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前些天装了saed32nm的iPDK,里面需要使用pycell插件才能在virtuoso ic616中正常调用pcell,通过搜索网坛没发现资源,索性试一下自己才注册用户去synopsys下载没想到第二天就可以了,现将pycell上传网盘供大家学习下载,当然saed32nm现在不能仿真,使用hspice总是抽不出参数,里面的cell只有hspice view,没有hspiceD view,使用hspice2009和2010都无法抽取,难道必须使用2008,自己没时间去忙这些了,如有正常使用的网友还望告知啊,不胜感激,废话不多说,软件链接,里面东西有点多,大家下载需要的就行:其中有win版和linux版大家注意区分:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1sjwjYJr,顺便附上synopsys的pycell官方安装说明以及ncsu的freepdk中讲解pycell的集成设置:
synopsys pycell安装说明:1.Download the appropriate Complete Kit for your platform and OpenAccess version. If you are not yet using OpenAccess, choose the most recent version.
2.Uncompress the download package in a temporary directory by typing:
% tar -xzvf <name_of_package>
3.On a command line in the ciranova_installer-<platform> directory, type:
% ./installer
4.At the end of the installation process, the script will return a path name ending in a directory called "quickstart." Open the "README.txt" file in that quickstart directory, and follow its instructions.
NCSU freepdk安装pycell说明:
The Parameterized Cells (P-Cells) in this kit are implemented with the PyCell Plugin for OpenAccess, available from Ciranova. In order to use the P-Cells, you must do the following:
1. Download and install PyCell Studio from Ciranova at http://www.ciranova.com. The root of this installation directory is generally set in the environment variable CNI_ROOT.
2. Create a modified setup script for Cadence Virtuoso that includes PyCell studio. See the file $PDK_DIR/ncsu_basekit/cdssetup/icoa_setup.csh (included with the FreePDK distribution) for an example script. This script will need to be modified, in order for it to work on your system.
3. Ensure that files cnDloPcell.plg and cnPcellProxy.plg have been copied from the $CNI_ROOT/quickstart directory to the oa/data/plugins directory (which should be located at the same level as the main Virtuoso installation directory).
After performing these tasks, the PyCells should behave like standard SKILL P-Cells.
详细网站请参考:http://www.eda.ncsu.edu/wiki/FreePDK45:Using_P-Cells |