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FPGA计算机的初步理论 attachment ineedpower 2009-2-25 61839 ineedpower 2009-3-9 11:33
FPGA优秀设计十点要求 attachment  ...2345 ljl-918 2007-4-2 429039 monker0007 2009-3-9 09:34
CLK_4 meili123 2009-3-9 01560 meili123 2009-3-9 00:29
高纯球形硅微粉生产方法 attachment icfpga 2009-3-8 01645 icfpga 2009-3-8 02:27
Cu/Ta/SiO2/Si薄膜在纳米压痕下的分层现象研究 attachment icfpga 2009-3-8 01689 icfpga 2009-3-8 02:02
四位乘法器的VHDL语言设计 attachment oak100 2009-1-19 23321 aaaqaz2004 2009-3-7 22:34
FSM_设计指导 attachment answerdou 2007-3-18 22492 terranp 2009-3-7 21:58
FSM与工程应用-再说FSM attachment  ...2 btltz 2005-3-18 124336 terranp 2009-3-7 21:56
【经典图书系列下载】VLSI Custom Microelectronics attachment  ...2 vertyang 2008-2-28 123789 risccpu 2009-3-7 10:25
SYSTEM-ON-A-CHIP VERIFICATION Methodology and Techniques attachment  ...2 zjpl 2008-10-27 102988 sciencew 2009-3-7 01:45
Arithmetic Circuits in CMOS VLSI part01 attachment auster 2006-10-2 41833 risccpu 2009-3-7 00:10
共享modelsim 破解方法 attachment shining885 2008-6-17 82787 dxk2008 2009-3-6 19:51
fpga平台上开发通信安全系列的良好资料 attachment fxyyye 2009-3-6 01882 fxyyye 2009-3-6 18:43
高速数字系统设计 经典资料1 no_fly 2007-4-24 42001 supertorus 2009-3-6 15:13 lcxxcl 2009-3-5 11377 lcxxcl 2009-3-5 22:21
半导体器件学习资料 attachment luoxc83 2009-1-14 32743 szkevin 2009-3-5 17:47
SystemC from the Ground Up attachment  ...2 lltthh 2007-3-2 133781 pkuime 2009-3-5 15:25
刘明业Verilog第四版 attachment pkuime 2009-3-5 11660 pkuime 2009-3-5 15:11
ASIC设计新手入门必看资料 attachment xchuang19 2009-3-4 12027 dft2009 2009-3-5 14:18
OPA详细设计报告 attachment cqw1c2q3w 2008-9-10 42151 ha43100 2009-3-5 13:32
Xilinx FPGA系列入门教程 sharlotte 2009-3-5 11560 sharlotte 2009-3-5 12:12
modelsim 教程 attachment qfqtt 2009-3-3 11396 allen8198 2009-3-4 16:51
Quartus II 用户指南 attachment qfqtt 2009-3-3 11223 allen8198 2009-3-4 16:50
qiu 经典soc设计教程 wuyingpan06 2009-3-4 01588 wuyingpan06 2009-3-4 00:11
大家都发设计方面的,我发本perl的书吧 attachment  ...2 beararound 2008-1-14 105906 opqfeixue 2009-3-3 07:47
modelsim教程 attachment hyj1985 2009-3-2 03726 hyj1985 2009-3-2 18:29
数字设计 attachment hxyufei 2009-3-2 01238 hxyufei 2009-3-2 10:59
静态时序分析(Static Timing Analysis)基础及应用 attachment mbscn_peter 2009-2-23 11243 fb_hou 2009-3-1 18:32
王磊(6-FPGA的嵌入式设计) attachment wangl007 2007-2-13 92849 dddddddddddff 2009-2-28 22:06
比较好的学习资料!! geluyong 2009-2-28 02936 geluyong 2009-2-28 19:42
usb中文spec attachment  ...2 ibrotherv1 2008-3-29 163718 wanbey 2009-2-28 10:22
几篇关于FFT的论文 attachment  ...234 ADDC 2006-7-31 307226 terranp 2009-2-28 09:59
有关writing testbench 2rd terranp 2009-2-28 01824 terranp 2009-2-28 09:47
Cadence仿真步骤 attachment qfqtt 2009-2-13 41534 gengjingbin 2009-2-27 23:31
发一本VHDL的书(例子教程) attachment yongjiutadie 2009-2-27 01731 yongjiutadie 2009-2-27 22:03
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