a Method Serialize which counts
//The total number of Bytes in the Packet
Index = Serialize(
PingData );
//Error in Packet Size
if( Index == -1 )
Console.WriteLine("Error in Making Packet");
return ;
// now get this critter into a UInt16 array
//Get the Half size of the Packet
Double double_length = Convert.ToDouble(Index);
Double dtemp = Math.Ceil( double_length / 2);
int cksum_buffer_length = Convert.ToInt32(dtemp);
//Create a Byte Array
UInt16 [] cksum_buffer = new UInt16[cksum_buffer_length];
//Code to initialize the Uint16 array
int icmp_header_buffer_index = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < cksum_buffer_length; i++ ) {
cksum_buffer =
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