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公司是一家国内领先的模拟,数模混合芯片公司。尤其在其高速高精度模数/数模转换器(ADC/DAC),Transceiver 领域,是国内绝对领先的团队。其主要产品的性能指标已经通过国内Tier-1的通信企业客户验证认可,达到国外公司同等水平。
Senior ADC/DAC Engineer: 薪资可open 居于人选目前薪资给合理涨幅
1.Master degree in electrical engineering with 5 years of experience or more, PhD in electrical engineer with 3 years of experience or more.
2.Strong experience in high Speed ADC/DAC design, must have hands-on tape out experiences of Pipeline, SAR, Sigma-delta ADC.
3.Strong analytical skill and familiar with underline theory for both time domain analysis and frequency domain analysis
4.Solid understanding and experience in key analog layout considerations such as device matching, parasitic, noise coupling, floor planning, sensitive signal routing, current density and reliability considerations.
5.Familiar with both schematic and layout tool, methodologies, flow and CAD tools such as SPICE, Cadence virtuoso, Spectre, PCELL layout, Calibre physical verification.
联络katty--专注芯片领域的猎头顾问 微信:361261541