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[求助] Sentaurus 2013破解后提示成功后还有问题,麻烦高手解答

发表于 2016-12-26 18:20:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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各位大侠,本人在自己的电脑、同事的电脑,包括笔记本、台式机,已经成功安装了Sentaurus2013五六次,参考附件 正确可行___Sentaurus-2013虚拟机安装与破解教程(修改1).doc (670.5 KB, 下载次数: 33 ) ~

[chenqy@localhost ~]$ lmli
[chenqy@localhost ~]$ swb
License checkout failed: Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
The license key and data for the feature do not match.
This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
Feature:       swb_all
License path:  27000@localhost.localdomain
FLEXnet Licensing error:-8,234
For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide,
available at ""..

* feature is "swb_all"

* version is "2013.03"

* server name is "localhost.localdomain"

* daemon is "snpslmd"

* code is "9E99B7EAA5A2B72DB1C8"

* expiry date is "31-dec-2019"

* STROOT is "/sentaurus/sentaurus/bin/.."

* hostname is "localhost.localdomain"

* display is "/dev/pts/1"

* user is "chenqy"
[chenqy@localhost ~]$

  1 22:26:30 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
  2 22:26:30 (lmgrd)   Please Note:
  3 22:26:30 (lmgrd)
  4 22:26:30 (lmgrd)   This log is intended for debug purposes only.
  5 22:26:30 (lmgrd)   In order to capture accurate license
  6 22:26:30 (lmgrd)   usage data into an organized repository,
  7 22:26:30 (lmgrd)   please enable report logging. Use Flexera Software, Inc.'    s
  8 22:26:30 (lmgrd)   software license administration  solution,
  9 22:26:30 (lmgrd)   FLEXnet Manager, to  readily gain visibility
10 22:26:30 (lmgrd)   into license usage data and to create
11 22:26:30 (lmgrd)   insightful reports on critical information like
12 22:26:30 (lmgrd)   license availability and usage. FLEXnet Manager
13 22:26:30 (lmgrd)   can be fully automated to run these reports on
14 22:26:30 (lmgrd)   schedule and can be used to track license
15 22:26:30 (lmgrd)   servers and usage across a heterogeneous
16 22:26:30 (lmgrd)   network of servers including Windows NT, Linux
17 22:26:30 (lmgrd)   and UNIX. Contact Flexera Software, Inc. at
18 22:26:30 (lmgrd) for more details on how to
19 22:26:30 (lmgrd)   obtain an evaluation copy of FLEXnet Manager
20 22:26:30 (lmgrd)   for your enterprise.
21 22:26:30 (lmgrd)
22 22:26:30 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
23 22:26:30 (lmgrd)
24 22:26:30 (lmgrd)
25 22:26:30 (lmgrd) Failed to open the TCP port number in the license.

696 23:29:52 (snpslmd) Licenses are case sensitive for TE_CATS
697 23:29:52 (snpslmd)
698 23:29:52 (snpslmd) EXTERNAL FILTERS are OFF
699 23:29:52 (lmgrd) snpslmd using TCP-port 56284
700 23:29:52 (snpslmd) Serving features for the following vendor names:
701  snpslmd  ACAD  adalmd  anagram  arcd  archprod  avantd  CADABRA  chrysalisd  cowared  EPIC  everest  extremed  hscd  innologd  ISE-TCADd  la_dmon  leda      magma  metasoftd  mwflexd  nassd  nsysnvs  numeritchd  pdld  riod  saber_dmn  sandwork  sigmacd  slat  snpsOEM1  snpsOEM2  snpsOEM3  snpsOEM4  snpsOEM5      snpsOEM6  snpsOEM7  snpsOEM8  snpsOEM9  ssilmd  synforad  synopsysd  synplctyd  TAVEREN  TE_CATS  tmald  vastlmd  vcsd
702 12/25/2016 23:29:53 (snpslmd) ------------------------------------------------------------------
703 12/25/2016 23:29:53 (snpslmd) Checking the integrity of the license file....
704 12/25/2016 23:29:57 (snpslmd) Valid SSS feature found.
705 12/25/2016 23:29:57 (snpslmd) The feature is needed to enable the other keys in your license file.
706 12/25/2016 23:29:57 (snpslmd) Licensed to mammoth//ZWT 2006
707 12/25/2016 23:29:57 (snpslmd) Siteid: 19688, Server Hostid: 000C29F1A222, Issued on: 12/28/2012
708 12/25/2016 23:29:57 (snpslmd) ------------------------------------------------------------------
709 23:32:20 (snpslmd) TCP_NODELAY NOT enabled
710 23:32:20 (snpslmd) OUT: "swb_all" chenqy@localhost.localdomain
711 23:32:20 (snpslmd) UNSUPPORTED: "SK_swb_all" (PORT_AT_HOST_PLUS   ) chenqy@localhost.localdomain  (License server system does not support this feature. (    -18,327))
712 23:32:21 (snpslmd) IN: "swb_all" chenqy@localhost.localdomain
发表于 2016-12-27 11:10:05 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2016-12-28 16:45:14 | 显示全部楼层
回复 2# yeyujingyue

发表于 2016-12-30 12:24:04 | 显示全部楼层
回复 3# chenqy 在 terminal中输入ifconfig -a,查看一下网卡是否是eth0,如果不是eth0,license启动不了,需要修改网卡名称为 eth0。
发表于 2016-12-31 21:46:23 | 显示全部楼层
这个问题 我遇到过~~~~
 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-3 09:59:43 | 显示全部楼层
回复 4# yeyujingyue

 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-3 10:01:15 | 显示全部楼层
回复 5# tiantsmart

发表于 2018-5-13 17:25:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2018-5-28 23:26:45 | 显示全部楼层
可以在root下面 lmdown 杀掉进程,然后lmgrd试试
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