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IC验证资料 今日: 4 |主题: 3599|排名: 33 

[原创] maxwell14.0 自带破解安装包 attachment  ...23 只差一点007 2014-3-16 269319 努力的仓鼠 2021-6-26 12:53
[转贴] perl语言入门(第五版) attachment  ...234 djcumt 2010-10-1 3711033 Sean8152 2021-6-25 21:58
高性能、高密度快閃記憶體之研究(台湾清华PHD DISS.) attachment enterchen 2009-12-9 42321 clslhy 2021-6-25 15:20
[资料] UVM guide,个人认为讲得很不错的一本书 attachment  ...2345 章鱼宁 2014-11-12 4912054 turtleone 2021-6-24 09:14
[资料] aurora的使用情况 attachment cuijialang 2019-10-7 21743 wswuheii 2021-6-23 21:27
[资料] UVM OVM Online Methodology Cookbook attachment  ...2 eknngx 2015-4-2 166477 wswuheii 2021-6-23 21:22
推荐基本验证方面的好书,相信您看后会受益匪浅 attachment  ...23456..14 estony 2009-7-18 13820066 f_xl23 2021-6-23 20:01
[资料] 分享一些UVM验证资料,面试必备 attachment  ...23456..8 风吹叶落lxh 2019-3-6 7018845 f_xl23 2021-6-23 20:00
[资料] sv高级验证方法学 attachment  ...2 一岁就很帅 2019-1-30 143169 zhlt123 2021-6-17 20:15
[资料] SystemVerilog 验证测试平台编写指南 attachment  ...234 fgg1991 2016-1-14 359358 tztztz 2021-6-15 21:48
[资料] 整理的function Coverage资料,文例并茂 - [阅读权限 110]attachment  ...2345 曾义和 2013-3-27 43659 vsop 2021-6-13 08:46
[资料] [2016]SystemVerilog Assertions and Functional Coverage 2nd及LAB attachment  ...23456..11 老阮 2016-9-11 10226612 vsop 2021-6-13 08:39
[资料] Incisive Enterprise Simulator Command Option Scripts attachment  ...2 nano_dv 2012-2-6 175968 vsop 2021-6-12 09:10
[资料] Verifying_UPF_Designs_with_Retention_Registers.D-2010.03 attachment  ...2345 creese 2010-11-16 4412114 daisychain 2021-6-11 18:23
[资料] Introduction to AMBA AXI attachment rainingud 2021-6-9 41918 warewise6836 2021-6-9 21:27
[资料] 纯System Verilog搭建RTL验证平台 attachment  ...2 爱吃油条 2018-12-17 113668 vikings 2021-6-8 10:42
[原创] SystemVerilog Assertions and Functional Coverage attachment  ...234 lbt1990 2015-6-6 3211165 Ansami 2021-6-4 13:38
[原创] 分享自己写的sv完整测试平台(questasim) attachment  ...23456..27 chenfengrugao 2010-1-17 26447783 542002990 2021-6-3 12:10
[资料] 验证文档套餐:systemverilog + UVM (语言+思想+方法学) attachment  ...23456..21 BABABA 2012-3-14 20141643 fixtwo 2021-5-31 20:01
[原创] 一个简单的带仲裁的APB仿真模型 attachment jinjiahao 2021-5-28 01564 jinjiahao 2021-5-28 15:28
[原创] 利用Perl语言读取Excel表格内容自动生成验证环境的方法 新人帖 justinherman 2021-1-19 51905 vikings 2021-5-28 11:24
[资料] systemRDL spec/example/grammar attach_img  ...2 fgh575 2010-10-3 105912 anpengfei 2021-5-27 11:46
DC使用中文详细说明 attachment  ...2345 stone14041 2009-9-4 4710205 学晋 2021-5-26 17:09
[资料] SVUnit, 用于对SV单元测试 attachment 年轻的韭菜 2020-12-13 42169 pp_hong 2021-5-25 12:45
[求助] 谁有这本有关Verification Plans 的书,传一下哈 谢谢了 attachment icfans3 2013-10-16 84663 pp_hong 2021-5-25 12:38
[资料] verdi training lab ... attachment  ...23456..7 hvc777888 2011-5-14 6716474 vsop 2021-5-23 17:49
[求助] 关于uvm中的fifo!! liaoyh123 2021-5-20 51972 liaoyh123 2021-5-21 08:33
[资料] AMBA3.0APB总结 attachment  ...23 easonC 2013-9-7 246778 hanxiong99 2021-5-20 20:03
[资料] Fast and Accurate Protocol Specific Bus Modeling using TLM 2.0 attachment  ...23 edalearner 2010-6-4 217970 cnmd 2021-5-19 10:49
[资料] 求onespin360 attach_img ccbirds 2021-5-14 11271 loafer 2021-5-17 11:39
[资料] 运放仿真 attachment paultianke 2016-3-25 72973 JingKe 2021-5-15 15:47
[资料] ic610及mmsim61安装包及license attachment  ...234 891680996 2015-9-11 328344 七七八八qaq 2021-5-9 22:24
[求助] 【求助】关于封装——Socket SP3是什么东西?  ...23 heerowin 2016-8-3 2710110 wangsheng163 2021-5-8 13:49
[原创] Verilog_Lab2--decode attachment dreamer180 2020-3-30 22008 clonenight 2021-5-7 11:36
[原创] uvm-1.2 examples hh199203 2021-4-27 11413 xie326 2021-4-30 14:36
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