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[资料] Ye Li的OFDM书,目前读过的最简洁明了的教程 attachment  ...23456..10 rass 2013-1-13 9924876 binnq 昨天 17:49
[资料] 代数和编码 attachment  ...23 luyuan81 2010-2-28 238131 binnq 昨天 17:29
[资料] 【2018书】New Directions in Wireless Communications Systems:From Mobile to 5G attach_img  ...23456 hsh22 2018-8-22 579049 binnq 昨天 17:25
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[资料] Synchronization Techniques for Digital Receivers 共5part attachment  ...23456..19 爱钱的鸽子 2011-3-21 18234239 binnq 昨天 17:19
[资料] Simulation and Software Radio for Mobile Communications(单页版清晰版) attachment  ...23 kerberos 2013-6-12 234843 binnq 昨天 17:15
[资料] Signal Processing for 5G: Algorithms and Implementations attach_img  ...23456..16 spwedasd 2016-8-14 15537082 binnq 昨天 17:11
[资料] Wi-Fi 7技术白皮书 attachment Billmtk 2023-1-7 4871 binnq 昨天 17:07
[资料] 丁奇的另一力作【大话移动通信】,绝对值得一看 attachment  ...23 fengxuheu 2014-3-13 298436 binnq 昨天 17:01
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[经典数字通信讲义]Stanford教授,IEEE会士 John M. Cioffi attachment  ...23456..9 nearfar2008 2008-3-16 8125699 binnq 昨天 16:36
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[资料] 通信原理(第6版) 樊昌信 曹丽娜(真正第六版课件) attachment  ...23456..35 zhengju007 2010-1-25 34759662 binnq 昨天 16:14
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[资料] 推荐NASA的好书《Propagation Effects Handbook for Satellite Systems Design》 attachment  ...23 zhaish 2012-10-13 2511907 binnq 昨天 16:00
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[资料] Channel Coding Theory, Algorithms, and Applications attach_img  ...23456..8 fwbnick 2014-12-13 7715189 binnq 昨天 15:39
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[资料] LDPC编码的研究与硬件实现 attachment  ...2 xinyuyg 2011-3-24 193810 奔月飞猪 昨天 15:09
[资料] 200多页的ppt 软件无线电最新研究进展概述 attachment  ...23456..7 fourwave 2016-9-9 6617824 binnq 昨天 15:07
[资料] Understanding Delta Sigma Data Converters attachment  ...23456..23 kanrobert 2011-2-9 22344492 binnq 昨天 14:58
[资料] 6G 技术(2022新书):无线通信的新维度6G Enabling Technologies attach_img  ...2 zhaish 2023-8-27 161024 binnq 昨天 14:51
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[资料] Long Term Evolution IN BULLETS First Edition attach_img  ...23456..7 spwedasd 2014-4-22 6313759 binnq 昨天 14:39
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[资料] Fundamentals of Kalman Filtering A Practical Approach, Third Edition+代码 attach_img  ...23456 陈豪俊 2011-3-27 5311470 binnq 昨天 14:31
[资料] 我也推荐一本书 ((相位噪声)) attachment  ...23456..7 nj8888 2012-8-13 6712573 binnq 昨天 14:21
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