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版主: fwbnick
公告 公告: 大附件建议上传在云盘,然后分享链接(可以自行设定下载积分) jackzhang 2024-2-27    
[原创] Optical Electronics in Modern Communications_6th Ed attachment  ...234 gtb105 2011-6-29 319995 yyqygdx 2022-1-18 08:58
[原创] 40G100G关键技术V1.2-赵文玉 attachment  ...234 wocccccc 2015-12-10 3920387 yyqygdx 2022-1-18 08:47
[原创] Optical Networks A Practical Perspective, 3rd Edition attachment  ...234 qhl0222_cn 2010-9-3 3219295 AlexKe 2020-12-11 17:51
[原创] Huawei 50G PAM4 技术白皮书 attachment  ...2345 shsini 2018-9-7 4934907 zlhrsy 2023-8-25 11:56
[原创] SFP+_光模块测试指导 attachment  ...23 wocccccc 2015-12-10 2830912 XYxiemo 2022-7-29 18:11
[原创] Essentials of Modern Optical Fiber Communication, 2nd edition attach_img  ...23 Jason.tschen 2016-7-21 2811911 haizaolan 2020-11-4 10:20
[原创] PHOTONIC CRYSTALS attachment  ...2 nova6 2014-5-23 169614 s98006368 2020-9-22 23:17
[原创] Principles of Photonics attachment  ...23 Jason.tschen 2016-8-21 246494 RSTZYP 2024-3-24 09:22
[原创] The ComSoc Guide to Next Generation Optical Transport-SDH-SONET-OTN attachment  ...23 qhl0222_cn 2010-8-30 2516199 qptom 2021-7-28 19:23
[原创] 光子学 , 现代通信光电子学(第六版) attach_img agree  ...23 Jason.tschen 2016-9-6 2828895 eisbergeisberg 2022-10-8 09:43
[原创] SFF-8431_SFP+_Technology attachment  ...2 wocccccc 2015-12-10 175956 hossam_fadeel 2019-12-11 20:16
[原创] 光模块收发光功率对应表 attachment  ...2 ZL123ZL123 2015-5-8 127037 l224 2020-8-25 23:11
[原创] Foundations for guided-wave optics attachment ModyKing 2018-3-10 52232 eastlau 2018-5-2 20:25
[原创] 802.3-2018 - IEEE Standard for Ethernet 新人帖 attachment  ...2345 tinkertux 2020-5-27 4556408 dasubuaa 2024-5-13 15:13
[原创] Broadband Optical Access Networks and Fiber-to-the-Home attachment  ...2 qhl0222_cn 2010-8-30 137335 haoxchao828 2020-11-16 10:41
[原创] quantum mechanics book WindCloud 2014-11-3 52549 zzq81 2019-11-24 15:17
[原创] PON技术的发展历程 attach_img sky_pig 2015-2-6 44221 shorling 2017-7-23 14:01
[原创] Advances in Photonic Crystals attachment nova6 2014-5-19 64040 s98006368 2020-9-22 23:38
[原创] SFF-8472_v11.0 attachment wocccccc 2015-12-10 63067 ffggg 2020-5-21 15:21
[原创] 求书 梦幻王子 2014-12-18 52238 真我个性 2016-5-27 09:24
[原创] Alasdair Gilchrist - A Concise Guide To DWDM - Optical Transport Networks (2015) ptd 2018-3-26 41874 dbdavid 2018-5-3 08:52
[原创] 《高等光学仿真 MATLAB版——光波导,激光》电子书+源码分享 attachment  ...2 艾艾小阳 2021-4-12 1515981 abcabc007 2022-6-3 17:10
[原创] Optical Communication Receiver Design_Stephen B. Alexander attachment  ...2 wuende 2022-6-21 112705 AliciaT 2023-12-18 17:13
[原创] 有没有会用VPI的,VPI来接一个私活,足不出户,赚外快 chenwen3678 2017-2-9 44177 asdalaah 2020-9-20 03:12
悬赏 [原创] 有画光芯片版图的吗? 新人帖 - [悬赏 500 信元资产] attachment  ...2 梅希 2022-7-5 202773 梅希 2023-3-30 15:30
[原创] 25G BERT/50G BERT /100G BERT/24.33G BERT 误码仪 zhlking 2017-3-16 24042 zhlking 2017-4-4 21:36
[原创] Broadband Circuits for Optical Fiber Communication.Wiley.2005 attachment wuende 2022-6-21 62228 jack_20150410 2023-11-9 10:16
[原创] Fiber Optic Reference Guide 2nd Edition ptd 2018-3-25 01509 ptd 2018-3-25 04:36
[原创] 一分钟了解光纤、单模光纤、多模光纤 attach_img  ...2 hycsystem 2019-10-14 132653 fascinate_lyd98 2020-2-8 10:06
[原创] Endnote 软件中与光学相关的期刊输出样式 attachment huazaifzh 2014-5-16 22643 add431256 2015-1-5 10:25
[原创] 大家好,新人报道 wangjcz 2014-10-13 11676 optoelectronic 2014-10-14 20:00
[原创] 光纤模块(光模块)作用于用途 sky_pig 2015-1-23 12965 amy_123 2015-7-20 09:48
[原创] 802.3ae-2002 attachment wocccccc 2015-12-10 11658 jason1234567 2016-1-21 22:39
[原创] BBU与RRU传输CWDM组网解决方案 steven-dong 2016-5-25 02759 steven-dong 2016-5-25 10:31
[原创] Neal Allen - Network Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide, 2nd Ed (2009) ptd 2018-4-4 12012 dbdavid 2018-5-3 08:56
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