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电路设计资料 今日: 1 |主题: 14790|排名: 24 

Introduction to VLSI circuits and systems attachment  ...23 wldjy 2009-5-16 237151 Enson52 2022-9-16 16:43
[资料] Micro CMOS Design, 2012 attachment  ...2 zsh2626 2014-12-21 114893 ricvadim 2022-9-16 07:25
[资料] Digital VLSI Design with Verilog, 2ed, 2014 attachment  ...23 zsh2626 2014-12-20 236044 ricvadim 2022-9-16 07:22
[资料] Essentials of Electronic Testing(3个大包,并标注修改了文中的错误) attachment  ...2 磐石 2011-8-4 134829 xuleiwx1 2022-9-15 14:01
Power supplies for LED Driving attachment  ...23 caprio 2009-6-1 236673 xuleiwx1 2022-9-15 10:49
[资料] 波特图详解 attachment 莫莘辛宇 2020-3-8 72533 xuleiwx1 2022-9-15 08:38
硬件设计人员必懂:I2C总线规范 attachment  ...234 tantw 2007-11-14 398939 xuleiwx1 2022-9-14 17:45
(eWiley) Fields of Electronics--Understanding Electronics using Basic Physics.pd attachment  ...23456 andrewhu 2005-9-11 5011567 xuleiwx1 2022-9-14 09:07
电子元器件失效分析技术与案例 attachment  ...2345 beyondthewater 2009-9-10 429925 xuleiwx1 2022-9-14 08:58
经典教材-<<电路邱关源>>, attachment  ...23456..15 luguo1983 2008-2-25 14425218 小包菜 2022-9-13 14:17
[资料] Automated Electronic Filter Design, 2017 attachment  ...234 zsh2626 2016-10-29 306441 ricvadim 2022-9-11 20:53
[资料] Basic Electronics - Theory and Practice, 2ed, 2018 attachment  ...23 zsh2626 2017-7-27 234916 ricvadim 2022-9-11 20:34
[资料] EMC电磁兼容设计与测试案例分析_郑军奇 attachment  ...2 莫莘辛宇 2020-3-30 173374 dannymu 2022-9-9 17:45
[资料] Tim Green 放大器稳定性 1-10 attachment Langrange 2022-1-7 61876 dannymu 2022-9-8 18:20
[求助] 求High-Speed Signaling Jitter Modeling, Analysis, and Budgeting attach_img  ...2 drjiachen 2011-9-11 179794 wowowo2017 2022-9-8 11:09
真诚奉献伯克利大学经典教材讲义 attachment  ...234 hehejiuaixiao 2009-9-9 307796 重芯出发 2022-9-7 18:56
dc概论--自己整理 attachment  ...2 jackiexiuyi 2008-10-17 176535 mildseven0228 2022-9-7 10:54
电容器专题讲座(July 6) attachment  ...23456..9 sunsanfong 2006-8-18 8120482 dannymu 2022-9-6 11:21
[分享]电磁干扰滤波电容器使用方法 attachment  ...23456..8 youngerrock 2003-10-14 7916473 dannymu 2022-9-6 10:58
电容器的基础知识及检测方法 attachment  ...2 chenzf 2009-10-18 134632 dannymu 2022-9-5 17:50
超级电容器原理与应用 attachment  ...23 zmorphis 2007-11-5 237413 dannymu 2022-9-5 10:10
[资料] 铝电解电容器应用指南 attachment  ...234 fh2000 2010-1-14 388969 dannymu 2022-9-5 10:06
介绍飞电容(模拟信号隔离方法) attachment  ...2345 semico_ljj 2006-10-11 4311623 hhvv 2022-9-4 11:58
IC数字前端设计经典书 attachment  ...23456..59 fancyher 2006-8-7 58481643 xuleiwx1 2022-9-3 12:48
[原创] FMC子卡设计资料第550篇:基于ADRV9002双窄带宽带射频收发器FMC子卡 attach_img orihard1 2021-11-5 11458 YZP3 2022-9-2 20:25
[原创] 纯干货:PCB设计避坑指南,荐读! attach_img lp610981313 2022-9-2 21199 zdl1986 2022-9-2 17:16
逻辑电平转换 attachment yilintian 2008-2-17 94684 122013137 2022-9-1 11:11
清华大学微机原理 attachment  ...23 seiya985 2008-12-25 287457 cai240 2022-9-1 10:21
[资料] 半导体器件基础(翻译版) attachment  ...2 timsking 2013-11-5 155892 林静树 2022-9-1 09:54
BGA器件的PCB布局布线经验 attachment  ...2 liqiangln 2008-5-26 144876 咕咕嘎嘎 2022-8-31 10:31
[资料] High-Speed Signal Propagation PDF格式 attachment  ...2 zw359 2019-2-28 183838 blueice_net 2022-8-30 15:12
[资料] 最新 I2C协议 V7.0 2021年10月1日 attachment  ...23 yrb2008 2021-12-23 226934 sule121 2022-8-28 19:39
门控时钟与时钟偏移分析.pdf attachment  ...23456..7 zhaoyg03 2007-1-22 6213831 zhang9yeah 2022-8-27 21:39
[原创] 无线宽带图传/数传模块 /数传模块 点对点宽带图传 星型组网宽带图传模块 attach_img orihard1 2022-8-25 01538 orihard1 2022-8-25 14:39
[资料] PLL-2011年ISSCC会议论文(全部) attachment  ...234 lwjee 2011-5-5 3510126 wangxiangjun 2022-8-23 19:37
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