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设计中用到了例如nch_25od33的晶体管,跑出来报错‘Parameter 'noiseflagn_25od33' was previously defined,To allow duplicate parameter definitions,set the value of'redefinedparams' to 'ignore' or 'warning' in the netlist.
‘Parameter 'ccoeflag_25od33' was previously defined,To allow duplicate parameter definitions,set the value of'redefinedparams' to 'ignore' or 'warning' in the netlist.
‘Parameter 'rgflag_25od33' was previously defined,To allow duplicate parameter definitions,set the value of'redefinedparams' to 'ignore' or 'warning' in the netlist.等类似的错误,目前找不到解决方法,mento carlo仿真仿真别的晶体管是可以跑通的,说明仿真设置和方法没有问题,怀疑是工艺库的问题,但是还是不知道从哪里下手。