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人工智能AI/深度学习 今日: 0|主题: 570|排名: 196 

版主: spwedasd
[资料] [MachineVision]入门书籍欢迎下载 attach_img  ...23456 wonderwind 2017-7-18 5310702 liujx_uestc 2018-10-22 12:55
[资料] 模式识别中文版图书 机械电子出版社 attachment  ...2345 wusq121 2017-5-23 4210638 sutaotao2001 2023-8-5 01:26
[资料] Python基础教程(第3版) attachment  ...2345 royct 2018-8-17 439882 诠释幸福 2022-8-22 18:05
[资料] 计算机视觉顶会CVPR2017的6篇推荐paper attachment  ...234 zenggzh 2017-10-12 369803 cacc 2020-7-22 15:34
[资料] AI最新干货|百度人工智能AI分享,60页PPT attach_img  ...234 jackzhang 2017-9-25 309423 genechen98 2019-4-1 18:30
[资料] opencv4快速入门 attach_img weila9 2021-6-17 99224 ford 2023-1-30 12:22
[资料] NVIDIA TESLA V100 GPU ARCHITECTURE attachment  ...2 totuwei 2019-11-6 188976 Ryggeor 2023-12-26 23:52
[资料] Stanford概率图模型:Daphne Koller高清晰鸿篇巨著 attachment  ...234 lipinshengxp 2018-1-7 368652 xlteam2 2023-1-7 20:13
[资料] python计算机视觉 attachment  ...234 woshinijiadidi 2018-8-19 378594 tom0626 2020-8-19 11:25
[资料] 机器学习_ 学习笔记 (all in one) attachment  ...2 spark.zhao 2019-9-29 168576 omnik 2021-11-22 21:55
[资料] Memristive Devices for Brain-Inspired Computing: From Materials, Devices, and Circuits to Applications - Computationa... attachment  ...2 hadd 2020-10-13 168573 piao 2023-10-6 16:22
[资料] [图灵程序设计丛书]《深度学习的数学》 attach_img  ...2345 lans0625 2021-12-28 498590 leonardo_z 2024-3-21 09:00
[资料] Deep learningforvisualunderstanding:Areview attachment  ...234 ponderboy 2017-9-11 368330 smh 2020-2-21 11:30
[资料] 《人工智能中的深度结构学习》pdf分享 attachment  ...2 lans0625 2021-8-20 178223 omnik 2023-9-2 17:56
[资料] Data Classification Algorithms and Applications attachment  ...23 spwedasd 2017-11-22 228001 AlexKe 2020-10-19 16:58
[资料] Multidimensional Particle Swarm Optimization for Machine Learning ... attach_img  ...23 littleboyyz 2017-6-27 257865 AlexKe 2020-10-19 17:17
[资料] Machine Learning in Action attachment  ...23 ID2007 2018-3-27 267842 colorstone 2021-2-5 17:09
[资料] 《TensorFlowFor Machine Intelligence》英文版pdf attach_img  ...2 lans0625 2021-10-3 167750 semileon 2024-2-26 18:41
[资料] 那天发个m工的资料  ...234 小鸟儿 2018-4-15 367537 小鸟儿 2019-5-2 22:29
[资料] 高盛人工智能报告_中文版 attachment  ...2 莫莘辛宇 2020-3-20 187484 csuyc 2021-2-17 21:04
[资料] 斯坦福大学提出采用循环神经网络进行文件无损压缩算法,最高强过传统压缩算法上百倍 attachment  ...23 jackzhang 2018-1-6 217489 AlexKe 2020-11-11 16:15
[资料] 不是经典不推荐-语音与语言处理Speech+and+Language+Processing attachment  ...234 angle963 2018-1-27 357325 lzj126 2020-9-3 10:20
[资料] Python数据处理 中文清晰版 attachment  ...23 fengxuheu 2020-4-12 237247 dannymu 2023-2-21 16:59
[资料] 《多智能体机器学习:强化学习方法》pdf分享 attachment  ...23 lans0625 2021-8-20 257155 wendy235711 2023-12-6 08:20
[资料] 【资料分享】2018中国人工智能商业落地 研究报告 attachment  ...23 simonjin 2018-6-16 277005 zzq81 2020-3-9 22:01
[资料] 627页的《Pytorch官方教程》中文版pdf attachment  ...234 lans0625 2021-11-24 376973 hclin 2024-2-20 01:38
[资料] Python高性能编程 attachment  ...2 血溶伊剑 2021-7-31 197024 sutaotao2001 2024-3-11 09:15
[资料] python相关书籍 新人帖 attachment  ...23 若明 2019-7-10 236960 zlhrsy 2020-10-23 17:22
[资料] 《图解深度学习》中文翻译版 attach_img  ...234 lans0625 2021-9-5 346875 jiangnaner 2023-7-4 07:23
[资料] 【1.38GB】Python+OpenCV3.3图像处理视频教程 attach_img  ...2 zgaytc 2020-9-2 186629 shawn104 2022-10-25 09:56
[资料] VR,AR,虚拟现实,增强现实,混合现实的一些资料(Springer,Wiley) attach_img  ...2 juhuapaul 2021-3-19 126584 soldierwuhan 2023-12-4 08:07
[资料] 《深度学习:方法及应用》pdf分享 attachment  ...2 lans0625 2021-8-20 156510 jw216 2022-8-6 14:40
[资料] Python自然语言处理_中文版 attachment  ...2 莫莘辛宇 2020-3-20 106509 zhsh94 2022-3-2 07:25
[资料] 《解析深度学习 语音识别实践》中文翻译版pdf attach_img  ...2 lans0625 2021-10-2 156547 Quinlan 2024-1-10 07:57
[资料] Computing with Memory for Energy-Efficient Robust Systems attachment  ...2 hadd 2020-10-13 166458 wangchenglong 2024-1-29 16:08
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