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[转贴] 新概念51单片机C语言教程——入门、提高、开发、拓展(郭天祥) 免费下载版 attach_img  ...23456 Tnavy 2010-4-12 5214591 unnamed911 2015-4-14 21:16
[转贴] FPGA时序精辟讲解 attachment  ...2 hgp0117 2012-1-4 154850 shuzidianlu 2012-9-19 15:29
[转贴] Xilinx@14.2@Lic attachment  ...23 posix6973 2012-8-24 235052 inderjit 2017-6-21 10:52
[转贴] upf 1.0 standard attachment  ...23 fanstics 2010-6-26 246397 窜天猴 2021-6-3 14:11
[转贴] 一种DC_DC转换器芯片的过温保护电路设计 attachment  ...2 huangshuyan 2010-10-9 193962 yangchao521 2012-6-27 14:28
[转贴] 电路设计的可靠性(一篇好文章) attachment  ...23 feixuemeng 2010-10-23 205339 keith527 2015-4-7 15:51
[转贴] primetime 2010.06 advanced timing analysis User guide attachment  ...23 guruzoa_naver 2013-7-7 227021 zzmmyy 2021-11-27 15:25
[转贴] Engineering the Complex SOC chm attachment  ...234 text108 2010-2-20 399674 winster 2015-5-30 14:06
[转贴] 内存技术指南 attachment  ...2 半人小马 2011-6-10 173113 robinsuper 2012-11-14 21:09
[转贴] 台湾CIC的Full-Custom IC Design Flow for PC attachment  ...23 飞扬紫百合 2013-12-24 215357 james816 2019-12-13 20:38
[转贴] DDR2内存 attachment  ...2 jacksu520 2011-1-7 162729 alsome 2011-1-11 16:04
[转贴] verilog黄金参考指南中文版 attachment  ...2 lingz2007 2011-7-19 184233 gagmeng 2011-10-16 10:32
[转贴] fpga开发1000例子 attachment  ...2345 jlynner 2010-7-9 416916 alexpanait 2010-11-2 05:58
[转贴] 经典文章--如何写好状态机  ...23 lhpred 2008-7-28 244149 zhangrenzhe001 2012-2-10 22:27
[转贴] hsim2010.3 15M大附件 赶快下载啊 attachment  ...2 leefuture2012 2011-5-25 137489 lygjqxu 2020-11-26 11:58
[转贴] 如何写好状态机 attachment  ...2 qinzhanao 2011-10-28 164622 jw_cai 2018-7-17 20:47
[转贴] OReilly.Python.for.Unix.and.Linux.System.Administration. attachment  ...2 guruzoa 2012-7-12 143620 dreamfly123123 2018-5-11 15:05
[转贴] 转个经典的面试题 attachment  ...23456..7 wushihai 2010-6-15 6314943 tomdong074 2016-6-20 08:45
[转贴] Synopsys VCS培训资料 attachment  ...2345 soelife 2010-1-27 457971 hbhdzyj 2011-8-1 12:40
[转贴] 绝杀片间通信技术_邓旭 attachment  ...2 bbjj123 2011-5-4 113846 maizchen 2011-5-17 15:17
[转贴] Simulink--Dynamic System Simulation for MatLab attach_img  ...2 gaconht 2010-11-28 133030 ming2f 2014-4-17 11:17
[转贴] Intel Quartus Prime Standard Edition 18.1 DLL (patched sys_cpt.dll) attachment  ...23 podstava1 2018-10-26 228320 nekitoz 2022-10-26 23:29
[转贴] Engineering the Complex SOC  ...23456..14 vanduongbk 2010-2-18 13216299 lydin 2011-3-6 12:46
[转贴] 很经典一片sdram的文章 attachment  ...23 fishxl 2010-3-8 294958 qynwhu 2011-7-13 16:45
[转贴] XILINX DCM使用文档 attachment  ...23 daixin3ztbb 2010-1-23 215228 henry_g 2013-10-8 20:45
[转贴] 《基于XILINX FPGA嵌入式系统设计与开发》第七章 attachment  ...2 molys 2014-2-18 177195 lj19820319 2021-5-11 16:11
[转贴] Quartus II 中Tsu/Tco 的约束方法 attachment  ...23 zmslf 2010-4-16 296975 disappear 2020-3-25 11:50
[转贴] 运算放大器初学者资料 attachment  ...2 wangxinfree 2011-2-25 133194 caesar_zhang 2011-8-3 10:12
[转贴] [资料] Download Synopsys Installer 2.8 & SCL 11.4  ...23 quocvietdn167 2013-12-23 208297 pengjunqi1978 2022-4-19 10:40
[转贴] 《基于XILINX FPGA嵌入式系统设计与开发》第八章 attachment  ...2 molys 2014-2-18 125764 sxtz531 2019-4-1 21:29
[转贴] synplify2019.03工具与hspice2019.06工具 attachment  ...23456..7 沃尔曼 2020-3-19 6114800 tvman2015 2024-1-24 17:20
[转贴] Xilinx 使用教學 attachment  ...2 jasonlhb 2010-8-7 195286 dreamfly123123 2018-1-18 08:24
[转贴] 如何计算FPGA的工作频率 attachment  ...2 jingshuizhuxin 2010-12-20 126994 wang8875 2016-9-21 16:25
[转贴] FPGA设计的四种常用思想与技巧 attachment  ...2 jingshuizhuxin 2010-12-20 102544 bld 2011-6-20 21:39
[转贴] CAN总线入门书 attachment  ...2 半人小马 2011-6-20 124301 haizaolan 2021-11-29 21:37
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