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[原创] Optical Communications Essentials-ebook attachment  ...2 A1985 2010-6-3 123309 2017-8-18 12:19
[原创] Next Generation Telecommunications Networks, Services, and Management attachment qhl0222_cn 2010-8-28 82844 ykabc11 2017-7-18 14:26
[原创] Small Antennas: Miniaturization Techniques & Applications attach_img  ...2 Jason.tschen 2016-1-30 112935 13138964691 2017-5-27 22:40
[原创] Daniel P. Palomar新作,做信号处理的可以看看。 attachment fangbing215 2017-3-13 61838 sunl_rui 2017-5-26 10:21
[原创] PTR 2007: Fundamentals of WiMAX: Understanding Broadband Wireless Networking attachment  ...2345 benemale 2008-10-3 407373 moslovesbjt 2017-5-12 19:00
[原创] 2010 年 西电LDPC 码构造 博士论文 attachment zgdzdjkf2009 2013-4-3 43332 Jason.tschen 2017-5-3 08:31
[原创] 求2013年7月-9月IEEE&ISSCC上关于RF&RFIC方面的文章(含相关的letters) angelaboy 2013-9-17 12524 zmnju 2017-5-2 21:30
[原创] 求HDLC官方协议 2017-5-2 01180 2017-5-2 09:32
[原创] A Course in Lens Design attach_img Jason.tschen 2015-12-24 72261 soso1304 2017-3-9 08:46
[原创] Optical Specification, Fabrication, and Testing Perfect attach_img Jason.tschen 2015-12-24 91876 hychuchen 2017-3-5 13:03
[原创] 彩光模块+波分复用器(WDM)在室分BBU+RRU中的使用 zhu152460 2016-12-6 12055 chinest2010 2017-2-22 13:58
[原创] OPNET网络仿真[最新版] attachment  ...23 liyixiaohappy 2011-5-10 275745 xiaoshao 2017-2-21 11:27
[原创] Wireless Information Network (Second Edition)-KAVEH PAHLAVAN attach_img  ...2 chenjun0789 2010-9-18 103929 efong 2017-2-15 17:52
[原创] Wireless.Data.Demystified-ebook attachment A1985 2010-6-3 61804 efong 2017-2-15 15:12
[原创] Error Control Coding for B3G/4G Wireless Systems - [阅读权限 3]attach_img  ...2 Jason.tschen 2015-10-23 15174 efong 2017-2-12 12:22
[原创] GPS: Theory, Algorithms and Applications , 3rd ed. 2016 Edition attach_img  ...234 Jason.tschen 2016-7-31 314828 caltech_usa 2017-2-11 00:20
[原创] Turbo Coding, Turbo Equalisation And Space-time Coding (2nd Edition) attach_img  ...23 Jason.tschen 2016-1-23 224119 jw216 2017-1-26 14:28
[原创] Adaptive Stochastic Optimization Techniques with Applications attach_img  ...23 Jason.tschen 2016-1-19 223750 yongenchen 2016-12-28 10:13
[原创] 浅谈一下机械式光开关的应用 zhu152460 2016-11-10 11454 apteye 2016-11-20 14:00
[原创] IEEE CL 上 ldpc 构造的一篇好文,值得一看。 attachment zgdzdjkf2009 2013-4-3 31475 15123029576 2016-11-16 11:03
[原创] 【Springer 2010 新书】Digital Communication: Principles and System Modelling attachment  ...23456..7 lotusky 2010-8-24 6812655 iaminbj 2016-11-8 10:09
[原创] High-Speed Digital System design(英文版) attachment  ...23456 chidao9999 2009-12-21 5211173 gregoryw 2016-10-18 23:56
[原创] Oscillator Phase Noise attachment  ...2 yunyong_i 2010-8-14 122707 flyoung_lee 2016-10-4 07:26
[原创] 基于FPGA的数字上下变频器的研究与实现 attachment stevewxb123 2011-4-5 41773 hjj1123 2016-9-28 09:03
[原创] 分享一款千元以下的雷达产品(可用于定位、避障、导航) attach_img benewake 2016-5-11 21881 auspiciouschen 2016-8-30 09:37
[原创] Modern Small Antennas 1st Edition attach_img  ...2 Jason.tschen 2016-1-30 152603 chriszbx 2016-7-24 07:10
[原创] Frontiers in Antennas: Next Generation Design & Engineering attach_img Jason.tschen 2016-1-31 41407 fyqy0813 2016-5-21 14:59
[原创] 我所收集的国内的pll论文资料打包下载 attachment duke638002 2015-6-20 71634 fwutsairlin 2016-5-13 18:09
[原创] Advanced Digital Signal Processing and Noise Reduction attach_img  ...2 coolgold 2011-11-26 113405 fwutsairlin 2016-5-10 16:25
[原创] IPv6 Advanced Protocols Implementation attachment  ...2 qhl0222_cn 2010-8-28 102859 fwutsairlin 2016-5-7 13:26
[原创] Enabling Optical Internet with Advanced Network Technologies attachment qhl0222_cn 2010-8-27 51645 fwutsairlin 2016-5-1 15:01
[原创] 大围长LDPC码的一个重要性质 attachment zgdzdjkf2009 2010-12-21 21551 nico0811 2016-4-27 21:09
[原创] Mobile Point-of-Care Monitors and Diagnostic Device Design attach_img Jason.tschen 2015-12-24 31864 jimcmwang 2016-4-21 14:40
[原创] ADSL, VDSL, and Multicarrier Modulation attachment  ...2 cxl666 2010-11-7 112642 stephen_jobs 2016-4-18 14:32
[原创] Storage Networks Explained attachment cwy691024 2016-4-8 21478 apteye 2016-4-10 12:54
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