发表于 2009-6-5 23:40:10
A step-by-step guide to the design and analysis of CMOS operational amplifiers and comparators
This volume is a comprehensive text that offers a detailed treatment ofthe analysis and design principles of two of the most importantcomponents of analog metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) circuits, namelyoperational amplifiers (op-amps) and comparators. The book covers thephysical operation of these components, their design procedures, andapplications to analog MOS circuits-particularly those involvingswitched-capacitor circuits, and analog-to-digital (A/D) anddigital-to-analog (D/A) converters. Roubik Gregorian, a leadingauthority in the field, gives circuit designers the technical knowledgethey need to design high-performance op-amps and comparators suitablefor most analog circuit applications. In this self-contained treatment,which is loosely based on his well-received 1986 book, Analog MOSIntegrated Circuits for Signal Processing (coauthored with Gabor C.Temes), Gregorian reviews the required basics before advancing tostate-of-the-art topics and problem-solving techniques. |