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电路设计资料 今日: 0|主题: 14819|排名: 20 

[资料] RF-MEMS-and-Their-Applications attachment maxlover 2020-5-24 41354 waley 2020-6-11 11:08
硬件描述语言Verilog(第5版) attachment  ...23456 zwg73 2009-2-9 5312369 zrq4545 2020-6-10 17:31
[资料] [求书]Linear Systems and Signals B.P.Lathi 拉兹 英文版 attach_img lishyg 2011-8-26 87801 youlin123 2020-6-9 21:33
一些经典的滤波电路(绝对经典) attachment  ...23456..38 netwp 2006-10-31 37746834 bblion 2020-6-9 16:22
Wiley Interscience.Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility attachment  ...234 smilesly 2007-4-18 368934 abc532367865 2020-6-6 16:35
Troubleshooting Switching Power Converter--By Sanjaya Maniktala attachment  ...23 allen_yyq 2009-3-18 245105 abc532367865 2020-6-6 16:31
开关电源技术讲座 国家半导体的ppt attachment agree  ...23 sohugu 2009-11-16 236107 zhsh94 2020-6-5 07:08
大家有没有“电磁兼容”方面的问题? 给大家一本《EMI EMC 设计秘籍》 attachment  ...2 wisegaole 2008-12-8 134145 zhsh94 2020-6-5 07:02
[资料] PCB电磁兼容布局“万能”模板 attachment  ...234 孔今 2010-2-21 366335 zhsh94 2020-6-5 07:01
[资料] XX数字信号处理板电磁兼容测试案例分析 attachment  ...23 孔今 2010-2-21 294909 zhsh94 2020-6-5 07:00
[资料] 《电磁兼容工程师》专家答疑汇编 attachment 孔今 2012-1-2 63637 zhsh94 2020-6-5 06:59
开关稳压电源的设计与应用 attachment agree  ...23456..16 wr706 2009-4-16 15121322 mynona 2020-6-5 06:44
Electrothermal Analysis of VLSI system attachment  ...23 fjlihh 2007-10-23 234431 AlexKe 2020-6-4 18:30
[转贴] 运算放大器应用 attachment  ...2 wjlele0727 2010-1-6 113924 天空晴朗123 2020-6-4 16:42
QFN 焊盘设计和工艺指南 attachment  ...2 wisegaole 2009-10-7 133992 LUCK168168 2020-6-4 10:06
[资料] Power Integrity for I/O Interfaces:With SI/PI Co-Design attachment  ...2345 underrealler 2017-7-24 438390 zhenli888 2020-6-4 09:44
[资料] 最经典的电磁学基础书 cache 2016-11-17 41884 jack_20150410 2020-6-4 09:36
[资料] [数字图像处理(第二版)].(美)冈萨雷斯.翻译版 attach_img zdb5910 2012-5-29 32322 hchen0730 2020-6-4 09:25
[转贴] 放大器设计111问[工程师必读] 中华ic 2015-10-9 63535 XmD 2020-6-3 15:40
[资料] ADI技术指南合集第一版– 开关和基准源超清书签版 attachment martian618 2020-1-26 51510 amigo.change 2020-6-2 13:40
[资料] Performance Characterization Methods for Optoelectronic Circuit Boards[TRANS] attachment drjiachen 2011-4-20 62135 jeffej 2020-6-1 18:24
uplPower Integrity Modeling and Design for Semiconductors and Systems da0909 2008-6-22 22871 sipdcc 2020-5-31 11:37
[资料] MEMS-Reliability attachment maxlover 2020-5-24 41865 waley 2020-5-30 23:36
[ebook]:Nano-CMOS Circuit and Physical Design attachment  ...2 tedious 2007-5-31 185880 dannymu 2020-5-29 23:19
VLSI设计导论(经典教程) attachment  ...2 nihaoqy 2008-6-25 133599 小白小白123 2020-5-29 20:56
[资料] Feedback Amplifiers Theory and Design attach_img  ...234 xievic 2011-3-28 369450 AlexKe 2020-5-29 09:05
[转贴] Some document about Ground Bounce attachment linsir123 2011-1-24 82243 design2018 2020-5-27 13:17
沈伟慈------高频电路 attachment  ...23 bruce19 2007-5-23 235564 design2018 2020-5-27 11:05
Fractional-N-Synthesizer attachment  ...23 悠幽淡蓝 2006-10-28 275758 14102227 2020-5-27 10:53
EMI&EMC&信号完整性\高速数字设计和信号完整性分析 attachment  ...23 vuchen 2007-11-23 285406 omnik 2020-5-27 09:11
[资料] high linearity RF amplifier design attachment  ...2 ffwolf 2014-11-11 194033 AlexKe 2020-5-26 14:38
Digital Systems Engineering 数字系统工程 attachment  ...23456..34 06004326 2008-12-1 33142588 sd416 2020-5-25 00:06
[资料] Schematic_Capture_and_Layout_ADS attachment 莫莘辛宇 2020-3-29 31120 kinlin 2020-5-24 22:08
[原创] 几本有关运放的经典书,绝对经典 attachment xiangyangzhaoyi 2011-10-5 84043 AlexKe 2020-5-24 21:59
[资料] 数字电子技术基础 阎石第四版.pdf attachment  ...2345 cwsxaut 2011-10-9 4614336 wenbow512512 2020-5-23 23:19
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