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MATLAB 资料 今日: 0|主题: 3159|排名: 19 

版主: jswon, eecsseudl
Business Economics & Finance with Matlab GIS and Simulation Models attachment  ...2 jswon 2008-5-27 163517 vipper123 2011-3-12 14:24
Classification Parameter Estimation & State Estimation attachment pandora 2010-11-19 92459 spirity 2011-3-9 11:07
MATLAB图像处理命令 attachment  ...2 zhaowangxing 2009-6-18 183309 xxiaofeng 2011-3-8 22:05
求蒙特卡洛仿真程序及相关资料,谢谢 blueskys 2009-7-12 32454 xjli_014 2011-3-6 14:45
MATLAB控制系统设计与仿真(完整课件) attachment  ...234 lcl6000 2008-11-15 384636 2011-3-6 13:06
probability distributions involving Gaussian random variables attachment dimplele 2010-3-4 81904 djrj108 2011-3-6 04:27
k-best算法的matlab程序 attachment Ames 2010-12-23 63316 j1629 2011-3-5 11:04
MATLAB外部接口编程-书籍 attachment  ...23 A1985 2010-5-16 253793 j1629 2011-3-5 11:00
MATLAB R2007基础教程 attachment joeshardow2 2011-2-18 21785 j1629 2011-3-5 10:59
不要买国内出版的MATLAB书籍,都是大忽悠  ...2 minjiang 2009-4-11 123762 laohan83 2011-3-4 00:58
通信系统仿真原理与无线应用 attachment  ...2 cofreely 2009-3-17 172830 mickey110 2011-3-2 13:10
MATLAB-数据分析和统计 attachment joeshardow2 2011-2-18 21758 lindon1984 2011-3-1 11:09
MATLAB下神经网络工具箱的开发和应用 attachment  ...23 skybird 2007-6-15 214967 pandora 2011-2-28 14:05
Matlab电子电路分析 attachment  ...234 user34j 2008-4-30 335615 redswat 2011-2-27 19:08
LMI工具箱 attachment caixh69 2009-2-28 31737 bn9701 2011-2-27 14:05
神经网络与matlab7实现 attachment  ...2 richarming 2009-12-30 142828 shiyinjita 2011-2-26 10:24
simulink通信仿真论文 attachment  ...23 cumtgao 2008-12-28 205872 xpabc2000 2011-2-22 21:54
购买可配置RS RTL源代码 zyphor 2010-12-10 21821 baijianted 2011-2-18 11:17
有没有仿真PWM整流器的大侠们啊? huhu2008 2010-12-17 31856 baijianted 2011-2-18 11:09
matlab 资料 精通MATLAB-综合辅导与指南 attachment walkinsnow 2011-1-24 31907 baijianted 2011-2-18 10:35
求《Stateflow逻辑系统建模》电子版 tycoon108 2011-2-12 03425 tycoon108 2011-2-12 20:18
Electronic Devices and Amplifier Circuits with MATLAB Computing attachment  ...234 detonator 2009-11-4 306459 fpga_sh 2011-1-26 17:56
MATLAB的crack文件 attachment  ...2 USTM 2008-4-14 186753 rupert0915 2011-1-24 15:58
Matlab - C++ Math Library 2.1 Reference attachment  ...2 tangerui 2007-1-20 113509 goinchan 2011-1-24 12:56
MATLAB 7简明教程_下载 attachment  ...234 kxw102 2008-1-29 367919 myswine 2011-1-23 11:22
做了个基于dsp的图像处理算法实现,用了matlab xuxuxu123 2008-4-26 53342 shaolong8888 2011-1-20 23:31
[精通MATLAB].葛哲学.清晰版 attach_img  ...23456 heavenzheng 2010-7-21 528071 黄礼茉 2011-1-20 11:45
一种基于总线复用的SoC功能测试结构设计 attachment huadog 2010-11-27 31735 lyphoon 2011-1-18 12:46
科研文献资料管理endote使用手册 attachment seadream 2010-12-13 36078 ymd1314 2011-1-16 22:48
书籍:matlab使用教程 attachment  ...23 luoyih 2008-2-29 215247 ymd1314 2011-1-16 22:37
优秀论文—滤波器的设计 attachment  ...23456 xiao7000 2008-5-28 598455 hcz1979 2011-1-15 20:59
Simulink建模与仿真ppt attachment  ...234 A1985 2010-5-23 394861 原始逻辑 2011-1-15 10:33
[书籍]基于模型的嵌入式设计 attachment cqc2004 2011-1-10 51747 qptom 2011-1-14 22:52
林锐—《高质量C++C编程指南》 attachment  ...2 gf010010 2009-4-1 163079 lq4080 2011-1-8 16:48
请问有没有语音特征提取的matlab程序啊? attachment tonit 2008-3-20 76730 liqingzhang 2011-1-7 10:15
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