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[资料] 软件无线电调制解调相关硕士论文11篇+CAJViewer阅读软件 attachment jizhongkai 2012-1-20 85147 cheng052 2023-5-4 14:38
[资料] 5G for the connected world attachment bluefeet 2023-5-3 11033 rnysun 2023-5-3 21:16
[资料] 【经典Ebook】《Fundamentals of Wireless Communication》 attach_img  ...234 QQ5259 2018-8-26 349585 yuanhu696 2023-4-25 13:47
[资料] 用于毫米波的半导体技术 attachment Billmtk 2023-1-9 31242 dannymu 2023-4-25 10:54
[原创] 赵树杰《雷达信号处理技术》 attachment  ...234 clh2062 2013-9-29 3912231 Ralphjh 2023-4-23 18:01
[原创] 【最优阵列处理技术】Harry L.Van Trees 著 大图转pdf 150dpi - [阅读权限 5]attachment  ...23 benemale 2012-1-23 26332 wendy235711 2023-4-20 17:49
[资料] Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing 答案 Steven M. Kay attachment  ...234 chestthinker 2011-9-5 3513166 AlexKe 2023-4-20 17:21
[资料] [now] Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory attachment  ...23 szjiang 2012-10-28 206379 wendy235711 2023-4-20 17:14
[资料] 全书 Digital Communication by J.R.Barry attach_img  ...23456..11 fwbnick 2014-8-19 10630420 wendy235711 2023-4-20 16:35
[资料] Reed-Solomon Codes and Their Applications 1994 attachment  ...23 lmz08 2011-11-24 267562 wendy235711 2023-4-20 16:01
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朗讯CDMA移动通信内部资料 attachment  ...23 cheersunwei 2006-9-15 287327 heinzmann 2023-4-20 10:30
低杂散锁相环中的电荷泵设计 attachment  ...23 leishen1980 2008-11-19 227121 yishuibihan 2023-4-18 17:42
经典书籍HIGH PERFORMANCE SWITCHES AND ROUTERS attachment  ...234 liangxia2001 2009-12-6 338215 xf429 2023-4-10 21:02
[资料] 矩阵计算讲义 attachment  ...23 fourwave 2016-9-28 238893 鱼翔浅底 2023-4-10 18:14
[资料] 无线通信信道盲均衡技术研究 attachment  ...2 vikingg 2014-10-12 135614 wendy235711 2023-4-5 20:06
[求助] 求书:Digital Signal Processing in Communication Systems attachment aguest 2019-11-5 62833 yc0000 2023-4-5 12:08
[资料] 张贤达《现代信号处理(第二版)习题与解答》 attachment  ...2 vikingg 2015-7-2 123892 wendy235711 2023-4-5 09:00
[资料] altera ip core fft 中文 用户指导 attachment  ...2 mamylove 2012-8-31 147039 ached 2023-4-4 14:08
悬赏 [求助] 求5G New Radio in Bullets - [已解决] 如此妖治 2022-12-22 71564 sart 2023-4-1 16:07
悬赏 [资料] 求这本书:Machine Learning for Future Wireless Communications 新人帖 - [已解决] attachment  ...2 韩竞骁 2021-7-30 176917 hgbest 2023-3-31 21:49
[资料] Hilbert–Huang transform Matlab lib attachment p18939 2014-3-13 22501 dannymu 2023-3-31 15:37
[资料] Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing, Second Edition attachment  ...2 磐石 2016-8-25 175172 liujx_uestc 2023-3-25 18:28
[求助] 求助 新人帖 wangzhanlong 2023-3-25 0988 wangzhanlong 2023-3-25 11:40
[资料] 2023,国内射频赛道转折年_1 attachment Billmtk 2023-1-9 31138 sailorlx 2023-3-20 20:13
[资料] Rohde_Schwarz Webinar-5G NTN takes flight- 5G non-terrestrial networks evolving towards 6G attachment Billmtk 2023-1-9 11077 game_over 2023-3-19 10:33
[资料] [EBOOK 2014]Large MIMO System attachment  ...234 biblade 2016-8-13 3815094 wendy235711 2023-3-11 09:39
谁有 樊昌信《通信原理》第六版 的习题答案呀? yinxuewang 2007-12-16 44053 haizaolan 2023-3-11 07:25
[资料] 5G终端节电四大无线技术 attachment Billmtk 2023-1-2 21063 Gerome 2023-3-9 16:56
[资料] 几本数学书籍 attachment  ...23 vikingg 2011-6-24 248862 zlhrsy 2023-3-3 19:34
[资料] 软硬件共同定义:超异构开放生态 attachment Billmtk 2023-1-6 51108 Ralphjh 2023-3-3 14:27
[资料] Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing-Volume III attach_img  ...23456..12 fwbnick 2014-4-29 11936384 liujx_uestc 2023-3-1 21:24
【Ebook】Microwave Differential Circuit Design Using Mixed Mode S-Parameters.pdf attachment  ...2 roobt 2009-1-5 135276 mingyulane 2023-2-27 16:54
Carl.D.Meyer线性代数-通信专业用(附练习答案) attachment  ...23456..11 jacky842 2009-10-18 10823561 cah07 2023-2-20 09:47
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