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[求助] Nonuniform Sampling: Theory and Practice attach_img  ...2 heizitai 2013-12-21 113771 pupkin2015 2014-11-3 21:35
基于CORDIC算法的NCO设计 attachment  ...23 leadwellfine 2008-4-16 264025 joomlama 2014-10-30 23:00
[讨论] 淘宝上那些卖电子书的都是从哪里搞到的? jlqsczw_2007 2014-10-19 44611 zhengju007 2014-10-30 16:15
Toeplitz and Circulant Matrices A Review.pdf attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-30 41783 vdesign 2014-10-30 00:25
基于fpga的通信系统建模与仿真 attachment kingrain 2009-5-29 86317 Arvinliu 2014-10-29 18:27
[求助] 怎样入门FPGA无线通信呢? wystar 2014-5-20 11629 courageheart 2014-10-28 09:57
RAKE接收机技术 attachment  ...2345 hailiang 2006-11-1 449330 pengtyou20 2014-10-27 21:31
纠错编码的好书,国外的理论和实际仿真接合的好书 attachment  ...23456..35 kylkzy 2007-1-24 34541695 542002990 2014-10-24 11:28
[原创] 移动通信中的先进信号处理技术-清晰大图pdf-中文书籍 attachment  ...23 A1985 2010-5-31 255499 szdgsz 2014-10-22 12:34
WCDMA 协议栈(AS)内部培训资料 attachment  ...2 yuantianzhan 2006-9-12 144323 wangmo2011 2014-10-21 17:28
[ebook]Handbook_of_Algorithms_for_Wireless_Networking_and_Mobile_Comput attachment  ...234 fangll 2006-12-19 346352 zylin614 2014-10-20 14:15
[资料] 华为 通信方面培训资料合集 attachment  ...234 kunzj 2010-12-28 337902 search_explore 2014-10-20 14:07
寻找GMSK的FPGA实现 attachment tancerfly 2009-4-22 52269 wugh 2014-10-19 20:06
无线经典教材《无线通信》by Goldsmith 英文版 attachment  ...23 可乐123 2009-5-23 214806 wanggx 2014-10-19 10:59
[资料] 单载波频域均衡资料 attachment sailor1 2011-6-10 22830 jnsxkqz 2014-10-18 13:48
FPGA无线通信设计 attachment  ...2 xiao_cong 2009-7-10 112796 htj844575037 2014-10-17 22:43
华为路由模拟器3.0(破解版)(有截图介绍) attachment  ...234 kompella 2006-12-28 3512666 tengda1943 2014-10-17 12:56
[资料] (重发,2个包)-Estimation Theory (Kay) attachment hjgcqq123 2011-8-11 62036 tschang06 2014-10-13 10:17
最优信号处理(Optimum Signal Processing,第二版)的书中代码和书后习题答案 attachment  ...234 chestthinker 2009-7-3 355914 tschang06 2014-10-13 09:57
华为 技术 IP协议 attachment daisywmc 2009-4-29 21804 evistera 2014-10-9 16:42
2×2空间复用信道MATLAB仿真模型 attachment  ...23 koala5520 2009-6-30 297726 zhaolun 2014-10-7 19:54
光纤通信基础 attachment  ...2 bill_syue 2008-7-18 173780 zhaolun 2014-10-7 18:58
[求助] 求书 Nonlinear Perron-Frobenius Theory lizhongjie 2014-9-28 51978 真我个性 2014-9-30 22:13
[资料] 不是经典不推荐系列-Matlab Symbolic Math Toolbox-多项式矩阵运算必备 attachment  ...2 angle963 2010-6-11 105248 robber6666 2014-9-29 16:51
[求助] Projection Matrices, Generalized Inverse Matrices attach_img sart 2014-9-16 72239 cao_top 2014-9-19 21:17
经典教材:数据挖掘原理 attachment  ...2 bluepoet 2009-12-7 132864 tunable_ads 2014-9-19 14:45
[其它] 新书预告 Principle of Communications 第七版 修订版 attach_img fwbnick 2014-9-15 93190 apteye 2014-9-19 13:06
!!Introduction to Fuzzy Logic using MATLAB——2007 wodeccbp 2009-7-9 11645 shuiren 2014-9-17 18:45
[讨论] 关于民主推荐优秀帖子与资料的通知 fwbnick 2014-9-16 32761 fwbnick 2014-9-16 12:40
[原创] 大话无线通信 attachment sdwcl0195 2011-1-5 82057 evistera 2014-9-15 14:10
[原创] 关于多变量统计的好书《Multivariate Statistics-A vector Space Approach》 attach_img chenjun0789 2013-4-12 93042 buscot 2014-9-13 15:42
[资料] 各种80211的老版协议,现在已经不好找了,分享一下 attachment anypoint2009 2014-8-20 11482 lanny_cn 2014-9-13 14:21
[资料] 绿色通信 Energy Efficiency and Spectral Efficiency 好文 attachment cooperation 2014-3-14 42112 fucka03 2014-9-12 19:47
[求助] 求书, Synchronization and Timing in Telecommunications, by Kishan Shenoi lebkuchen 2013-2-15 11519 cao_top 2014-9-10 23:17
悬赏 [求助] 求书 Mobile Radio Communications (Wiley - IEEE) Raymond Steele , Lajos L. Hanzo - [悬赏 10 信元资产] djtyc 2013-8-1 32208 cao_top 2014-9-10 22:55
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