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[资料] [ebook2015]Modeling of Digital Communication Systems Using SIMULINK

发表于 2015-11-28 01:01:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 龚_利90 于 2015-11-28 01:11 编辑

Modeling of Digital Communication Systems Using SIMULINKArthur A. Giordano, Allen H. Levesque

A comprehensive and detailed treatment of the program SIMULINK that focuses on SIMULINK for simulations in Digital and Wireless Communications

Modeling of Digital Communication Systems Using SIMULINK introduces the reader to SIMULINK, an extension of the widely-used MATLAB modeling tool, and the use of SIMULINK in modeling and simulating digital communication systems, including wireless communication systems. Readers will learn to model a wide selection of digital communications techniques and evaluate their performance for many important channel conditions. Modeling of Digital Communication Systems Using SIMULINK is organized in two parts. The first addresses Simulink models of digital communications systems using various modulation, coding, channel conditions and receiver processing techniques. The second part provides a collection of examples, including speech coding, interference cancellation, spread spectrum, adaptive signal processing, Kalman filtering and modulation and coding techniques currently implemented in mobile wireless systems.

  • Covers case examples, progressing from basic to complex
  • Provides applications for mobile communications, satellite communications, and fixed wireless systems that reveal the power of SIMULINK modeling
  • Includes access to useable SIMULINK simulations online

Covering both the use of SIMULINK in digital communications and the complex aspects of wireless communication systems, Modeling of Digital Communication Systems Using SIMULINK is a great resource for both practicing engineers and students with MATLAB experience.

Modeling of Digital Communication Systems Using SIMULINK.pdf.rar (7.78 MB, 下载次数: 895 )

[url=]Modeling of Digital Communicat ...[/url]

 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-28 01:12:56 | 显示全部楼层
Table of Contents

Preface xiii

Acknowledgments xix

About the Companion website xxi

Abbreviations and Acronyms xxiii

1 Getting Started with Simulink 1

1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Starting a Matlab Session 2

1.3 Simulink Block Libraries 3

1.4 Building a New Simulink Model 6

1.4.1 Inserting Signal Source and Scope 6

1.4.2 Setting the Source Block Parameters 8

1.4.3 Setting Scope Parameters 9

1.5 Executing the Simulink Model 11

1.6 Reconfiguring the Signal Block 14

1.7 Sample-Based Signals 16

1.8 Sending Data to Workspace 18

1.9 Using Model Explorer 19

1.10 Adding Labels to Figures 21

1.11 Selecting Model Configuration Parameters 22

1.12 Summary Discussion 24

Problems 25

2 Sinusoidal Simulink Model 27

2.1 A First Simulink Model 27

2.2 Simulink Model of Sine Wave 27

2.3 Spectrum of a Sine Wave 32

2.4 Summary Discussion 40

Problems 41

3 Digital Communications BER Performance in AWGN (BPSK and QPSK) 43

3.1 BPSK and QPSK Error Rate Performance in AWGN 43

3.2 Construction of a Simulink Model in Simple Steps 44

3.3 Comparison of Simulated and Theoretical BER 56

3.4 Alternate Simulink Model for BPSK 58

3.5 Frame-Based Simulink Model 62

3.6 QPSK Symbol Error Rate Performance 64

3.7 BPSK Fixed Point Performance 68

3.8 Summary Discussion 73

Appendix 3.A Theoretical BER Performance of BPSK in AWGN 73

Problems 75

4 Digital Communications BER Performance in AWGN (MPSK&QAM) 79

4.1 MPSK and QAM Error Rate Performance in AWGN 79

4.2 MPSK Simulink Model 79

4.3 BER for Other Alphabet Sizes 83

4.4 Fixed Point BER for MPSK 83

4.5 QAM Simulink Model 85

4.6 QAM BER for Other Alphabet Sizes Using Average Power 90

4.7 QAM BER Using Peak Power 90

4.8 Power Amplifier Constraint Using Peak Power Selection with QAM 91

4.9 Summary Discussion 99

Problems 100

5 Digital Communications BER Performance in AWGN (FSK and MSK) 101

5.1 FSK and MSK Error Rate Performance in AWGN 101

5.2 BFSK Simulink Model 101

5.3 MFSK Simulink Model 107

5.4 MSK Simulink Model 108

5.5 MSK Power Spectrum 113

5.6 Summary Discussion 116

Problems 117

6 Digital Communications BER Performance in AWGN (BPSK in Fading) 119

6.1 BPSK in Rayleigh and Rician Fading 119

6.2 BPSK BER Performance in Rayleigh Fading 119

6.3 BPSK BER Performance in Rician Fading 124

6.4 BPSK BER Performance in Rician Fading with Multipath 127

6.5 Summary Discussion 137

Appendix 6.A Theoretical BER Performance of BPSK in Rayleigh Fading 137

Appendix 6.B Theoretical BER Performance of BPSK in Rician Fading 138

Problems 139

7 Digital Communications BER Performance in AWGN (FSK in Fading) 141

7.1 FSK in Rayleigh and Rician Fading 141

7.2 BFSK BER Performance in Rayleigh Fading 141

7.3 MFSK BER Performance in Rayleigh Fading 142

7.4 BFSK BER Performance in Rician Fading 147

7.5 BFSK BER Performance in Rician Fading with Multipath 148

7.6 Summary Discussion 150

Appendix 7.A Theoretical BER Performance of FSK in Rayleigh and Rician Fading 152

