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DSP资料区 今日: 0|主题: 4688|排名: 61 

版主: cjsb37, thyears
[原创] ccs学习资料 attachment icepole 2006-12-23 92184 yudunguo 2009-8-28 10:50
[原创] VHDL学习 attachment guangyun 2007-6-5 42376 ekf 2009-8-28 05:38
[原创] CCS集成开发中文使用教程 attachment oli 2008-8-7 31695 ABCD8031 2009-8-27 19:14
[原创] evdo 标准 attachment xgqc 2009-8-27 01315 xgqc 2009-8-27 16:10
[原创] 怎么学习dsp 7651568 2009-8-23 11709 mingdong 2009-8-27 14:43
[原创] TI-DSP参考资料大全(内含下载网址) attachment  ...23456..7 wijs 2006-11-13 6011213 wql8315 2009-8-27 14:16
[原创] DSP和PC机之间通过USB实现通信 attachment cxd3341 2009-8-22 11078 luxiaojie 2009-8-27 00:21
[原创] DSP6000系列入门 attachment junzhuzhou 2009-7-8 634622 michaelitg 2009-8-26 23:20
[原创] 里面有ti c54xx讲义,DSP嵌入式系统的介绍,TI 技术术语表和PID算法控制程序源代码 attachment  ...2 hong0335 2006-11-21 164454 te_huangwei2006 2009-8-25 22:37
[原创] TMS320C5x系列指令集 attachment feman5012 2008-11-24 72659 13915044350 2009-8-25 22:05
[原创] F28系列的FLASH烧写 attachment  ...2 astro—b 2007-7-1 133273 welco 2009-8-25 13:40
[原创] (eWiley) Application of Programmable DSPs in Mobile Communicatio attachment huyugorgon 2008-7-6 42230 sailor123 2009-8-24 19:36
[原创] DSP systems_ interfacing with the outside world attachment had 2009-8-24 01335 had 2009-8-24 07:39
[原创] CCS编程入门及使用 attachment hejign20030519 2008-3-25 32326 hdpy2003 2009-8-23 17:47
[原创] CCS的使用教程 attachment shuangxiao0102 2007-9-28 31468 lqq86 2009-8-23 09:48
[原创] dsp技术及应用 电子书 attachment luxiaojie 2009-8-22 01672 luxiaojie 2009-8-22 13:23
[原创] DSP技术及应用课件 attachment cxd3341 2009-8-22 01218 cxd3341 2009-8-22 09:45
[原创] 《DSP芯片的原理与开发应用(第2版)》 attachment yixiu0000 2009-8-12 61743 gf128 2009-8-21 11:48
[原创] DSPTech 水木清华DSP技术精华 attachment xiaoxiaoyuwts 2009-8-20 02049 xiaoxiaoyuwts 2009-8-20 21:54
[原创] 请教 龙啸九天 2007-12-13 11321 龙啸九天 2009-8-20 09:39
[原创] 这样的沟通只能是浪费大家时间 ymfhpjsaw 2009-8-19 0909 ymfhpjsaw 2009-8-19 22:59
[原创] jtag标准 attachment wyuye2007 2009-8-19 14601 wyuye2007 2009-8-19 18:00
[原创] 系统分析师教程 2008 attachment befriend 2009-8-19 81665 befriend 2009-8-19 10:35
[原创] 嵌入式中应用C及C++ attachment 2009-8-18 11257 lihang0323 2009-8-18 21:40
[原创] 现代dsp技术 sinosound 2009-7-19 21682 toidi 2009-8-18 08:47
[原创] DSP资料~ zephyrlive 2009-8-17 11684 rumi 2009-8-18 08:25
[原创] DSP开发总结资料 attachment anzhidsp 2009-8-9 61845 toidi 2009-8-18 08:16
[原创] dsp开发入门.pdf attachment  ...23 flyarrow 2007-6-20 226704 lym59386 2009-8-16 19:48
[原创] TMS320F240-UCOS移植原代码 attachment chenjiangbin834 2009-8-15 02429 chenjiangbin834 2009-8-15 00:00
[原创] LSWS系列电动车辆专用无刷电机控制器 attachment huang3115505 2007-5-21 52751 marsywm 2009-8-13 23:05
[原创] TI系列DSP的I2C模块配置与应用 attachment qzw19810822 2007-9-14 92471 garcia 2009-8-13 21:46
[原创] 急需些 TMS320C54X 系列的dsp资料,哪位给些 attachment wdy9927 2004-12-7 52995 zdg-joe 2009-8-13 13:17
[原创] DSP SCI中文 attachment 12yu3 2008-8-1 52465 zdg-joe 2009-8-13 13:15
[原创] SST39VF400AFLASH的编程擦除问题 huang7855 2003-12-5 42801 kankan123456789 2009-8-13 11:16
[原创] 询问关于fft计算中溢出问题 sumco 2009-8-11 12047 jkwgky0615 2009-8-12 00:59
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