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DSP资料区 今日: 0|主题: 4692|排名: 54 

版主: cjsb37, thyears
[原创] DSP算法大全C语言版本 attachment  ...234 luxiaojie 2009-8-22 379658 tellingstory 2023-11-13 20:40
[资料] Digital Signal Processing with FPGA attach_img craybird 2022-1-29 92164 tellingstory 2023-11-13 20:38
[原创] Advanced Digital Signal Processing and Noise Reduction, Saeed V. Vaseghi attachment  ...2 littlemelon 2010-2-11 143764 tellingstory 2023-11-13 20:27
[原创] 精典好书:Audio Signal Processing and Coding attachment  ...23456..7 wyz165099 2009-11-5 6717035 tellingstory 2023-11-13 17:12
[原创] wiley出版的数字信号处理和滤波器设计入门高清英文原版书 attachment  ...23456..9 tcyhx 2009-8-28 8220782 soldierwuhan 2023-11-13 09:48
[原创] 嵌入式Linux应用程序开发详解 attachment wuxinhope123 2009-4-9 52115 zoe0615 2023-10-29 15:13
[原创] dsp 必看资料 attachment  ...2 arklau 2011-3-14 154091 ayamitek 2023-10-22 13:36
[原创] 基于dsp和FPGA的机器人声控系统设计与实现 attachment will745 2010-10-15 41875 ayamitek 2023-10-22 13:34
[原创] 做DSP最应该懂得157个问题(回答) attachment  ...234 wangqian0818 2007-11-17 305274 infortrans 2023-10-20 09:16
[原创] DSP集成开发环境CCS使用指南 attachment  ...2 275625156 2009-7-5 143744 xike2002 2023-10-18 06:42
[资料] 创龙开发板资料创龙c6748 新人帖 attachment blank_period 2023-10-16 0758 blank_period 2023-10-16 09:11
[资料] 创龙开发板资料创龙c6748 新人帖 attachment blank_period 2023-10-16 0786 blank_period 2023-10-16 09:02
[原创] Ebook ALGORITHMS FOR AUDIO WATERMARKING AND STEGANOGRAPHY attachment  ...2 aster 2008-8-6 123510 Ralphjh 2023-10-8 16:53
[原创] DSP经典英文教材 attachment  ...2 lryan 2009-4-23 195946 cmmjava 2023-10-3 09:34
[原创] 混合信号和DSP设计技术 attachment r65840 2007-1-2 22308 myl 2023-9-25 21:59
[原创] DSP算法设计与系统方案 电子书 attachment  ...23456..16 xuefeihua 2007-4-28 15925701 gccywu 2023-9-25 11:20
[转贴] 超越32nm製造的光刻工藝 attachment 瑜伽 2013-7-17 32159 419593821 2023-9-14 12:46
[原创] 【book】Digital Signal Processing and Applications with the TMS32 and DSK attachment  ...23 A1985 2010-6-13 254240 hchen0730 2023-9-4 16:48
[原创] 大话设计模式 attach_img  ...2 vikingg 2011-9-8 124542 jw216 2023-8-29 08:00
[原创] MATLAB编程(第二版)-菜鸟入门教材 attachment  ...234 sudayan2006 2010-8-13 336975 OEIE1506 2023-8-23 14:54
[原创] 付立叶变换必读经典 Papoulis - Fourier integral and its Applications attachment  ...23456 sspa 2009-8-13 5011109 dannymu 2023-8-8 15:22
[原创] C语言四书五经(绝版) attachment  ...23456..23 0451iceman 2010-6-25 22741265 warewise6836 2023-8-3 21:11
[原创] TMS320C28X系列DSP指令和编程指南(pdf 清晰版,3个包) attachment  ...2 chuanshaoke 2011-12-3 188567 Ralphjh 2023-8-3 12:55
[原创] 数字滤波器设计 attachment  ...234 hwyuan2005 2006-12-22 3610133 auch0311 2023-8-3 08:05
[原创] TMS320C6748 DSP中文技术参考手册 attachment  ...2 luomeigang 2016-6-24 165855 Ralphjh 2023-8-2 16:41
[原创] Understanding Digital signal Processing 3rd edition attachment  ...23456..12 jasonpeng 2011-11-24 11932150 jimcmwang 2023-8-1 01:35
[原创] DSP教案之硬件结构 attachment  ...2 dabing717 2009-6-3 173747 dengtiger 2023-7-25 19:17
[原创] DSP浮点SHARC系列_硬件结构(西电内部资料)! attachment jlfeieee 2011-4-27 53056 dengtiger 2023-7-25 19:17
[原创] TMS320C54X DSP结构、原理及应用 attachment  ...2345 lijinbao2004 2007-11-8 439881 dengtiger 2023-7-25 19:16
[原创] Digital Signal Processing Handbook attachment  ...23456 xie.qiang 2009-7-3 5614871 auch0311 2023-7-25 18:59
[原创] The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing attachment  ...2 A1985 2010-5-22 154237 yuguoren 2023-7-12 09:42
[原创] 一本DSP好书:The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing attachment  ...23456..7 freelion 2008-3-1 6012193 yuguoren 2023-7-12 09:39
[原创] The Image Processing Handbook, Seventh Edition 7th Edition attachment  ...23456..7 Jason.tschen 2015-12-11 6014549 tu_yjq123 2023-7-8 17:33
[原创] blackfin的教学幻灯片和讲义 attachment  ...23456..7 liuxiuli 2007-1-16 6212864 dengtiger 2023-7-5 15:29
[资料] 求Introduction to Digital Signal Processing attach_img ni2121 2023-5-24 31144 dannymu 2023-7-3 09:30
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