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MATLAB 资料 今日: 0|主题: 3150|排名: 31 

版主: jswon, eecsseudl
车牌识别系统的设计 attachment wangshuxin0228 2012-5-13 77223 tyns6685 2020-10-16 21:50
Kalman滤波原理及程序(手册).doc attachment  ...2 wangshuxin0228 2012-5-13 165737 AlexKe 2021-8-20 17:51
工程师必备:电子版《数学手册》  ...2 mystrip 2012-4-21 114521 erickent 2018-1-12 22:26
matlab入门 attachment weixiaoHUST 2012-4-20 21948 zuoyedeyu 2012-8-26 12:21
matlab 信号处理 attachment cekong0803 2012-4-14 11578 qwerty200509 2012-12-2 12:20
Cambridge Matlab attachment nicolast1234 2012-4-5 51704 xlteam2 2012-12-23 13:33
C: How to Program (6th Edition) by Deitel 2009 attach_img  ...2 hi_china59 2012-4-1 173714 jimcmwang 2016-7-17 22:40
数字图像处理(Matlab版)【冈萨雷斯】-中文版 attachment  ...2345 kevinkingjws 2012-3-28 4511553 甲壳虫 2021-6-21 13:21
matlab常用命令 attachment hinsfairy 2012-3-21 71800 leftkra 2012-6-23 07:15
Numerical Methods with Worked Examples: Matlab Edition attach_img hi_china59 2012-3-20 31656 hi_china59 2012-12-8 10:27
TI 281x DSP 各种通信接口驱动源代码 attachment paowuxian0421 2012-3-6 41801 ty_gdl 2012-4-18 18:30
求fastscan相关资料 htc072201007 2012-2-28 31798 HOLLYSMOKE 2012-8-10 11:52
两份matlab资料 attachment wayne989 2012-1-10 12023 jinnon 2012-2-8 18:30
Functional Data Analysis with R and MATLAB attachment  ...2 jackjj 2012-1-8 103334 yaoqing88 2017-12-14 01:51
Applied statistics: using SPSS, STATISTICA, and MATLAB attachment jackjj 2012-1-2 01936 jackjj 2012-1-2 23:57
Mathematical Explorations with MATLAB attachment jackjj 2012-1-2 42447 soldierwuhan 2023-1-22 23:47
Practical MATLAB Applications for Engineers attachment  ...2 paladino 2011-12-7 174124 lhyi 2017-6-29 13:23
BooK:A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving attachment drwhmsjustdo 2011-12-6 01554 drwhmsjustdo 2011-12-6 14:19
求Digital Communication Systems Using MATLAB and Simulink这本书,不是PPT  ...2 mozata 2011-12-2 134395 auch0311 2023-9-14 16:22
matlab中傅里叶变换的资料 attachment  ...2 shanzhongyiliu 2011-11-29 194619 小白9001 2019-2-14 23:14
matlab2007b的license attachment  ...2 anew99 2011-11-28 113278 planet1997 2017-12-23 14:16
在Matlab中如何在一个figure显示多个图片.txt 13503823963 2011-11-27 11877 yangfeimen123 2011-11-28 20:29
第一篇用sinusoidal histogram method 计算INL/DNL的文章 attachment  ...2 cybjut 2011-11-24 124865 yaoqing88 2018-3-14 07:07
附件下载过程中遇到的一些问题 wangjunbo148 2011-11-19 31656 jackzhang 2011-11-20 07:28
MATLAB 实用教程 attachment 咕噜2065 2011-11-18 53088 wangjunbo148 2011-11-19 22:17
The discover of LMS attachment cybjut 2011-11-11 72087 tera 2014-7-18 08:34
2011 A First Book of C++ by Gary J. Bronson attach_img hi_china59 2011-10-26 12378 hi_china59 2011-10-26 14:49
基于matlab的系统分析与设计--小波分析 attachment xzb888 2011-10-24 52769 chxxtu2009 2013-3-8 09:46
C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures attach_img  ...2 hi_china59 2011-10-24 123875 shingang2001 2013-12-26 16:28
MATLAB图形图像属性 attachment zjx1019 2011-10-22 41461 ccchunyu2652 2012-6-7 16:07
C++ How to Program (8th Edition) Authors: Deitel attach_img  ...23 hi_china59 2011-10-14 244959 kimluanpklu 2017-9-30 10:02
flash ADC 积分非线性和微分非线性如何测试 wanghanrainie 2011-10-11 01961 wanghanrainie 2011-10-11 19:40
高等数学讲义--MATLAB的使用必须的 attachment  ...23 feixuemeng 2011-9-27 204693 aiwa0311 2014-1-22 14:21
Applications of MATLAB in Science and Engineering attachment HXHX2011 2011-9-11 82722 Andy126 2022-11-13 17:52
超多MATLAB书籍教程 attachment  ...234 caoshangfei 2011-9-3 399727 落雪听禅 2023-4-16 20:09
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