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一本代码覆盖率的验证书籍 attachment  ...23456..16 gongxiao 2009-11-8 15020707 yuanpin318 2018-5-22 20:16
形式验证工具Conformal_EC的中文简介 attachment  ...23456..13 gongxiao 2009-11-6 12122463 Gyu 2022-11-8 09:59
[资料] VCS仿真指南 下载 attachment  ...23456..11 feigle 2012-11-8 10023671 xygq163 2021-4-6 21:34
[资料] mentor的uart uvm example attachment  ...23456..39 空白MAX 2020-9-8 38734263 zindy 昨天 13:54
功能验证覆盖率的资料 attachment  ...23456..19 ldf01 2008-3-13 18530617 clslhy 2022-7-11 11:25
[资料] 新福利 modelsim se 10.4 win64 百度云盘 attachment  ...23456..12 lmyapple 2016-6-20 11537718 chandler520 2023-7-1 10:49
[原创] verdi3 破解安装详细教程 attachment  ...23456..9 qinzhanao 2013-7-28 8519648 Zenor 2020-4-19 14:37
[资料] Cadence Allegro从入门到精通 attachment  ...23456..9 youngwx 2014-6-17 8014934 fockerdevil 2018-6-26 22:46
[资料] SystemVerilog Assertions应用指南 下载 attachment  ...23456..11 eyeloveu 2010-5-12 10726754 haoxchao828 2020-9-7 20:58
[资料] SystemVerilog with MATLAB and the DPI attachment  ...23456..9 eric77he 2010-11-23 8119480 lover2012 2023-7-12 10:05
[资料] C++语言核心(The Core Language的中文版),学OOP必看 attachment  ...23456..18 rmflyer 2010-5-26 17532866 iyahsue_019 2020-8-12 17:16
[资料] 最新Cadance UVM reference Flow 1.1 attachment  ...23456..9 lmz05 2012-4-28 8520425 yyrobin 2017-4-26 18:10
VCS常用命令使用详解 attachment  ...23456..13 wjccentury 2009-3-21 12016262 yqnie 2014-4-27 08:36
[资料] modelsim 6.6 破解 attachment  ...23456..9 qingyulan 2011-1-19 8316047 火凤凰 2018-8-19 13:11
Ncverilog 的一些经验 attachment  ...23456..11 hopeman 2009-8-10 10717909 jingyangni 2018-3-27 23:07
[资料] systemverilog for verification 3rd version attachment  ...23456..7 zzczx 2012-4-13 6915055 cdting 2017-12-21 02:35
[资料] vmm很好的例子,有详细的文档以及源代码 attachment  ...23456..17 dolphintear 2009-12-21 16828358 clslhy 2021-12-13 23:24
[资料] formality_2013_03(32位&64位)亲测可用 attachment  ...23456..12 ghghghghgh222 2014-7-20 11526249 libruce 2023-9-7 16:24
[资料] mentor最新uvm tutorial,感觉很实用,自制了书签 attachment  ...23456..8 rifpga0 2012-4-5 7316423 xccjeff 2015-11-21 00:03
[原创] [EDA.仿真软件.Tina.Pro.v8.0].Designsoft_Tina_Industrial_V8.0 attachment  ...23456..20 zzff_2010_a 2011-3-14 19945325 fantianchen 前天 00:22
[资料] 排名前十的验证忠告! attachment  ...23456..9 creese 2011-8-16 8919117 qsh123_123 2021-10-26 18:43
[资料] Silvaco TCAD-2010图文安装说明,超详细 attachment  ...23456..7 shanesky11422 2011-6-11 6818851 imposingwei 2021-1-30 03:59
[资料] [2016]SystemVerilog Assertions and Functional Coverage 2nd及LAB attachment  ...23456..11 老阮 2016-9-11 10223894 vsop 2021-6-13 08:39
[原创] 适用于Modelsim6.5(含6.5)以下以及Questasim6.4的KeyGen破解文件 attachment  ...23456..21 decade 2010-1-26 20734089 evann 2019-11-21 08:57
[资料] 入门级覆盖率模型建立 attachment  ...23456..8 jumphigh1987 2012-8-11 7523896 steven_sun 2021-10-7 20:56
[资料] 低功耗soc设计(一篇有很多基础概念的文章) attachment  ...23456..9 cathzhou 2013-6-2 8618379 omnik 2021-1-14 08:29
[资料] Questasim 10.2 64bit LINUX wiht Crack and Detail_Installation guide attachment  ...23456..39 sujay 2015-7-7 38942218 dicky 2023-11-22 17:02
[资料] SystemVerilog for Verification(3rd Ed && 2nd Ed) attachment  ...23456..11 sunhaoflash 2016-5-19 10027289 binnq 2024-1-30 10:36
[原创] Mentor Calibre 2014.4 attach_img  ...23456..21 eda_dude 2014-12-5 20336189 newrfdesign 2019-8-11 13:48
[求助] 求资料 verdi user's guide and tutorial 和 verdi command reference manual attachment  ...23456..9 chenshi811 2011-6-7 8227320 tvman2015 2022-7-6 09:48
[原创] 最新 vcs-mx_vI-2014.03安装教程 attachment  ...23456..10 xinmeng6393 2014-5-15 9021167 knlam1001 2020-5-4 02:25
SystemVerilog3.1a语言参考手册(中文版) attachment  ...23456..22 qiu-zq 2008-6-23 21936036 lixiaohui1215 2023-5-11 11:47
[资料] SystemVerilog Assertions 应用指南【中文版】 attachment  ...23456..10 litterstrong 2014-1-8 9527871 Thenextsupersun 2022-7-21 15:36
[原创] NAND Flash Test attachment  ...23456..10 风青杨 2010-7-17 9623973 yzsy2046 2024-1-23 17:29
[资料] 台湾教育改进计划的writing testbench课件 attachment  ...23456..10 shiheng200156 2010-7-18 9316608 cwbcylcxy 2019-8-1 12:32
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