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[资料] Digital Signal Processing: Illustration Using Python attach_img  ...2 hi_china59 2024-1-26 12627 wc_buaa 7 小时前
[资料] Digital Signal Processing Handbook attachment  ...2 craybird 2022-1-29 121845 wc_buaa 7 小时前
[资料] Adaptive Filter Theory, 5th attachment  ...23456..7 deepcore 2017-10-22 6019056 bibo0230 昨天 20:05
[资料] Digital Fundamentals 11th - Thomas L. Floyd attach_img  ...2345 zhlechao 2017-11-15 4711414 binnq 6 天前
[资料] C674X-DSP嵌入式开发与实践 attach_img 邝卓宇 2023-12-20 4357 binnq 6 天前
[资料] 多採樣 聖經本 第2版 attachment  ...23 eisbergeisberg 2023-8-1 211436 binnq 6 天前
[资料] DSP原理及应用(修订版)邹彦 attach_img 邝卓宇 2023-12-10 7600 nable008 2024-4-23 14:00
[资料] 数字信号处理教程-第五版程佩青(高清版) attach_img  ...23456..7 Starspark 2021-5-21 639873 电子大侠客 2024-4-21 15:44
[资料] Compressed Sensing for Engineers attachment wc_buaa 2024-4-20 4144 313949724 2024-4-20 21:37
[资料] 《数字信号处理的FPGA实现》第四版中译版 attachment  ...2345 pwang7 2022-3-8 404276 skahill 2024-4-3 14:57
[资料] 数字信号处理实践方法(第二版)EC.Ifeachor 罗鹏飞等译 attachment  ...23456..7 yingxionga 2014-9-23 6017224 hclin 2024-3-27 01:16
[资料] Digital Signal Processing 101 attachment  ...234 frank12345 2018-3-7 328870 zlhrsy 2024-3-23 20:52
[资料] An Introduction to Digital Signal Processing A Focus on Implementation attachment  ...2 amir98 2022-1-31 173039 zlhrsy 2024-3-23 20:50
[资料] 2013 Adaptive Filtering: Algorithms and Practical Implementation, 4th attach_img  ...23456..7 hi_china59 2013-1-14 6817616 dldlxkq 2024-3-23 09:35
[资料] Adaptive Filter Theory-5e Edition by Simon Haykin 及习题解答高清版 attachment  ...23 guo@hust 2023-11-8 251054 dldlxkq 2024-3-23 09:34
[资料] 离散时间信号处理中文版 第3版 奥本海姆 attachment  ...23456..7 土豆烧牛肉WOW 2020-7-1 6310321 etopjp 2024-3-16 22:27
[资料] 经典教材:数字音频的艺术 attachment  ...2345 alfred.yao 2013-7-31 4311220 hclin 2024-3-10 01:27
[资料] 基于DSP的异步电机矢量控制系统 attachment chentienian 2013-12-13 51971 hclin 2024-3-10 01:25
[资料] Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Science Perspective整本PDF attachment  ...23 土豆烧牛肉WOW 2020-7-1 294000 csfan007 2024-2-29 22:22
[资料] Digital Image Processing_2e_Gonzalez attachment CerberusX 2022-6-25 41213 semileon 2024-2-25 16:36
[资料] 数电课件 attachment 韩一飞 2021-3-13 82066 opqfeixue122 2024-2-21 13:23
[资料] ADI智库 - 模拟电子器件基础教程 attachment  ...2 ysyanda 2022-2-23 142622 jack_20150410 2024-2-19 10:34
[资料] The DSP Handbook 2nd Edition Wireless, 2010 attachment  ...23456..7 yimingxn 2010-3-14 6914450 lsjhon# 2024-2-18 16:16
[资料] Acoustic MIMO Signal attachment  ...2 melquisedec 2016-11-21 113378 lsjhon# 2024-2-18 16:12
[资料] Introduction to Digital Speech Processing - Rabiner NOW 2007 attachment  ...2 melquisedec 2016-11-21 112805 lsjhon# 2024-2-18 16:10
[资料] 春季享受賞花的床頭書 義大利專家撰寫的数字音频基礎英文版 attachment eisbergeisberg 2023-3-2 2648 lsjhon# 2024-2-18 16:02
[资料] Understanding Digital Signal Processing _3rd_RICHARD attach_img  ...234 anygo 2022-7-2 383234 dandan5241 2024-2-16 16:19
[资料] 2013 Digital Signal Processing: Fundamentals and Applications 2nd attach_img  ...23456..7 hi_china59 2013-7-29 6416718 xdrxdr 2024-2-8 14:49
[资料] DSP System Design attachment  ...2 craybird 2022-1-29 182587 liyaqat1220 2024-2-6 21:24
[资料] Embedded+Software+Design+and+Programming+of+Multiprocessor+System-on-Chip+ attachment  ...2 unlogical 2017-11-9 113863 xdrxdr 2024-2-6 16:23
[资料] Essentials of Digital Signal Processing 2014 by Lathi attach_img  ...23456..7 hi_china59 2014-5-9 6616238 xdrxdr 2024-2-6 16:16
[资料] Understanding Digital Signal Processing by Gazi 216 attachment  ...23 hi_china59 2017-5-31 257026 xdrxdr 2024-2-5 02:07
[资料] 数字信号处理实验教程--基于MATLAB、DSP和SOPC实现-清华大学出版社 attach_img  ...23456..15 lbhl 2010-10-30 14831595 yuanpin318 2024-2-1 07:05
[资料] ADI公司资料 高速差分ADC驱动器设计指南.pdf attachment  ...2 ysyanda 2022-2-23 162632 handongyang 2024-1-30 00:34
[资料] 高西全数字信号处理第三版程序完全版 attachment  ...2 jingxin_xd 2022-8-8 192197 yuanpin318 2024-1-26 07:12
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