Any lead to BDA (Berkeley Design Automation) Analog Fast Spice (AFS)? I have searched the forum but no avail. Thanks in advance.
Thank you very much. Indeed "BDA Analog FastSpice" convergence and accuracy is valuable at times to check some circuits. Circuits could be developed with other software but could be checked at the end with "BDA Analog FastSpice", at that point of time a single user capability restriction is suitable. Still I am surprised that no BDA software on the forum.
Mentor Graphics Eldo Premierand
Mentor Graphics Analog Fast Spice (AFS) platform
Mentor graphics has two products those integrates Fast Spice (AFS) from Berkeley Advanced Design (BDA acquired by Mentor in March 2014).
1. Eldo Premier
2. Analog Fast Spice (AFS) platform.
Also Mentor have its own Fast Spice programs like ADIT.