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[招聘] The most common injury sites are the thumb

发表于 2011-9-19 18:51:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Soft tissue injuries common to massage therapists fall into two categories: qingdao massage
muscle tendon injuries and nerve impingement injuries. The primary cause of these disorders is thought to be overuse, or using a part of the body beyond the point where it can function normally and remain healthy. These injuries are collectively referred to as repetitive strain or stress injuries  RSIs , cumulative trauma disorders  CTDs  or simply overuse syndromes. Left untreated or allowed to become chronic, these injuries can lead to osteoarthritis, and temporary or even permanent disability and the loss of function of the hands and or arms.
The most common muscle tendon injury among massage practitioners is overuse cczydly1  syndrome massage qingdao
. The most common injury sites are the thumb, the wrist, and the forearm. This chronic injury is characterized by gradual onset. Appearance of symptoms often occurs with a sudden and or substantial increase in workload, or a sudden decrease in time spent between massages. Changing technique, trying new techniques, or even emotional stress can cause an onset of symptoms. The primary symptom of overuse syndrome is diffuse achiness, tightness and or soreness in one part of the upper extremity rather than a sharp pain in one specific spot. Other symptoms include loss of function and paraesthesia. Classic signs of inflammation like swelling, redness and heat are generally not present in overuse syndrome. Overuse syndrome usually takes quite a while to resolve completely, often a number of years.
Tendinitis and tenosynovitis are inflammatory conditions  of the tendon and tendon massage in qingdao    sheath respectively  that have a more sudden onset. These injuries are caused by tearing  strain  of tendon fibres or irritation to the tendon sheath. The clear presence of inflammation distinguishes these injuries from overuse syndrome. Among massage therapists, tendinitis and tenosynovitis are less frequent complaints than overuse syndrome. The main symptom is localized pain. The affected area is often swollen and hot. With proper treatment, and careful avoidance of reinjury, tendinitis and tenosynovitis tend to heal in a shorter period of time than overuse syndrome.


   Ring finger and middle finger from his brow
   If you have tried other treatments with little
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