A 10.7-MHz CMOS SC radio IF filter using orthogonal hardware modulation 2000
A 15 MHz 20mW BiCMOS switched-capacitor biquad operating with 150Ms pers sampling frequency
A 28-MHz wideband switched-capacitor bandpass filter with transmission zeros for high
attenuation 2005
A 44-MHz wideband switched-capacitor bandpass filter using double-sampling pseudo-two-path
techniques 2005
A 48-16-MHz CMOS SC decimation filter 2002
A 80-MHz bandpass ΔΣ modulator for a 100-MHz IF receiver 2002
A 200-Ms pers 10-mW switched-capacitor filter in 0.5-um CMOS technology 2000
A double-sampling pseudo-two-path bandpass ΔΣ modulator 2000
An integrated CMOS switched-capacitor bandpass filter based on N-path and frequency-sampling
principles 1983
CMOS high-frequency switched-capacitor filters for telecommunication applications 2000
Embedded anti-aliasing in switched-capatitor ladder filter with variable gain and offset
compensation 2002
Low-distortion switched-capacitor filter design techniques 1985
Low-voltage high-speed switched-capacitor circuits without voltage bootstrapper 2003
80-MHz bandpass ΔΣ modulators for multimode digital IF receivers 2003
Continuous-time common-mode feedback for high-speed switched-capacitor networks 2005