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菜鸟刚开始学习使用icc,尝试着跟着student user guide做每一步任务,在使用icc过程中create_mw_lib后遇见了许多自己无法解决的问题,发帖在此求助,希望各位高手能够指点我一下,不甚感激!
set MW_lib {/home/wtt/test/CIC/pt/lib/smic18}
set search_path {search_path + /EDATools/SMIC/SMIC_018um_HOME/aci/sc-m/synopsys + /EDATools/SMIC/SMIC_018um_HOME/aci/sc-m/map + /EDAVendor/Synopsys/DC-2010.03-SP1/libraries/syn + /EDATools/SMIC/SMIC_018um_HOME/aci/sc-x/tlf + ../in + ../io + ./script + ../lib + $MW_lib}
set link_library [list ff_1v98_0c.db ff_1v98_m40c.db ss_1v62_125c.db tt_1v8_25c.db]
set target_library [list tt_1v8_25c.db ss_1v62_125c.db ff_1v98_0c.db ff_1v98_m40c.db]
set symbol_library [list smic18m.sdb]
create_mw_lib design_cic -open \
-technology {../lib/smic18_6lm.tf} \
-mw_reference_library {/home/wtt/test/CIC/pt/lib/smic18}
set_check_library_options -all
set_tlu_plus_files \
-max_tluplus fast.tlf \
-min_tluplus slow.tlf \
-tech2itf_map streamOut.map
read_verilog -dirty_netlist ../in/cic_top.v
current_design CIC_TOP
save_mw_cel -as CIC_TOP
2.在load tf文件时候出现了如下的warning,请问这是否需要引起重视呢?
Start to load technology file ../lib/smic18_6lm.tf.
Warning: ContactCode 'CONT1' is missing the attribute 'unitMinResistance'. (line 480) (TFCHK-014)
Warning: ContactCode 'CONT1' is missing the attribute 'unitNomResistance'. (line 480) (TFCHK-014)
Warning: ContactCode 'CONT1' is missing the attribute 'unitMaxResistance'. (line 480) (TFCHK-014)
Warning: Cut layer 'VIA12' has a non-cross primary default ContactCode 'via1'. (line 498) (TFCHK-092)
Warning: Cut layer 'VIA23' has a non-cross primary default ContactCode 'via2'. (line 516) (TFCHK-092)
Warning: Cut layer 'VIA34' has a non-cross primary default ContactCode 'via3'. (line 534) (TFCHK-092)
Warning: Cut layer 'VIA45' has a non-cross primary default ContactCode 'via4'. (line 552) (TFCHK-092)
Warning: Layer 'METAL1' has a pitch 0.56 that does not match the recommended wire-to-via pitch 0.535 or 0.485. (TFCHK-049)
Warning: Layer 'METAL2' has a pitch 0.66 that does not match the recommended wire-to-via pitch 0.61 or 0.56. (TFCHK-049)
Warning: Layer 'METAL4' has a pitch 0.66 that does not match the recommended wire-to-via pitch 0.61 or 0.56. (TFCHK-049)
Warning: Layer 'METAL3' has a pitch 0.56 that does not match the doubled pitch 1.12 or tripled pitch 1.68. (TFCHK-050)
Warning: Layer 'METAL4' has a pitch 0.66 that does not match the doubled pitch 1.32 or tripled pitch 1.98. (TFCHK-050)
Warning: Layer 'METAL5' has a pitch 0.61 that does not match the doubled pitch 1.12 or tripled pitch 1.68. (TFCHK-050)
Warning: Layer 'METAL6' has a pitch 0.95 that does not match the doubled pitch 1.32 or tripled pitch 1.98. (TFCHK-050)
Technology file ../lib/smic18_6lm.tf has been loaded successfully.
3. 在开始check library 后出现这样的一句话,是否是我设置mw没有成功呢?
All 478 physical cells in design_cic are missing in logic library.
/home/wtt/test/CIC/pt/lib/smic18 are missing in logic library.
All 2472 logic cells in ff_1v98_0c
are missing in physical library.
4. check library时候的一个error, 我没有看明白是什么意思,请大家指导,谢谢!
