normally i just use the include statement to include the spf file for post-layout spectre simulation, didn't do any conversion as spectre is able to read in spice syntax without problem through include.
I guess your problem might be due to the netlist syntax problem where the instance terminal doesn't hook up correctly to the parasitic netlist and top level port with input source? cannot really comment much without looking at the netlist.
i has tried using spectre to load the spf netlist,but failed. the port was also right. last i put the new copied scs file into a new folder and used ocn script to run simulaiton,i succeeded..
i thought the include file is not changed when i begin to post-layout simulation,ade reload the old netlist
yeah, sometime ADE will not rerun if the main netlist does not change. you may try run spectre manually to avoid that.
about the simulation result same btw pre-layout and post-layout, i cannot really comment much without looking at the netlist.... is the netlist big? if not, can you copy and paste some of them here?