在《PC CARD STANDARD》第二卷“Electrical Specification”的3.2节 Socket Key Selection中, 摘录如下:
A 5 V only socket shall be keyed with the 5 V key which allows only cards with the 5 V key to be inserted.
Sockets which provide 3.3 V or lower voltage VCC levels must implement the Low Voltage (LV) socket. (See the Physical Specification.) This key allows the insertion of both 5 V keyed and Low Voltage keyed cards.
请读过这个标准的朋友解释一下这里的 key是什么意思? 什么叫 keyed with 5V key?
我的理解是卡上有个key引脚,用来标识卡的VCC是5V 还是 低于5V 的Low Voltage。 对不对呢?