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edid标准 attachment ykk 2011-10-20 51565 tracy6969 2024-3-5 10:50
INCISIVE152 網碟 attach_img  ...23456..17 vitohong 2017-8-29 16144699 yunsgao 2024-3-2 23:26
Low Power VLSI Design: Fundamentals attachment  ...23 ab3028 2017-10-2 276406 qwqwasas1234 2024-3-2 10:28
cadence PAS(PDK tool) 破解 attach_img  ...23456..8 bbqlhq 2016-3-9 7224874 TomMiao 2024-2-29 15:14
ansoft maxwell 12.1 安装(含破解文件) attachment  ...23456..24 nostopper 2011-7-20 23145426 A_W 2024-2-27 19:17
Mentor Graphics's New EFA Keygen- updated 3/26/2012 attach_img  ...23456..25 ald_syn_cad 2012-5-2 24667982 weigaozu 2024-2-27 11:31
(中文培训录像)用Matlab和Simulink进行数模混频设计 attachment  ...23456 mystrip 2011-9-7 5510829 tracy6969 2024-2-27 02:33
DC入门教程合集 Design Compiler attachment  ...23456..8 cactuss 2013-5-10 7720253 超高校级的海绵 2024-2-26 12:22
synplify 2015.09 for linux 百度云 attachment  ...2345 jasonpeng 2015-10-29 4112245 zhb9103 2024-2-25 11:32
nlint安装包 attachment  ...2345 低空翾翔 2017-3-16 4011595 skahill 2024-2-24 08:31
[2011-1-2][软件][PTC][MATHCAD][][破解] attachment agree  ...23456..8 linphone 2011-1-2 7616868 cctv1000 2024-2-24 06:20
模拟电路版图艺术中文第二版(高清PDF) attachment  ...23456..24 jazz 2010-9-7 23662466 hxxskylark 2024-2-23 16:20
AnsoftLinks 6 attach_img  ...23456..40 ns1213 2012-4-28 39369924 yiwang-base 2024-2-22 12:35
Spyglass快速入门 attachment  ...23456..11 csulym 2013-3-9 10525557 wllee 2024-2-22 08:43
SNPS DWC IIP安装软件 dw_iip_axi_2011.01 attachment  ...23456..12 leewg 2012-4-6 11845813 tracy6969 2024-2-22 05:01
Altium_Designer_官方培训教材(合集)_全_1-23_Module attachment  ...23456 koooiooo 2013-1-9 5311246 rachel0131 2024-2-19 10:26
Silvaco 2016/2015 所有工具微软用药 (TCAD, AMS, ICCAD) attachment  ...23456..18 enndub 2016-4-23 17334018 amirjon 2024-2-19 06:00
Riviera-PRO-2012.06 with Medicine(你懂的) attachment  ...23456 jorison 2012-10-2 5414638 tracy6969 2024-2-19 00:13
orcad library builder V17.2 attachment  ...23456..13 cxt668 2016-4-13 12122119 tracy6969 2024-2-19 00:11
Horowitz - Learning the Art of Electronics A Hands-On Lab Course attachment  ...2345 ab3028 2018-11-29 458603 tracy6969 2024-2-17 21:56
【TCAD新书】TCAD: fundamentals, simulations and applications  ...23456..51 junliang0701 2017-6-13 50251343 igolaps 2024-2-16 18:51
计算电磁场的矩量法(PDF) attachment wendy2008 2010-7-5 83149 skahill 2024-2-15 11:13
Silvaco TCAD 虚拟机百度云 attach_img  ...23456..8 dreamflying61 2019-1-24 7520769 tracy6969 2024-2-14 06:46
Introduction to Magnetic Random-Access Memory (2016) attachment  ...2345 ab3028 2016-12-30 478641 tracy6969 2024-2-9 18:13
【ADS 2016.01】Advanced Design System 2016.01 crack attach_img  ...23456..187 lovemini 2016-2-3 1866205232 panqiang 2024-2-8 17:38
silvaco tcad-2014 win版 64位 附破解文件及详细步骤 attachment  ...23456..9 top_lei 2016-4-4 8622568 ronehwa 2024-2-7 19:51
$ynopsys VIP(Verification IP) attachment  ...23456..32 hhuigy 2013-1-23 31081075 广梅 2024-2-7 11:13
ANSYS Products 2019 R1 Windows/Linux + Doc attachment  ...23456 lodestar6666 2019-1-23 5112746 gubels 2024-2-7 10:51
Low Power Methodology Manual attachment ime 2010-3-23 33458 tracy6969 2024-2-7 02:19
Reuse Methodology Manual for SoC Designs attachment copra 2010-11-5 41645 tracy6969 2024-2-7 02:17
CST Studio Suite 5.0 2006 2008 2009 2010 2011 及相关教程 下载  ...2345 wangshuxin0228 2012-6-25 4422699 inthenorth 2024-2-6 13:56
Digital Systems Principles and Applicationsn (12th Edition) (2016) Tocci attachment  ...23456..8 ab3028 2016-9-4 7316437 cmmjava 2024-2-5 14:38
Silvaco TCAD 2018 RHEL64及配套STR [新] attach_img  ...23456 yalezhong 2018-8-2 5211649 tracy6969 2024-2-4 23:35
Mentor 2015 测试可用的license generator attachment  ...23456..8 chenjunic 2016-8-31 7422125 tracy6969 2024-2-4 03:09
分享著名的《数学物理百科全书》( Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics ) attachment  ...23 20083032 2013-12-10 254961 398144753 2024-2-3 15:14
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