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[资料] FIR 的不同实现 attachment kexianshengdyy 2011-4-22 51856 peterliuhua 2011-8-23 16:59
IEEE无线通信、网络技术及移动计算国际会议征文 px joy11p 2008-3-24 11478 superlazer 2011-8-19 10:06
[求助] bch中译码的问题 caiying1909 2011-7-8 21949 zhyeah 2011-8-18 13:30
[资料] SYETEMVUE 2011.3 SP1的使用,WIN7 是OK attachment daoyuan2010 2011-8-1 81928 zhengju007 2011-8-18 10:00
IS-95基带仿真MATLAB 代码 attachment  ...2 lucatt0415 2006-8-1 156009 windangel 2011-8-17 09:23
LDPC码的理论分析和算法实现  ...2 catnba 2008-3-8 122784 wurina 2011-8-16 10:18
《Digital Filters》 attachment panties 2008-11-19 11443 sdc 2011-8-15 13:23
谁知道国内有哪些地方做uwb啊? philipzhou 2007-4-6 42412 disiwe 2011-8-14 14:25
共享一个QQ讨论群 zhoukkkkbin 2009-10-6 11452 zhoukkkkbin 2011-8-14 08:53
[原创] 有人用ETH2232D的串口服务器吗? chenjinb03 2011-8-13 01734 chenjinb03 2011-8-13 23:24
介绍一种串口设备联网的方法——串口服务器 wzzlin 2009-8-18 13391 chenjinb03 2011-8-13 23:24
101通讯规约 sfh2004 2003-12-5 22593 tian_hit 2011-8-12 16:11
PSK、QAM解调中的clock-recovery methods(经典文献) attachment  ...2 zenmeban_119 2009-3-20 143252 wslcf 2011-8-12 15:32
[资料] IEEE 802.1Q-2003 VLAN协议 attachment bluekaola 2010-12-30 82164 pirlokaka 2011-8-12 11:28
基于matlab的排队仿真问题 attachment lizeyun1120 2008-11-11 51800 在路上。。。 2011-8-11 13:53
中兴培训教材--移动通信基本知识 attachment aeou 2008-10-28 81934 zouyucqu2005 2011-8-11 08:39
B.P. Lathi 的 "Model Digital and Analog Communication systems" nieyongcs 2008-6-24 42017 amigo.change 2011-8-10 18:05
(2004 Wiley)Software Defined Radio attachment xxisdn2002 2008-9-6 62132 zlhrsy 2011-8-10 13:51
[讨论] 国民福音,苹果将出低价iPhone a2463806358 2011-8-9 01771 a2463806358 2011-8-9 14:28
Short-Range Wireless Communications for Next-Generation Networks attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 41378 onghj 2011-8-9 14:10
[原创] Adaptive Wireless Transceivers attachment cxl666 2010-11-7 91436 onghj 2011-8-9 13:32
Crest Factor Reduction for OFDMA Systems attachment handchief581 2008-11-18 51933 onghj 2011-8-9 13:24
Simulation and Software Radio for mobile communication attachment  ...23456..8 jiangzane 2007-4-19 7010894 onghj 2011-8-9 11:37
[资料] Turbo Coding, Turbo Equalisation and Space-Time Coding 全 chestthinker 2011-8-4 21210 onghj 2011-8-9 10:18
[求助] 求Thomas Kailath的线性估计(Linear Estimation )的答案! chestthinker 2010-7-18 32309 chestthinker 2011-8-9 02:50
[求助] OFDMA帧长理解 star_ic 2011-8-8 01515 star_ic 2011-8-8 22:19
信号与系统(第二版)奥本海姆-全部习题答案 attachment xik 2009-5-1 53582 Xiao_Fex 2011-8-8 18:52
[资料] Coding Theory The Essentials (1991) attachment chestthinker 2011-8-4 21392 chestthinker 2011-8-4 23:07
David Tse "Fundamentals of Wireless Communications" attachment aaachi 2009-6-26 51644 wangdong2010 2011-8-3 17:48
[原创] Electrical Installation Calculations V_1 attachment folen 2011-8-3 01192 folen 2011-8-3 13:27
How vdsl works attachment xingflying 2009-8-6 41966 gckdren 2011-8-1 23:55
[资料] 郑君里信号与系统二版答案 attachment  ...2 liushuncai 2010-4-3 183916 Xiao_Fex 2011-7-31 19:08
A Scalable OFDMA Engine for Wimax attachment handchief581 2008-11-18 94552 windangel 2011-7-31 10:24
无线通信技术英语论文 attachment zhzhzzzzz3 2008-5-14 43482 hchen0730 2011-7-30 13:07
[资料] 一个好多人用的阻抗计算工具 attachment  ...2 mattchan 2010-2-4 122726 joe989 2011-7-29 16:41
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