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CPU设计杂谈 今日: 0|主题: 3410|排名: 19 

一种基于FPGA的微处理器系统 attachment  ...23 visence_101 2007-1-6 214972 demonyh 2008-12-12 22:45
intel pxa270 开发板: RISC-SOM-H27X-V1.1 attachment chrisyao 2006-3-14 43082 chen2003 2008-12-12 13:19
请教,关于dsp处理的vlsi架构,经典资料有哪些? ybchen08 2008-10-23 43469 smaa 2008-12-12 12:13
[下载]Pipelined Processor Farms, Chapter1 (无内容) attachment  ...23456..11 hpsun 2004-3-29 10318341 samkid 2008-12-11 18:40
模拟CMOS集成电路设计 attachment  ...234 wangronga 2006-12-20 397143 yin8800 2008-12-11 13:15
关于流水线的一篇文章,可能对你有用 attachment  ...2 torpedo000 2008-3-27 153940 amin2008 2008-12-7 21:49
我学习过的<单片机keil c51程序设计资料> attachment hgqldyx 2008-12-3 21733 hgqldyx 2008-12-4 22:39
ARM开讲:移动计算时代的趋势和挑战 aahhkk23 2008-12-1 11505 eestone 2008-12-1 16:53
questions on verilog pipeline sevid 2008-11-21 11780 jeffleeh888 2008-12-1 10:45
合作开发嵌入式系统网络modem boyudongfang 2004-8-25 12538 sonatahan 2008-11-26 09:49
arm指令 attachment kargid 2006-11-23 33272 dante5323 2008-11-24 01:39
老扁请进,有事请教! xddjd 2004-2-17 23536 ICBuger 2008-11-23 23:45
方舟科技GT2000芯片的税控收款机软件用户手册中文版 attachment buildgates 2006-11-12 28207 bluefoxde 2008-11-22 08:48
东西不错 happyair2008 2008-11-21 01785 happyair2008 2008-11-21 22:48
高性能嵌入计算HPEC Architecture Application and Methodology sandyhan 2008-11-11 02493 sandyhan 2008-11-11 23:36
求助 dwt116530272 2008-11-11 01860 dwt116530272 2008-11-11 09:27
0-999999计数器该程序 转载 attachment solonsun 2004-4-27 52996 lsx0117 2008-11-10 15:29
ARM开发资料 attachment oneearth 2008-10-22 16155 yepizhou 2008-11-6 20:22
请问谁有VLSI并行结构设计相关的资料啊??? elephantsun 2008-11-4 010779 elephantsun 2008-11-4 13:47
哪位大侠有ARM architectual v6 manual? 阿基里奥斯 2008-11-3 02294 阿基里奥斯 2008-11-3 22:31
求高人指点 zrghost 2008-11-2 12313 zhouhong 2008-11-3 20:17
片上网络性能分析模型研究 lingo_matlab 2008-10-29 02462 lingo_matlab 2008-10-29 19:46
operating system concept 讲议 attachment lafengyu 2006-12-16 42499 golbh 2008-10-28 22:31
三种常用SoC片上总线的分析与比较 attachment  ...2 sailor_wuyong 2007-11-14 144186 xueliannew 2008-10-26 13:11
大唐FPGA经验 attachment  ...234 shanrui11 2007-12-18 376565 vcx 2008-10-26 01:55
自己设计一块支持INTEL CPU的主板可能吗? qihui0216 2007-9-23 33055 rkw123 2008-10-25 19:33
lauout 教材确实不错 attachment guojia123456 2008-10-23 32099 robberxiong 2008-10-24 09:23
我是一个兵 attachment guojia123456 2008-10-23 11699 guojia123456 2008-10-23 17:04
我喜欢这个网站 guojia123456 2008-10-23 01480 guojia123456 2008-10-23 16:57
[2 Files] The Sourcebook of Parallel Computing; ISBN:1558608710 wt_ckt 2008-10-15 32189 plmhinc8010 2008-10-23 12:15
谁哪儿有关于CPU Cache构架的资料? forlorm 2007-12-14 22416 edalearner 2008-10-22 00:09
输入信号沿速率指导 attachment dianzifun 2007-12-9 41985 teshubah 2008-10-19 01:44
接着发CPU Logic Design attachment  ...234 liusong106 2007-1-16 317261 fly2050 2008-10-18 20:52
2 bugsbuny 2008-10-16 01337 bugsbuny 2008-10-16 23:29
AMBA问题 WE_POPO 2008-10-5 01976 WE_POPO 2008-10-5 22:21
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