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MATLAB 资料 今日: 2 |主题: 3158|排名: 91 

版主: jswon, eecsseudl
Linear Algebra and Multidimensional Geometry - R. Sharipov attachment 落雪听禅 2023-4-20 81092 yuanpin318 2023-10-24 08:56
2010 9 edition: Numerical Analysis by Burden & Faires attach_img  ...2 hi_china59 2011-8-15 135204 tom0626 2023-10-20 18:22
MATLAB新书---基于模型的设计 attach_img  ...23 凌峰探梅 2010-9-9 228956 chen8354 2023-10-20 12:17
《模型预测控制(陈虹)》pdf分享 attachment lans0625 2021-9-3 92287 jw216 2023-10-18 20:46
Algorithm Collections for Digital Signal Processing Applications using Matlab attachment  ...23 david1972 2008-10-7 297153 jw216 2023-10-18 20:41
《工程力学(静力学与材料力学)》翻译版 原书第4版 attach_img lans0625 2021-8-28 11438 dannymu 2023-10-18 16:45
离散数学应用 attachment 落雪听禅 2023-4-20 51148 jack_20150410 2023-10-18 09:27
MATLAB自动控制宝典 attachment  ...2 nc21lym 2010-10-21 145970 jack_20150410 2023-10-16 13:18
stateflow入门教程 for matlab 2009a attachment  ...23456..8 minjiang 2009-4-24 7020021 auch0311 2023-10-10 08:24
悬赏 LMS算法建模split SAR,迭代次数应该怎么建立,输出数字码随机变化,怎么实现迭代取值 - [悬赏 200 信元资产] 一只IC虫 2023-10-9 1724 auch0311 2023-10-10 08:18
LDPC-all有关低密度奇偶校验码的一些matlab仿真程序 attachment  ...234 onlyonedale 2009-8-18 309352 wenbow512512 2023-9-26 19:57
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LMS算法和RLS算法实现自适应滤波的matlab程序 attachment  ...23456..14 xuehende 2008-5-29 13839016 auch0311 2023-9-15 08:00
求Digital Communication Systems Using MATLAB and Simulink这本书,不是PPT  ...2 mozata 2011-12-2 135188 auch0311 2023-9-14 16:22
绝对好书!不下后悔! 高等应用数学问题的MATLAB求解(完整版47.5M) attachment  ...23456..31 glamorous 2009-11-6 30661343 auch0311 2023-9-14 16:20
最近在学Matlab,分享一本书 attach_img  ...23 射频真让人头疼 2023-8-16 292904 sutaotao2001 2023-9-14 11:22
【2017书】Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis of High Frequency Structures With MATLAB attach_img  ...23 hsh22 2018-9-8 215095 auch0311 2023-9-7 13:22
张志涌《精通MATLAB 2011a》 attachment  ...23456..20 xxf09th 2012-3-17 19140539 chiphomer 2023-9-4 11:30
Discrete Mathematics for New Technology Second Edition attachment tamtamchien 2023-5-8 91172 Ralphjh 2023-8-22 17:21
MATLAB 对卡尔曼滤波器的仿真实现 attachment  ...2345 gloryice 2009-1-31 4410307 auch0311 2023-8-18 09:09
Accelerating MATLAB Performance xiaohaolaoda 2018-5-18 22264 auch0311 2023-8-17 13:36
[揭秘系列-科学计算软件]MATLAB.Demystified.Apr.2007 badegg1975 2016-9-24 43128 auch0311 2023-8-17 13:27
Nokia W-CDMA Simulation matlab attachment  ...23 szxhliars 2009-6-4 205598 auch0311 2023-8-17 08:18
Mathematical Summary for Digital Signal Processing Applications with Matlab attach_img  ...234 lodestar6666 2010-3-22 3310256 auch0311 2023-8-17 08:15
Model Predictive Control System Design and Implementation Using MATLAB attachment  ...2 yulizi 2010-6-1 185726 auch0311 2023-8-17 08:12
Digital Signal Processing Using Matlab v4.0 - Proakis书源码含maple,matlab attachment  ...23456..15 wind73 2008-2-4 14533810 auch0311 2023-8-17 07:40
[E-book share] Signals and Systems with MATLAB Computing and Simulink Modeling attachment  ...23456..9 stanlleychen 2014-3-11 8716190 auch0311 2023-8-16 13:06
Signals and Systems Using MATLAB attachment  ...2345 bellinwater 2014-9-28 4111573 auch0311 2023-8-16 13:05
SIMULINK Dynamic System Simulation for MATLAB(手把手滴让你成为仿真高手) attachment  ...23 icteam 2022-1-29 203883 auch0311 2023-8-16 13:04
Matlab教程 attach_img  ...2 YiAndLu 2022-4-26 133079 射频真让人头疼 2023-8-16 08:29
杂散matlab 专题 attachment llbaobao 2007-12-26 83211 RFIC从零开始 2023-8-12 22:54
Circuit Analysis II: With MATLAB Applications attachment  ...234 jswon 2008-2-28 3510113 zixin1hao 2023-8-9 19:46
Signals and Systems with MATLAB Computing and Simulink Modeling 第四版 attachment  ...23456..12 陈豪俊 2011-6-24 11226756 gracechz 2023-8-9 10:05
随机信号处理,功率谱估计-----研究生讲义 attachment  ...23456..8 fangjijun66 2009-3-26 7314907 dannymu 2023-8-8 15:53
绝对可以下载,PDF英文版《信号与系统MATLAB计算与Simulink建模》 attachment  ...23456..11 microzero 2011-6-21 10823514 imposingwei 2023-7-30 13:42
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