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Simon M Sze 的 新书, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 3rd Edition

发表于 2007-2-9 22:23:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Simon M Sze 的 新书
Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 3rd Edition.
Simon M. Sze, Kwok K. Ng

The Third Edition of the standard textbook and reference in the field of semiconductor devicesThis classic book has set the standard for advanced study and referencein the semiconductor device field. Now completely updated andreorganized to reflect the tremendous advances in device concepts andperformance, this Third Edition remains the most detailed andexhaustive single source of information on the most importantsemiconductor devices. It gives readers immediate access to detaileddescriptions of the underlying physics and performance characteristicsof all major bipolar, field-effect, microwave, photonic, and sensordevices.
Designed for graduate textbook adoptions and reference needs, this new edition includes:
  • A complete update of the latest developments
  • New devices such as three-dimensional MOSFETs, MODFETs,resonant-tunneling diodes, semiconductor sensors, quantum-cascadelasers, single-electron transistors, real-space transfer devices, andmore
  • Materials completely reorganized
  • Problem sets at the end of each chapter
  • All figures reproduced at the highest quality
Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Third Edition offersengineers, research scientists, faculty, and students a practical basisfor understanding the most important devices in use today and forevaluating future device performance and limitations.

[ 本帖最后由 bonyou 于 2007-3-31 21:52 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-9 22:25:36 | 显示全部楼层

Part I Semiconductor Physics.

Chapter 1 Physics and Properties of Semiconductors-A Review.

1.1 Introduction.

1.2 Crystal Structure.

1.3 Energy Bands and Energy Gap.

1.4 Carrier Concentration at Thermal Equilibrium.

1.5 Carrier-Transport Phenomena.

1.6 Phonon, Optical, and Thermal Properties.

1.7 Heterojunctions and Nanostructures.

1.8 Basic Equations and Examples.

Part II Device Building Blocks.

Chapter 2 p-n Junctions.

2.1 Introduction.

2.2 Depletion Region.

2.3 Current-Voltage Characteristics.

2.4 Junction Breakdown.

2.5 Transient Behavior and Noise.

2.6 Terminal Functions.

2.7 Heterojunctions.

Chapter 3 Metal-Semiconductor Contacts.

3.1 Introduction.

3.2 Formation of Barrier.

3.3 Current Transport Processes.

3.4 Measurement of Barrier Height.

3.5 Device Structures.

3.6 Ohmic Contact.

Chapter 4 Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Capacitors.

4.1 Introduction.

4.2 Ideal MIS Capacitor.

4.3 Silicon MOS Capacitor.

Part III Transistors.

Chapter 5 Bipolar Transistors.

5.1 Introduction.

5.2 Static Characteristics.

5.3 Microwave Characteristics.

5.4 Related Device Structures.

5.5 Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor.

Chapter 6 MOSFETs.

6.1 Introduction.

6.2 Basic Device Characteristics.

6.3 Nonuniform Doping and Buried-Channel Device.

6.4 Device Scaling and Short-Channel Effects.

6.5 MOSFET Structures.

6.6 Circuit Applications.

6.7 Nonvolatile Memory Devices.

6.8 Single-Electron Transistor.

Chapter 7 JFETs, MESFETs, and MODFETs.

7.1 Introduction.

7.2 JFET and MESFET.


Part IV Negative-Resistance and Power Devices.

Chapter 8 Tunnel Devices.

8.1 Introduction.

8.2 Tunnel Diode.

8.3 Related Tunnel Devices.

8.4 Resonant-Tunneling Diode.

Chapter 9 IMPATT Diodes.

9.1 Introduction.

9.2 Static Characteristics.

9.3 Dynamic Characteristics.

9.4 Power and Efficiency.

9.5 Noise Behavior.

9.6 Device Design and Performance.

9.7 BARITT Diode.

9.8 TUNNETT Diode.

Chapter 10 Transferred-Electron and Real-Space-Transfer Devices.

10.1 Introduction.

10.2 Transferred-Electron Device.

10.3 Real-Space-Transfer Devices.

Chapter 11 Thyristors and Power Devices.

11.1 Introduction.

11.2 Thyristor Characteristics.

1 1.3 Thyristor Variations.

11.4 Other Power Devices.

Part V Photonic Devices and Sensors.

Chapter 12 LEDs and Lasers.

12.1 Introduction.

12.2 Radiative Transitions.

12.3 Light-Emitting Diode (LED).

12.4 Laser Physics.

12.5 Laser Operating Characteristics.

12.6 Specialty Lasers.

Chapter 13 Photodetectors and Solar Cells.

13.1 Introduction.

13.2 Photoconductor.

13.3 Photodiodes.

13.4 Avalanche Photodiode.

13.5 Phototransistor.

13.6 Charge-Coupled Device (CCD).

13.7 Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetector.

13.8 Quantum-Well Infrared Photodetector.

13.9 Solar Cell.

Chapter 14 Sensors.

14.1 Introduction.

14.2 Thermal Sensors.

14.3 Mechanical Sensors.

14.4 Magnetic Sensors.

14.5 Chemical Sensors.


A. List of Symbols.

B. International System of Units.

C. Unit Prefixes.

D. Greek Alphabet.

E. Physical Constants.

F. Properties of Important Semiconductors.

G. Properties of Si and GaAs.

H. Properties of SiO, and Si3N.

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-9 22:27:52 | 显示全部楼层
S. M. Sze received his PhD in electrical engineering from Stanford University. He was with Bell Telephone Laboratories from 1963–1989, joining the faculty of the Department of Electronics Engineering, National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) in 1990. Dr. Sze is currently Distinguished Chair Professor of NCTU and has served as a visiting professor to many academic institutions. He has made fundamental and pioneering contributions to semiconductor devices; of particular importance is his coinvention of nonvolatile semiconductor memory such as flash memory and EEPROM. Dr. Sze has authored, coauthored, or edited over 200 technical papers and twelve books. His book Physics of Semiconductor Devices (Wiley) is one of the most cited works in contemporary engineering and applied science publications (over 15,000 citations from ISI Press). Dr. Sze is the recipient of numerous awards and holds such titles as Life Fellow of the IEEE, Academician of the Academia Sinica, and member of the US National Academy of Engineering.

Kwok K. Ng received his PhD from Columbia University in 1979 and BS from Rutgers University in 1975, both in electrical engineering. He joined Bell Laboratories of AT&T in Murray Hill, New Jersey, in 1980, which spun off as part of Lucent Technologies in 1996. He became affiliated with Agere Systems in Allentown, Pennsylvania, as the microelectronics unit became independent in 2001. He has been with MVC in San Jose, California, since 2005. Dr. Ng has also held positions as editor of IEEE Electron Device Letters and liaison to IEEE Press. He is the author of the Complete Guide to Semiconductor Devices, Second Edition (Wiley).
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