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射频微波资料 今日: 0|主题: 8763|排名: 15 

版主: jinlilijin
hspice简明手册.rar attachment qinzhijie842 2007-10-30 52421 shzshz 2009-2-4 13:35
hspice应用教程.rar attachment qinzhijie842 2007-10-30 92631 shzshz 2009-2-4 13:34
[求助] Solution for "VLSI for wireless communication" Sradio 2009-2-3 02156 Sradio 2009-2-3 14:31
Microwave Transistor Amplifiers attachment 344484693 2008-11-18 33311 rocksyh 2009-2-2 08:30
Radio Frequency Circuit Design attachment oyesandman 2008-3-25 51740 rocksyh 2009-2-1 16:49
耦合器 attachment xingzhewujiang 2008-9-6 24368 Jambalaya 2009-2-1 16:04
ADS中如何对pin二极管建模? nulll 2009-2-1 02646 nulll 2009-2-1 11:50
EMWCAI attachment songxd942 2009-1-31 05658 songxd942 2009-1-31 12:00
Adanvanced DSP and noise reduction 2nd Edition fullspectrum 2009-1-13 12813 taiishan 2009-1-24 22:10
microstrip filters for RF and microwave application attachment chendaping 2008-12-29 49936 scochen 2009-1-24 19:59
微波集成讲座 attachment francisnie 2009-1-23 08615 francisnie 2009-1-23 01:37
ADS2005A快速入门中文教程 attachment  ...2 wook 2007-8-12 164691 muzigongsui 2009-1-21 22:56
绝对超值----ADS2005A+视频讲解 attachment  ...2345 breakheart 2007-7-17 479361 muzigongsui 2009-1-21 22:20
FRS资料 attachment huqiming588 2009-1-7 13163 purple_sky 2009-1-21 16:12
CDMA系统设计与优化--[美]Kyoung II Kim 刘晓宇 杜志敏译 attachment  ...2 stormy123 2009-1-18 123061 mnbvcxz0717 2009-1-21 01:44
求2005版toflove joshzln 2009-1-18 02456 joshzln 2009-1-18 16:27
哪位知道如何模拟白光光谱 joshzln 2009-1-18 01835 joshzln 2009-1-18 16:00
DDSC-I-00001-無線鍵盤研發技術文件 attachment hwan67 2007-8-28 12550 hungyu36 2009-1-17 21:00
Adanvanced DSP and noise reduction 2nd Edition zweishi 2009-1-15 02258 zweishi 2009-1-15 19:09
FIELD ANTENNA HANDBOOK attachment loveuestc 2008-6-16 32307 hezudao 2009-1-14 01:32
lcp attachment nj_sss 2009-1-12 41953 nj_sss 2009-1-13 15:21
干扰滤波技术 attachment zbingsdsd 2009-1-13 12434 bluefoxde 2009-1-13 09:16
驻波比 反射损耗 传输损耗 电压反射系 表格 attachment  ...234 qiaoyanbin 2007-8-20 308008 顽皮的电子 2009-1-11 22:40
请问DX哪有LNA设计实例啊 fenghedz 2009-1-2 02399 fenghedz 2009-1-2 01:28
哪位大哥有LNA设计实例啊 fenghedz 2009-1-2 01873 fenghedz 2009-1-2 00:56
请教DX介质滤波器的噪声系数该如何计算啊 fenghedz 2009-1-2 02303 fenghedz 2009-1-2 00:50
请教高手双栅场效应管如何做阻抗匹配 fenghedz 2009-1-2 02214 fenghedz 2009-1-2 00:46
请教哪位DX双栅极场效益管应该如何做阻抗匹配 fenghedz 2009-1-2 01850 fenghedz 2009-1-2 00:41
Advanced Modeling in Computational Electromagnetic Compatibility jluyzb 2009-1-1 02320 jluyzb 2009-1-1 22:28
锁相环PLL原理与应用 attachment taoyulong38 2008-12-25 11744 bing128 2008-12-26 17:17
GPS天线设计仿真 guoru8251 2008-11-25 12089 firstfantasty 2008-12-26 15:24
射频智能卡天线分布电感间接测量 attachment donjiang2008 2008-12-26 02482 donjiang2008 2008-12-26 14:48
EMC天线 attachment daniel_ran 2007-12-2 72781 Eric82 2008-12-24 19:31
Electronics RF Circuit Design attachment xiaosui 2008-12-18 31838 fybh911 2008-12-20 19:41
140MHZ-800MHZ语音及音频接收模块 attachment  ...2 rfdiy 2007-9-12 104352 jiang_sysu 2008-12-19 17:40
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