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资料共享 今日: 3 |主题: 2380|排名: 22 

[资料] Introduction to InfiniBand Architecture attachment  ...23 cwy691024 2016-4-8 225699 Andy126 2024-4-29 20:33
[资料] High Speed Clock Network Design attachment  ...2 nmq2006 2012-4-12 114265 Andy126 2024-4-29 20:32
[资料] 【eBook 2016 全彩文字版】System on Chip Interfaces for Low Power Design - [阅读权限 10]attach_img  ...23456..14 saysayliam 2016-9-9 1331455 Andy126 2024-4-29 20:28
[资料] IEEE802.3bs standard for 200G/400G Ethernet attachment  ...23456 powerlab 2018-11-19 5513226 Andy126 2024-4-29 20:27
[资料] 【资料】Serdes加串解串资料分享10pdf attach_img  ...2 wangchenglong 2024-2-20 10560 Andy126 2024-4-29 20:21
[资料] Handbook of Serial Communications Interfaces @2016 attach_img  ...23 2046 2022-11-11 252498 Andy126 2024-4-29 20:09
[资料] PCI Express Base Specification Revision 3.1 attach_img  ...2345 胜利象征 2016-7-30 4010513 Andy126 2024-4-29 20:08
[资料] SCSI-3 Multimedia Commands--(For USB mass storage) attachment skyfighter 2011-10-25 92812 zhangfm 2024-4-25 11:44
[资料] JESD204B标准,需要请下载。 attachment  ...23456..11 sq_aqg 2013-1-11 10122961 winter2345 2024-4-22 17:48
[资料] ADAS辅助驾驶和CAN/CAN-FD总线技术资料 attachment wangchenglong 2023-12-1 3430 江俊杰 2024-4-19 09:54
[资料] LIN Specification Package Revision 2.1 attachment davenxiao 2022-8-12 81506 江俊杰 2024-4-19 09:43
[资料] DP CTS 测试协议 attachment 杨_帆 2020-5-29 92706 江俊杰 2024-4-19 09:34
[资料] DP1.4协议手册 新人帖 attachment  ...2345 johncore9402 2020-4-22 448224 江俊杰 2024-4-19 09:21
[资料] PCIe资料介绍中文, attachment  ...23456..18 angel427 2010-8-6 17639584 wangchenglong 2024-4-17 13:27
[资料] 【资料】MIPI协议标准文档集合 CSI DSI DPHY等 attach_img  ...2 wangchenglong 2024-2-6 131006 gubels 2024-4-15 01:47
[资料] LIN总线协议2.0中文翻译版 attachment  ...234 cmgit 2011-11-5 3110322 chinaqu 2024-4-3 10:20
[资料] PCI Express Technology 3.0 attachment  ...23 漏网之鱼Y 2013-12-7 247946 lykang 2024-4-2 18:00
[资料] can_fd_spec BOSCH CAN with Flexible Data-Rate attachment  ...234 songzijian87 2021-3-10 314695 skahill 2024-4-1 10:23
[资料] usb协议与OTG attachment  ...234 ceowchmiao 2014-8-8 3810029 lyd964201 2024-3-30 10:48
[资料] SMBus Specification Ver1.0/1.1/2.0/3.0/3.1/3.2 全 attach_img yuayuuu 2022-9-9 61381 wangchenglong 2024-3-28 13:22
[资料] 非易失性内存主机控制器接口规范NVMe相关资料 新人帖 attachment wangchenglong 2023-11-29 3405 jw216 2024-3-24 18:05
[资料] amd ht3.0 hypertransport 3.0 超经典介绍 英文 attachment  ...2 frx063 2010-9-8 134458 TseNing 2024-3-24 16:14
[资料] MIPI 资料分享 MIPI_D-PHY 1.2 Conformance_Test_Suite 新人帖 attachment bt6767 2024-3-23 0236 bt6767 2024-3-23 15:07
[资料] 车载以太网权威指南, Automotive Ethernet, 英文原版 attachment  ...2345 litterstrong 2021-10-13 465472 sunecho 2024-3-16 09:54
[资料] FPD-Link串行总线借口资料 attachment wangchenglong 2023-12-4 2390 omnik 2024-3-15 15:59
[资料] The Book of I²C @2023 attach_img  ...234 2046 2022-11-18 332915 joel 2024-3-14 14:50
[资料] High-speed Digital Design 中文版 attachment  ...23456..10 HAY_UNOW 2015-10-20 9919853 ldd-1987 2024-3-9 06:17
[资料] 车载以太网中文版 attachment  ...2 litterstrong 2021-10-26 193952 forestchl 2024-3-8 15:04
[资料] SPI总线协议 attachment  ...23456..33 kiter 2010-6-10 32551433 婕尽全力 2024-3-5 14:34
[资料] USB3.2 SPEC attachment  ...2345 twfly 2019-7-26 407818 婕尽全力 2024-3-5 14:33
[资料] MIPI 必备资料分享 MIPI_D-PHY_Conformance_Test_Suite attachment  ...23456..8 cicixu 2016-4-26 7818575 婕尽全力 2024-3-5 14:26
[资料] E-EDID 1.4 & E-DDC 1.1 attachment  ...23 darrenxu 2010-11-9 279309 江俊杰 2024-3-5 10:15
[资料] Hardware-Firmware Interface attachment  ...2345 jeffon_78 2010-7-1 479702 1060067079 2024-3-4 21:34
[资料] DisplayPort技术详解 attachment  ...23456..8 pope1984 2012-6-1 7717360 1060067079 2024-3-4 21:32
[资料] 【Xilinx大牛写的高速接口入门书籍】轻松实现高速串行I_O attachment  ...23456..21 hu200298 2012-11-25 20737221 1060067079 2024-3-4 19:54
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