Rayleigh Fading 152

Rician Fading 153

Problems 154

8 Digital Communications BER Performance (STBC) 157

8.1 Digital Modulations in Rayleigh Fading with STBC 157

8.2 BPSK BER in Rayleigh Fading with STBC 157

8.3 QAM BER in Rayleigh Fading with STBC 163

8.4 Summary Discussion 163

Appendix 8.A Space–Time Block Coding for BPSK 165

Appendix 8.B Space–Time Block Coding for 16-QAM 167

Problems 169

9 Digital Communications BER Performance in AWGN (Block Coding) 171

9.1 Digital Communications with Block Coding in AWGN 171

9.2 BER Performance of BPSK in AWGN with a Binary BCH Block Code 171

9.3 BER Performance of BPSK in AWGN with a Hamming Code 175

9.4 BER Performance of BPSK in AWGN with a Golay(24,12) Block Code 179

9.5 BER Performance of FSK in AWGN with Reed-Solomon Code 181

9.6 BER Performance of QAM in AWGN with Reed-Solomon Coding 186

9.7 Summary Discussion 190

Problems 192

10 Digital Communications BER Performance in AWGN (Block Coding and Fading) 193

10.1 Digital Communications with Block Coding in Fading 193

10.2 BER Performance of BPSK in Rayleigh Fading with Interleaving and a BCH Block Code 194

10.3 BER Performance of BFSK in Rayleigh Fading with Interleaving and a Golay(24,12) Block Code 195

10.4 BER Performance of 32-FSK in Rayleigh Fading with Interleaving and a Reed-Solomon(31,15) Block Code 201

10.5 BER Performance of 16-QAM in Rayleigh Fading with Interleaving and a Reed-Solomon(15,7) Block Code 204

10.6 BER Performance of 16-QAM in Rayleigh and Rician Fading with Interleaving and a Reed-Solomon(15,7) Block Code 208

10.7 BER Performance of BPSK in Rayleigh Fading with Interleaving and a BCH Block Code and Alamouti STBC 210

10.8 BER Performance of BFSK in Rayleigh Fading with Interleaving and a Golay(24,12) Block Code and Alamouti STBC 215

10.9 BER Performance of 32-FSK in Rayleigh Fading with Interleaving and a Reed-Solomon(31,15) Block Code and Alamouti STBC 218

10.10 BER Performance of 16-QAM in Rayleigh Fading with Interleaving and a Reed-Solomon (15,7) Block Code and Alamouti STBC 219

10.11 Summary Discussion 223

Problems 224

11 Digital Communications BER Performance in AWGN and Fading (Convolutional Coding) 225

11.1 Digital Communications with Convolutional Coding in AWGN and Fading 225

11.2 BER Performance of Convolutional Coding and BPSK in AWGN 226

11.2.1 Hard-Decision Decoding 226

11.2.2 Soft-Decision Decoding 229

11.3 BER Performance of Convolutional Coding and BPSK in AWGN and Rayleigh Fading with Interleaving (Soft- and Hard-Decision Decoding) 233

11.4 BER Performance of Convolutional Coding and BPSK and Alamouti STBC in Rayleigh Fading with Interleaving 239

11.5 Summary Discussion 243

Problems 244

12 Adaptive Equalization in Digital Communications 247

12.1 Adaptive Equalization 247

12.2 BER Performance of BPSK in Dispersive Multipath Channel Using an LMS Linear Equalizer 248

12.3 BER Performance of BPSK in Dispersive Multipath Channel Using an LMS Linear Equalizer From the Simulink Library 257

12.4 BER Performance of QPSK in a channel with ISI Using an LMS Linear Equalizer 258

12.5 BER Performance of BPSK in Dispersive Multipath Channel Using a Decision Feedback Equalizer 268

12.6 BER Performance of BPSK in Rayleigh Fading Multipath Channel Using an RLS Equalizer 273

12.6.1 RLS Equalizer Description 273

12.6.2 RLS Equalization in Rayleigh Fading with No Multipath 275

12.6.3 RLS Equalization in Rayleigh Fading with Multipath 279

12.7 Summary Discussion 280

Problems 283

13 Simulink Examples 285

13.1 Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) for Speech Compression 286

13.1.1 Speech Vocal Tract Model 289

13.1.2 Prediction Coefficients Computation 289

13.1.3 Speech Analysis and Synthesis 289

13.2 RLS Interference Cancellation 291

13.2.1 Sinusoidal Interference 291

13.2.2 Low Pass Filtered Gaussian Noise 296

13.3 Spread Spectrum 298

13.3.1 Spread Spectrum Simulink Model without In-Band Interference 298

13.3.2 Spread Spectrum Simulink Model with In-Band Interference 303

13.3.3 Spread Spectrum Simulink Model with In-Band Interference and Excision 309

13.4 Antenna Nulling 313

13.5 Kalman Filtering 320

13.5.1 Scalar Kalman Filter 322

13.5.2 Kalman Equalizer 328

13.5.3 Radar Tracking Using Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) 339

13.6 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing 343

13.7 Turbo Coding with BPSK 355

Appendix A Principal Simulink Blocks Used In Chapters 1–13 363

Appendix B Further Reading 369

Index 371
发表于 2015-11-29 09:52:58 | 显示全部楼层
good data
3q for share~~
发表于 2015-11-29 17:36:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-11-29 21:32:56 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-11-29 23:22:31 | 显示全部楼层
good book
发表于 2015-12-1 11:16:37 | 显示全部楼层
回复 1# 龚_利90

发表于 2015-12-1 20:55:13 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-12-2 14:43:31 | 显示全部楼层
nice book~~
发表于 2015-12-3 23:28:07 | 显示全部楼层
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