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EETOP诚邀模拟IC相关培训讲师 创芯人才网--重磅上线啦!
[资料] 摩托罗拉的电路板极的电磁兼容设计 attachment  ...2 zhangyg 2011-3-24 123742 leolilee 2012-10-9 17:30
[原创] 谁有BluePrint-PCB.v3.0.0.571的视频教程啊 kjq139 2012-10-7 01905 kjq139 2012-10-7 10:59
810主板电路图 attachment  ...2345 fengsui 2007-7-1 469646 jimthn 2012-10-4 22:04
[资料] 传输线匹配端接仿真工具 attachment  ...2345 bruce8949 2010-6-9 489076 wfyhb36 2012-9-23 19:35
[求助] altium库中component的pin自动升序命名 chaojixin 2012-9-17 12007 dyz123 2012-9-20 22:01
三星DDR内存条PCB(allegro15.1格式) attachment  ...23456..7 dd235 2007-12-13 6916051 awei1206 2012-9-20 00:58
sigwave user guide attachment zmg2007 2009-6-6 42977 fengjie19871128 2012-9-16 15:05
[资料] 如何破解allegro 16.3 attachment annapanjuan 2011-6-14 72691 zuowei_999 2012-9-9 14:59
[求助] allegro查分对交换P和N的问题 oyyg 2012-9-4 01975 oyyg 2012-9-4 10:00
单片机 aduc812 protel格式 schlib&pcblib attachment  ...2345 laobai 2003-8-21 4412231 leecoyui 2012-8-26 15:01
Cadence PCB设计使用过程中的注意事项 attachment  ...2 dreamtofuture 2007-2-5 104324 hnwulei 2012-8-20 13:16
PCB Layout中的走线策略 attachment  ...23456..7 YEZI123123 2007-12-8 6911227 chenjin19850101 2012-8-18 12:58
cadence讲义_清华微电子所 attachment  ...23 leizhige 2007-9-23 296583 xuzhiping_123 2012-8-15 13:59
[求助] 求资料 creazystone 2012-8-12 01732 creazystone 2012-8-12 22:45
[资料] 有需要MPC860培训教材的请进,中文版奥。 attachment shandongtou 2012-5-21 12201 silktree 2012-8-9 11:45
明导EE2007中心库 attach_img  ...23456 yejingang 2009-6-21 5911051 hiank 2012-8-8 15:54
仿真、时序、信号和电源完整性分析资料 attachment  ...234 ratdanlu 2009-6-19 306532 sulilittle 2012-8-8 13:27
[求助]:BGA封装的PCB设计应注意什么? attachment  ...234 cbcqu 2004-10-12 3010238 chenjin19850101 2012-8-5 20:33
allegro16.2 attachment  ...23 andysun99 2009-7-14 204911 woden123 2012-8-4 15:28
allegro16.2安装与破解 attachment  ...234 dw4736 2009-11-12 389811 woden123 2012-8-3 18:05
CADENCE初级培训教材 attachment  ...2 szsunshi 2007-9-14 164183 zcg1984828 2012-8-1 22:42
[求助] 谁可以共享一下allegro16.301到20的补丁啊 谢谢 yurunwuyu 2012-7-24 22235 navywhj 2012-8-1 09:01
[资料] !!!PCB添加LOGO软件.!!! attachment  ...2 netshell 2011-4-2 174995 netshell 2012-7-27 22:30
安捷倫教學課程 attachment  ...2 alenbai 2008-4-8 165014 et6656 2012-7-27 21:52
射频微波布板用软件 lfq_qing 2009-3-11 32154 zhenli888 2012-7-26 21:45
Allegro学习! jjjred 2007-12-7 32450 zhenli888 2012-7-26 21:44
Mentor EN入门(中文) attachment lzx718 2008-8-13 33701 mentorkk 2012-7-25 04:24
AllegroV16_wn_GB attachment  ...2 fkueitx 2008-7-16 123823 mentorkk 2012-7-25 04:16
boardstation pcb设计手册 attachment ace11 2008-3-27 42838 mentorkk 2012-7-25 04:13
[资料] SPB16.3 hotfix029 ice-river 2011-5-4 32959 mentorkk 2012-7-25 04:06
[求助] 求 Polar Speedstack software mentorkk 2010-2-8 23702 mentorkk 2012-7-25 04:04
Cadence SPB16.0破解(亲测) attachment  ...2 freeman.w 2009-12-10 103595 mentorkk 2012-7-25 03:57
[资料] Concept hdl attachment zzxxddasic 2010-5-22 74597 mentorkk 2012-7-25 03:40
ROHS attachment schon 2009-4-23 82361 mentorkk 2012-7-25 03:39
[资料] The Layout of Mixed-Signal PCBs for PCB design attachment  ...2 jie5190 2011-6-17 146128 mentorkk 2012-7-25 03:37
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