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ADS License Problem ModyKing 2016-5-30 33519 chr16897 2023-9-17 10:13
Silvaco TCAD 2018 Windows [新] attach_img  ...23456..11 yalezhong 2018-8-1 10127104 poungkimo 2023-9-16 10:44
Tcl_Tk入门经典(第二版) attachment  ...2345 liuhaib11 2012-8-31 4110447 rauljin 2023-9-14 15:59
PDF Slices (VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems :design and implemtion) attachment  ...23 cici520 2014-5-7 277559 tracy6969 2023-9-13 22:04
The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits (8th Edition) (2016) (Wiley) Thomas attach_img  ...23456..8 ab3028 2016-9-8 7117240 opqfeixue122 2023-9-11 18:23
介质滤波器的设计资料1 attachment ybc200808 2013-6-19 31633 dannymu 2023-9-11 17:47
[重大更新][Quartus 新版Linux破解器][17.1 正式版][下载链接和破解器] attachment  ...23456..8 suns 2017-11-29 7524059 shreek 2023-9-11 08:35
经tapeout可用Sentaurus-TCAD服务器版 attachment haiyangaofei 2013-4-14 41895 419593821 2023-9-8 08:56
Gdsview(tapeout之前在windows系统里用来看GDS文件的最好的工具) attachment  ...234 co-star 2012-6-8 3513602 419593821 2023-9-8 08:49
Micro-Cap 11 Evaluation Version attachment  ...23456..7 bu2zhouzhu 2014-2-15 6020996 海上飞鱼 2023-9-6 16:18
发几篇关于D触发器的论文~ attachment  ...2 玉泉禅 2013-3-14 107404 tracy6969 2023-9-6 04:26
Synopsys zebu 资料 attachment  ...2 tonkie 2016-9-5 124599 hideonbush 2023-9-5 09:05
【功耗分析经典】流程介绍,powercompiler,primepower,nanosim,powermill attachment  ...23456..32 lshrrr 2009-12-28 31049785 dongdong5103 2023-9-1 11:35
Identify 2009.06 SP4 (Windows) attachment  ...234 hyperpicc 2010-6-14 357982 jordanko 2023-8-31 20:15
Calibre 2013~2016百度盘 attachment  ...23456..19 SegmentFaults 2016-9-27 18944771 cmmjava 2023-8-30 14:54
集成电路设计制造中EDA工具实用教程 attachment  ...23456..11 s98006368 2010-4-8 10630201 tracy6969 2023-8-30 09:35
ADS2015.01 win64/linux patch attach_img  ...23456..96 snk88 2014-12-12 954189443 adong2838 2023-8-28 16:38
hspice_vG-2012.06-SP1_Linux & simif_vG-2012.06 attachment  ...23456..7 fangmei 2012-12-21 6514324 FarmerJoe 2023-8-26 18:11
Microwave Office for ACE MMIC Design 視頻 attachment  ...2 chunhsiung 2011-8-30 1311162 yangjunliang 2023-8-26 08:47
ADS2015 help文件【PDF压缩】 attach_img hovem2011 2017-4-20 53133 Stilnox 2023-8-25 20:06
Accelerated reliability engineering HALT and HASS Gregg K. Hobbs Wiley attachment  ...23 zhanghaifeng 2016-9-12 205481 keenboyee 2023-8-25 07:57
英文书及解答:CMOS Analog Circuit Design, 2ed, Allen & Holberg attachment  ...23456..9 mystrip 2011-9-12 8722059 wonringking 2023-8-23 00:19
射频集成电路与系统 仿真 入门教程 attachment  ...23 brightlee20 2013-8-2 236992 tracy6969 2023-8-22 23:44
Virtuoso中版图合并与最后的验证 attachment  ...2 zhouweiscut 2012-12-1 124195 cmmjava 2023-8-19 23:09
TechWiz LCD 3D attachment  ...2345 speedrain 2010-12-19 4720833 HL1234 2023-8-19 20:22
悬赏 请问谁有cadence sigrity linux的破解资料 - [悬赏 100 信元资产] attach_img  ...23 sifuxiaolang 2017-11-29 218791 wqr2gy 2023-8-18 23:26
lots of free source codes sites attachment ald_syn_cad 2012-4-2 41728 anthonydong 2023-8-18 13:21
tensilica的xtensa7 CPU attachment  ...2 dingyy123456 2010-9-11 185180 anthonydong 2023-8-18 11:01
Mentor Questa CDC Formal10.4(linux) cxq1846 2016-11-13 53422 jordanko 2023-8-18 10:25
cadence学习视频 attach_img Shipley 2016-8-24 32573 cmmjava 2023-8-17 23:38
《CMOS运算放大器和比较器的设计及应用 》黄晓宗 译 attachment  ...234 枫叶不凋零 2018-7-31 328227 dannymu 2023-8-14 15:33
AWR Design Environment 13 attachment  ...23456..39 soar001 2017-3-1 38550780 tracy6969 2023-8-11 23:25
Design Compiler M-2016.12 Update Training attachment  ...234 ViaEDA 2017-2-20 359719 tracy6969 2023-8-11 04:50
candence 中文教程 attachment tianxinemail 2015-8-4 63482 fishyfishy 2023-8-9 14:15
Electronics Workshop Companion for Hobbyists - Stan Gibilisco (2015) attachment  ...23 ab3028 2016-10-18 215388 tracy6969 2023-8-8 23:01
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