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Vxworks网络编程,绝对好。 attachment  ...23456 hzmhhp0421 2008-1-10 5013693 im.leo 2020-12-13 16:38
[资料] 嵌入式Linux基础教程(图灵程序设计丛书)(Embedded Linux Primer) attachment  ...23456 like_pach 2010-11-8 5013597 lsjhon# 2024-2-19 09:54
uC/OS-II版本笔记 attachment  ...23456..7 sniperlee 2006-9-22 6513497 zengfa 2010-10-23 18:55
英文原版书籍:Embedded Systems andComputer Architecture attachment  ...23456..9 liudashuang 2008-6-25 8913495 yihongq 2020-9-3 11:37
[资料] vim设置命令汇总 attachment  ...23 yangclrockchips 2010-1-13 2113410 285940684 2016-6-19 17:27
[ebook]《Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems》 attachment  ...23456 johnsonni 2006-12-16 5413386 lejiajing 2023-7-2 06:32
[资料] ncverilog脚本 attachment  ...2345 gswen 2010-7-27 4913324 lbbyxmoran 2020-8-5 17:31
Programming Embedded Systems with C and GNU Development Tools, 2nd Edition attachment  ...23456..8 blance 2008-3-10 7213267 tom0626 2011-11-5 13:23
[原创] 各类单片机入门(51/PIC /AVR等等)提高精品视频教程  ...2 296636881 2010-5-15 1013304 chengji 2019-1-29 18:03
北京大学 嵌入式开发讲义 attachment  ...23456..7 hongtian 2005-3-24 6713239 hzmhhp0421 2008-1-13 14:40
[原创] 嵌入式学习好资料 seearm 2010-4-28 013140 seearm 2010-4-28 09:48
嵌入式c编程语言入门与深入 attachment  ...23456..10 xqq 2007-7-12 9113145 ormstrang 2018-7-28 22:53
[原创] ARM vxworks 教程 attachment  ...2345 xjznmd 2010-11-12 4113116 ygx0225 2021-5-29 13:53
Nucleus Plus for OMAP 操作系统源码 attachment  ...23456 twodiamond 2005-10-27 5713133 oxm01606@iaoss. 2019-8-8 01:04
OReilly电子书:C和C++嵌入式系統編程和.Linux设备驱动(第3版) attachment  ...23456..7 wen_yeah 2007-4-12 6313084 jimcmwang 2015-3-20 13:40
[资料] Altera Arria 10 FPGA硬件加速平台 attach_img  ...23456..10 freefpga007 2018-8-22 9812984 freefpga007 2019-5-23 10:05
经典嵌入式书籍 Embedded+Systems+Firmware+Demystified attachment  ...2345 mistyrain 2009-3-24 4612970 xxx715 2020-6-30 19:07
uClinux内核与与驱动开发 attachment  ...23456..9 herey8888888 2006-8-24 8012929 gyj82117 2010-12-25 11:33
uCOS-II原理 任哲 attachment  ...23456..10 eaglefanxp 2009-4-5 9213003 gyp45 2014-6-1 14:01
Linux高级技巧集 attachment digest  ...23456 lovevicky 2007-3-25 5112919 ormstrang 2018-8-3 00:14
[资料] 刘晓涛Linux开发的系列视频教程——《Linux基础》,强烈推荐!!! attachment  ...23456 智慧棒 2012-1-28 5212890 kl_upc 2023-1-10 22:22
UC/OS操作系统第二版(邵贝贝著)的光盘资料 attachment  ...23456..14 hyljx1219 2008-6-4 13412912 qinghua_2008 2011-3-16 20:03
uCOS-II中文版电子书 attachment  ...23456..7 jluxzp 2006-8-21 6712902 billy1012 2009-4-14 16:34
Linux shell 设计精华 attachment  ...23456..8 eetop_player 2006-12-5 7912853 cipsa 2014-9-17 09:27
ucos下的lwip移植笔记(pdf) attachment  ...23456..7 jimmyjin_123 2008-12-29 6112874 david69 2015-5-15 12:43
好咚咚——LINUX驱动程序开发经典 attachment  ...2345 assert 2006-1-18 4512828 freebigfish 2021-9-8 09:39
linux设备驱动程序(中文第三版) 2.6内核(完整版) attachment  ...23456..7 xulei_0627 2009-3-16 6512870 im.leo 2023-12-9 10:30
【eBook】Embedded Microprocessor Systems: Real World Design attachment  ...23456..9 Zyson 2007-5-29 8412758 soldierwuhan 2021-12-18 16:02
经典C书 [C和指针 C专家编程 C陷阱与缺陷 C++沉思录] attachment  ...23456..7 jixiaolin18 2008-9-18 6912785 yxy7968 2020-5-14 17:01
值得一看的makefile中文教程,linux用户必看! attachment  ...23456..7 wwwcxb 2006-4-27 6112759 joshuacp 2019-12-5 08:44
[原创] 代码之美中文版_C语言的编程艺术 attachment  ...2345 grc521 2010-10-18 4012658 江洋 2023-7-21 16:19
linux kernel api手册 attachment  ...23456 taoyuetao 2006-6-29 5012521 highbury14 2014-10-14 09:16
bootloader 技术内幕 attachment  ...23456..10 dfsmile 2007-11-24 9612479 henryqin 2010-3-3 23:23
[资料] 书籍:LINUX命令、编辑器与SHELL编程 attachment  ...234 hyseasmile 2011-3-29 3212461 liangcho80 2021-5-31 00:57
东南大学研究生06年Linux讲义! attachment  ...23456..7 kongdetao 2006-4-27 6812349 cheungxy_0707 2011-2-22 15:12
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