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[资料] 通信信号处理(张贤达) attachment  ...23456..9 ncwuhuo 2010-4-16 8920215 binnq 2024-4-17 13:47
数字信号处理基础 attachment  ...23456..13 yaozhongyang 2006-9-1 12520224 华夏甲骨文 2015-12-31 15:14
[原创] New Book: Practical Guide to MIMO Radio Channel: with MATLAB Examples attach_img  ...23456..9 spwedasd 2013-7-26 8020211 szdgsz 2024-1-8 19:51
LDPC码原理与应用(中文版书籍) attachment  ...23456..14 champoint 2009-5-17 13320135 szdgsz 2021-8-13 15:19
通信原理 第六版 课件 樊昌信 attachment  ...23456..11 joe1980cn 2009-10-22 10120066 Andy126 2021-12-19 19:35
【原创】我的锁相环仿真(源程序与仿真结果) attachment digest  ...23456..9 zhaish 2008-3-2 8020069 zchdsp 2022-8-4 14:04
[资料] Wireless Receiver Design for Digital Communications 2012 attach_img  ...23456..9 hi_china59 2013-5-6 8120073 binnq 2024-4-16 15:07
Measurement, Control, and Communication Using IEEE 1588.pdf attachment  ...23456..11 zhongming168 2008-3-15 10320053 binnq 2024-4-19 14:24
网络通信的基础知识 attachment  ...23456..11 greycat 2003-8-18 10819957 Rainrun 2016-5-20 09:33
Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory III(经典图书) attachment  ...23456..11 hongwb 2007-3-28 10919901 ganjun2001 2022-3-17 13:38
signal processing technques for software radio attachment  ...23456..14 liyuanliu 2009-1-11 13519848 dannymu 2019-11-24 22:42
经典好书 GPS原理与应用 中文版 attachment  ...23456..14 soexcite 2007-10-2 13019850 liulongchao 2022-1-10 15:45
zmodem的协议源码,低速远程通信 attachment honeyandy 2007-1-4 619809 renjun9910 2007-11-20 22:38
求:請問有人是否有Principles of Communications 第六版解答  ...2 devilnabob 2009-11-25 1019798 ycyang0508 2013-12-7 19:36
Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing, Volume I - Estimation Theory attachment  ...23456..16 hongwb 2008-5-25 15819761 risinglee 2018-9-27 13:23
终于找到了,统计信号处理的经典著作的中文版(Kay),需要的同学赶快吧 attachment  ...23456..10 czp_miles 2008-11-25 9419677 阿拉丁-当 2023-9-18 19:33
[原创] GPS真实中频信号文件 attachment  ...23456 xmclogic 2012-5-2 5919711 lans0625 2022-3-29 20:03
电子书:Communications Receivers - DSP, Software Radios, and Design (2004).pdf attachment  ...23456..15 xh100 2007-10-19 14919659 leozh 2019-8-2 11:06
讲解扩频通信的好书!! attachment  ...23456..19 lyfe 2007-8-23 18819639 hfwxgl 2017-9-26 08:42
[下载]Digital Communications Principles; Matlab-Based Simulation Approach attachment  ...23456..15 norad 2007-5-29 14919652 jonathan2000 2018-3-16 10:52
通信接收机:DSP,软件无线电和设计 attachment  ...23456..17 pengxiaofei 2007-2-1 16419622 xxf09th 2012-3-12 14:51
[PHD论文] 一本关于SC-OFDMA的博士论文,有助于学习LTE attachment  ...23456..8 midnight 2008-10-14 7419552 zhsh94 2020-6-17 07:15
[资料] 完整版 Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing II Detection Theory attachment  ...23456..8 chestthinker 2011-8-9 7719485 guo@hust 2023-11-7 22:47
(7,4)汉明码硬判决、最大似然译码、以及和积算法、性能比较 attachment  ...23456 xinu2009 2009-9-18 5019537 lvchongzi666 2020-10-19 21:09
经典教材数字通信 attachment  ...23456..10 myie70 2006-11-26 9519534 WXY650713 2021-3-31 01:11
[资料] VLSI数字信号处理系统:设计与实现_[K.Parhi著][机械工业出版社][2004][594页] attach_img  ...23456..10 fishyuhy 2012-5-8 9219496 binnq 2024-4-16 11:30
[资料] Proakis:Digital Signal Processing_原理 算法 应用-- 习题解答 答案 attachment  ...23456..13 hongwb 2007-3-26 12419379 bingjunpeng 2012-10-15 04:12
专门讲傅里叶分析的专著,很透彻 attachment  ...23456..18 mihayilov 2008-12-31 17619414 dannymu 2020-2-16 22:30
samsung LTE 物理层 PPT【推荐】 attachment  ...23456..12 saileryt 2008-11-19 11819412 请不要这样子噻 2023-1-10 11:34
[资料] 2011 Contemporary Communication Systems Using MATLAB 第三版 attachment  ...23456..10 fwbnick 2014-9-14 9719211 holyhigh 2024-1-29 09:25
软件无线电仿真的文章和讲课PPT attachment  ...23456..9 hzmhhp0421 2008-1-10 8019289 muxl1 2015-8-11 15:09
[资料] Synchronization in Wireless Communications attach_img  ...23456..10 kevinwjs 2010-2-3 9019166 lutherliu 2021-3-9 15:55
Principles of Digital Transmission: With Wireless Applications attachment  ...23456..12 handchief581 2008-12-21 11319157 zzabc 2024-4-4 22:11
Single-Chip 16-Port SerDes Gigabit Switch(bcm5396) attachment  ...23456..10 rocky77 2009-4-20 9319204 birdhappy 2024-1-24 23:43
[资料] IEEE Standard for Ethernet 802.3-2018 新人帖 attachment  ...23456 myl 2021-7-12 5419094 fushibo50 2023-12-5 21:38
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