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[资料] 【2018 新书】5G Wireless Systems:Simulation and Evaluation Techniques attach_img  ...23456..7 hsh22 2018-8-22 6514809 kuan 2022-12-23 19:52
[资料] 通信系统中的多采样率信号处理 中文版及英文版 attachment  ...2345 pusher_yxg 2012-12-2 4112247 wendy235711 2022-12-23 15:59
好书分享——矩阵与无线通信 attachment  ...23456 feifei879546213 2008-7-4 5014336 soldierwuhan 2022-12-16 23:17
[资料] Modern Communications Technology by Natasa Zivic attachment  ...234 jingjisong 2016-9-3 318799 soldierwuhan 2022-12-16 23:15
[资料] 完整 Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing Vol 2 Detection Kay 两包搞定 attach_img liviah 2019-2-23 72428 wendy235711 2022-12-12 19:21
An Introduction to Signal Detection and Estimation By H. Vincent Poor attachment  ...23456..10 handchief581 2009-4-24 9726601 soldierwuhan 2022-12-12 19:14
[资料] 【2016书】Academic Press Library in Mobile and Wireless Communications:Transm attachment  ...23 hsh22 2018-9-8 265806 soldierwuhan 2022-12-12 19:08
[资料] CB_ ChannelCodes theory attachment unlogical 2017-11-16 72778 wendy235711 2022-12-12 18:59
[原创] Coding for MIMO Communication Systems attach_img  ...2345 shawn_yangjx 2011-1-1 4315455 wendy235711 2022-12-12 18:52
Multi-Carrier and Spread Spectrum Systems, Second Edition, K. Fazel, 2008 attachment  ...2 oldfishhead 2009-6-22 103972 wendy235711 2022-12-12 18:30
[资料] 自适应滤波器原理 5TH中文 PDF有點模糊不清楚 中文版 請用心閱讀 新年快樂 https://send.c...  ...2 eisbergeisberg 2022-1-11 104124 Ralphjh 2022-12-12 17:06
[资料] wily 2014 年新书 - Understanding LTE with MATLAB attachment agree  ...23456..18 ffggg 2014-3-24 17637566 zzabc 2022-12-12 15:55
传感器与检测技术 attachment  ...2 snow2621 2008-5-8 174834 haizaolan 2022-12-10 14:06
[资料] 【Springer 2010】Codes and Turbo Codes作者为Turbo码发明人Berrou - [阅读权限 5]attachment  ...234 raowy2009 2011-4-6 38346 wendy235711 2022-12-8 23:30
[资料] Fundamentals of Massive MIMO attachment  ...23456 wapi 2017-9-14 5513868 wendy235711 2022-12-8 22:38
[资料] Adaptive Filtering Algorithms and Practical Implementation 4th edition attachment  ...23456..7 cdcasanova 2013-6-21 6816802 wendy235711 2022-12-8 22:31
[资料] polar codes and its decoding source code attachment  ...2 mushroom2011 2011-4-24 197597 adoniswoo 2022-12-3 17:10
[资料] Energy-Efficient Digital Predistortion With Lookup Table attachment  ...23 yunyong_i 2010-8-14 218208 kuan 2022-12-3 09:29
[其它] Proakis Salehi Fundamentals Of Communication Systems Solution Manual 2014 attachment  ...2345 takaryan 2015-1-5 4317277 wendy235711 2022-12-2 08:56
《自适应滤波器原理》第四版 MATLAB程序 attachment  ...23456..8 Jedi2000 2009-9-30 7417865 mapleVII 2022-11-30 08:46
[资料] 5G移动无线通信技术中文版 attachment  ...23456..9 sunyuanxin 2019-4-10 8923506 liulongchao 2022-11-29 17:43
[资料] 以太网各种接口协议 attachment  ...2 maggady 2012-7-23 167374 digicomm 2022-11-24 20:30
[资料] 《Digital Communication over Fading Channels》2Ed attachment  ...2 djtyc 2013-7-22 104533 wendy235711 2022-11-23 15:13
斯坦福大学Wireless Communications-by Andrea Goldsmith习题解答 attachment  ...23456..7 yanh_ncl 2009-5-16 6519689 wendy235711 2022-11-23 14:38
Verilog 写的16点的FFT attachment  ...23456..8 001yuwei 2009-8-21 7919181 非常nice的不二 2022-11-23 00:58
上传经典通信教材习题答案fundamentals of wireless communications attachment  ...23456..7 xyjackxjw 2009-2-26 6116653 wendy235711 2022-11-20 23:29
[资料] Trellis and Turbo Coding: Iterative Graph ECC , 2ed attachment  ...23 spwedasd 2017-3-26 204455 wendy235711 2022-11-20 23:08
[资料] 关于极化码的资料:High-Speed Decoders for Polar Codes attachment  ...2 sailor123 2019-8-6 148330 wendy235711 2022-11-20 22:07
[资料] 数据传输中的代数编码 attach_img  ...23 yangfunc 2013-3-23 206085 Ralphjh 2022-11-18 15:00
[资料] 秋天練功神書必讀老書第三版 傅里叶变换及其应用 attachment eisbergeisberg 2022-11-5 41199 Ralphjh 2022-11-18 14:53
[资料] Springer. 2014. Linear Network Error Correction Coding. attach_img  ...23 raowy2009 2015-11-26 215451 im.leo 2022-11-14 12:15
[资料] Detection and Estimation for Communication and Radar Systems attach_img  ...2345 fwbnick 2014-3-17 4213393 longc51 2022-11-13 17:44
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[资料] 西电通院 信息论课件 attachment  ...2 jiuxian_2004 2011-4-29 107196 15123029576 2022-11-6 20:54
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