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版主: kingson_chu
[资料] CDMA资料2 attachment cfhai 2010-9-17 43532 apptone 2010-12-21 09:25
[资料] 安捷伦TD-SCDMA的终端测试解决方案 attachment hp304132652 2010-9-14 88354 apptone 2010-12-20 09:14
[求助] 哪位大侠帮忙找几篇外文论文啊??谢了! kook309 2010-11-11 12305 songvan 2010-12-14 15:14
[资料] 3GPP TS 25.213 attachment ht1688 2010-11-9 43103 chujn 2010-12-9 09:51
[资料] 华为TD数据卡模块Linux第三方集成指导文档V 1.1 attachment finelei2002 2010-8-8 93478 andy1207 2010-12-4 18:05
[原创] 发帖换积分 luozero 2010-11-17 12312 mihayilov 2010-12-3 11:20
[资料] 好资料 attachment wangwh123 2010-6-1 82599 kebon22 2010-11-21 12:28
[原创] 发帖换积分 luozero 2010-11-17 01789 luozero 2010-11-17 20:12
[原创] 自动交换光网络-清晰大图pdf-中文书籍 attachment A1985 2010-6-5 83111 peakerlee 2010-11-14 20:34
TD-SCDMA 系统中低代价信道估计方法的改进 attachment bbchgd 2009-7-11 42626 flyfreely23 2010-11-8 20:08
[资料] [资料]LTE关键技术研究 attachment  ...23 wugh 2010-7-21 275923 zcs841017 2010-11-7 14:04
[资料] 【资料】wimax RCT2.0 attachment yd_003 2010-6-8 52246 0536102why 2010-10-26 19:18
TD-SCDMA中码道激活算法研究 attachment  ...2 bbchgd 2009-7-11 133610 kimicalvin 2010-10-17 17:32
[原创] 关于点阵的 设计资料 attachment monkeyzhang 2010-4-21 31945 lx8238157 2010-10-15 21:21
[资料] 3GPP LTE介绍(for green people) attachment good_study 2010-5-11 94744 jevei01 2010-10-12 14:20
[求助] 哪儿有synopsys system studio? nonsingular 2010-10-10 13780 down_load 2010-10-10 10:53
[求助] 求书:H.264 Advanced Video Compression Standard, The, Second Edition qhl0222_cn 2010-5-30 32767 xs_uestc 2010-10-7 15:24
[资料] 中国电信1x增强型终端需求规范-Rev A数据终端AT命令接口分册-V1.0 attachment finelei2002 2010-8-8 72615 gerudao 2010-10-6 10:41
[资料] 多径环境下TD_SCDMA系统容量分析 attachment hp304132652 2010-9-14 33655 aimar327 2010-10-5 23:40
TD_SCDMA參考設計 的英文版 attachment  ...2 smartchi 2009-8-19 166044 nero007 2010-9-17 15:52
[资料] CDMA资料 attachment cfhai 2010-9-17 33563 cfhai 2010-9-17 10:53
一种消除相邻小区干扰的方法及装置 attachment  ...2 bbchgd 2009-7-11 113804 ai520520 2010-9-13 22:10
[资料] GSM无线网络规划与优化 attachment yuxuan1314 2009-12-22 82433 no1bigdog 2010-9-12 11:18
[招聘] 中移动TD试题 attachment kevin516 2010-8-5 22185 coolfall 2010-9-8 19:19
3g移动通信(第二版)! attachment  ...2345 zhouandy 2009-6-11 478808 leilimoon 2010-9-8 09:41
WCDMA原理讲座 attachment  ...23 chenrg_yhcrg 2009-6-9 225043 abcabc007 2010-9-5 18:34
ADI TD-SCDMA solution smartchi 2009-9-7 52635 abcabc007 2010-9-5 18:18
[资料] NGMN 白皮书 3.0 attachment licl 2010-9-2 12457 qptom 2010-9-2 15:41
[资料] LTE phy rel 8 spec (3) attachment wang_chin 2010-6-25 72397 chris_chenzhi 2010-8-21 21:46
[求助] 谁有LTE方面的书,推荐一下啊 mywolf 2010-7-17 34313 chris_chenzhi 2010-8-21 13:54
[资料] Risk, Uncertainty and Decision-Making in Property attachment gond 2010-8-4 61931 chris_chenzhi 2010-8-21 10:30
[资料] Beyond 3G - Bringing Networks, Terminals and the Web Together:LTE attachment  ...2 yimingxn 2010-3-7 155819 gregoryw 2010-8-11 14:42
小区间干扰的抑制方法和系统 attachment bbchgd 2009-7-11 72915 huatiantian 2010-8-9 08:49
WCDMA规划培训教材 attachment marchone 2009-11-30 72219 liushenghai 2010-8-7 07:47
七号信令.doc attachment zgjxuer 2009-6-13 72440 sadycat 2010-8-4 14:20
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