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射频微波资料 今日: 1 |主题: 8763|排名: 22 

版主: jinlilijin
stability attachment read_ljr 2007-12-9 42649 stevenli2003 2008-6-24 10:11
反射面天线 hezheng 2008-6-21 02122 hezheng 2008-6-21 13:01
08521@52RD_Wimax.pdf attachment countryson 2008-6-21 02177 countryson 2008-6-21 00:42
RF-MW PPT attachment Plumjiang 2008-2-29 53298 skygardon 2008-6-20 15:10
[寻书]:Essentials of RF and Microwave Grounding telenet123 2008-6-20 04555 telenet123 2008-6-20 09:26
candence&ADS hypear 2008-6-10 12447 hhq414 2008-6-18 22:14
[[高速PCB设计中文设计] ]PDF attachment tianxian 2008-6-17 22492 lixqing 2008-6-18 05:58
電波工程 attachment cwb0201 2008-4-24 22194 loveuestc 2008-6-18 00:10
射频术语中英文对照 attachment topwjch626 2008-4-17 52192 loveuestc 2008-6-17 23:44
no2 attachment kingrain 2008-4-29 12718 loveuestc 2008-6-17 23:23
混频论文 attachment  ...2 kingrain 2008-4-29 1023563 evon0617 2008-6-17 21:21
another two attachment kingrain 2008-5-2 12792 loveuestc 2008-6-17 19:50
antenna and wavelet 1 attachment kingrain 2008-5-2 12339 loveuestc 2008-6-17 19:49
共享 attachment qiuranke 2007-8-25 42753 sheety 2008-6-17 19:13
veriglogA manual attachment frankiebai 2008-5-11 12806 loveuestc 2008-6-17 16:48
A design Example attachment read_ljr 2007-12-9 82794 loveuestc 2008-6-17 13:57
移动终端天线设计 attachment xueseliuye 2008-5-27 12120 loveuestc 2008-6-17 13:43
手机设计概述 attachment xueseliuye 2008-5-27 25924 loveuestc 2008-6-17 13:42
求安捷伦的RFDE下载地址 lyj65102897 2008-4-21 84113 vwxy376 2008-6-17 09:28
介绍后3G的中文翻译的MTT文献 attachment lichenpkuer 2008-5-22 42393 woshifeng 2008-6-17 02:18
hfss attachment gzy9745188 2008-4-4 42229 loveuestc 2008-6-15 23:02
发一点资料! attachment wbrf123 2007-9-5 12194 loveuestc 2008-6-15 22:52
實用高頻基本電路集 attachment hwan67 2007-8-28 52188 loveuestc 2008-6-15 22:51
电磁兼容 attachment zhangxinglei 2007-12-19 32517 loveuestc 2008-6-15 21:29
电压调谐带通滤波器的设计研究 attachment oyesandman 2008-3-25 23597 vvhacker 2008-6-15 13:53
政府公布UHF频率 attachment snbc 2007-5-22 32689 frank12345 2008-6-13 16:26
耦合器 qxguo 2008-6-13 01997 qxguo 2008-6-13 14:46
延长license.dat的试用时间 dcjiang 2008-6-13 02137 dcjiang 2008-6-13 10:21
[其它] DD JJL1212 2008-6-7 03133 JJL1212 2008-6-7 18:39
VHDL语言在电子设计自动化中的应用.pdf attachment 250013449 2008-6-7 12119 beatlin 2008-6-7 12:21
Verilog+HDL数字电路的设计.pdf attachment 250013449 2008-6-7 01845 250013449 2008-6-7 11:05
[求助]ADS2004A中DC仿真控制器的问题? lpjzl 2007-11-9 12328 cui_panda 2008-6-5 22:19
宽带天线 attachment  ...2 bj1858 2007-11-11 154015 shutterbug 2008-6-4 18:44
A design of the low-pass filter using the novel microstrip defected attachment youwei1010 2008-5-29 12560 DDkiller1983 2008-5-30 11:24
Speed 2000 手册 attachment wxxuzhong 2008-5-26 22965 e_future 2008-5-29 23:23
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