Total number of cells:
Information: List of main and reference libraries (LIBCHK-120)
Library name Path Unit tile Tile size
design_cic /home/wtt/test/CIC/pt/script unit 0.660x5.040
smic18 /home/wtt/test/CIC/pt/lib unit 0.660x5.040
List of tile patterns
Tile pattern Unit tile Location Orientation Tile size
No tile pattern
Information: List of routing properties (LIBCHK-122)
Unit tile : unitTile
Preferred Track
Layer direction direction Offset Pitch Remarks
METAL1 H H 0.280 0.560 OK
METAL2 V V 0.330 0.660 OK
METAL3 H H 0.280 0.560 OK
METAL4 V V 0.330 0.660 OK
METAL5 H H 0.280 0.610 offset=0.46pitch
METAL6 V V 0.330 0.950 offset=0.35pitch
Error: Mismatched and missing data found. Please refer to LIBCHK-122. (LIBCHK-101)
5. check library中的 check tech项遇见很多warning, 也不明白是什么意思,同求指导
Warning: ContactCode 'CONT1' is missing the attribute 'unitMinResistance'. (line 582) (TFCHK-014)
Warning: ContactCode 'CONT1' is missing the attribute 'unitNomResistance'. (line 582) (TFCHK-014)
Warning: ContactCode 'CONT1' is missing the attribute 'unitMaxResistance'. (line 582) (TFCHK-014)
Warning: Cut layer 'VIA12' has a non-cross primary default ContactCode 'via1'. (line 600) (TFCHK-092)
Warning: Cut layer 'VIA23' has a non-cross primary default ContactCode 'via2'. (line 618) (TFCHK-092)
Warning: Cut layer 'VIA34' has a non-cross primary default ContactCode 'via3'. (line 636) (TFCHK-092)
Warning: Cut layer 'VIA45' has a non-cross primary default ContactCode 'via4'. (line 654) (TFCHK-092)
Warning: Layer 'METAL1' has a pitch 0.56 that does not match the recommended wire-to-via pitch 0.485. (TFCHK-049)
Warning: Layer 'METAL2' has a pitch 0.66 that does not match the recommended wire-to-via pitch 0.61. (TFCHK-049)
Warning: Layer 'METAL4' has a pitch 0.66 that does not match the recommended wire-to-via pitch 0.61. (TFCHK-049)
Warning: Layer 'METAL3' has a pitch 0.56 that does not match the doubled pitch 1.12 or tripled pitch 1.68. (TFCHK-050)
Warning: Layer 'METAL4' has a pitch 0.66 that does not match the doubled pitch 1.32 or tripled pitch 1.98. (TFCHK-050)
Warning: Layer 'METAL5' has a pitch 0.61 that does not match the doubled pitch 1.12 or tripled pitch 1.68. (TFCHK-050)
Warning: Layer 'METAL6' has a pitch 0.95 that does not match the doubled pitch 1.32 or tripled pitch 1.98. (TFCHK-050)
Technology data checked and saved in Milkyway log file.
Dumped tech file is design_cic.tf_checker
Logic vs. logic library check summary:
Warning: Library 'ff_1v98_0c(lib#1)' is missing CCS driver models. (LIBCHK-332)
Warning: Library 'ff_1v98_0c(lib#1)' is missing CCS receiver models. (LIBCHK-332)
Warning: Library 'ff_1v98_m40c(lib#2)' is missing CCS driver models. (LIBCHK-332)
Warning: Library 'ff_1v98_m40c(lib#2)' is missing CCS receiver models. (LIBCHK-332)
Warning: Library 'ss_1v62_125c(lib#3)' is missing CCS driver models. (LIBCHK-332)
Warning: Library 'ss_1v62_125c(lib#3)' is missing CCS receiver models. (LIBCHK-332)
Warning: Library 'tt_1v8_25c(lib#4)' is missing CCS driver models. (LIBCHK-332)
Warning: Library 'tt_1v8_25c(lib#4)' is missing CCS receiver models. (LIBCHK-332)
Information: Logic library inconsistencies found for MCMM. (LIBCHK-360)
Information: Logic library inconsistencies found for UPF. (LIBCHK-361)
Information: Logic library inconsistencies found for CCS timing scaling. (LIBCHK-362)
Information: Logic library inconsistencies found for CCS noise scaling. (LIBCHK-362)
Logic library consistency check PASSED for power scaling.
6. 在导入verilog 设计后出现许多undefined module,麻烦大神们给我解释解释吧!
Compiling source file /home/wtt/test/CIC/pt/in/cic_top.v
Warning: Cell 'ADDHX1M.CEL' is created for undefined module 'ADDHX1M'. (MWNL-294)
Warning: Cell 'XOR2X1M.CEL' is created for undefined module 'XOR2X1M'. (MWNL-294)
Warning: Cell 'CLKINVX1M.CEL' is created for undefined module 'CLKINVX1M'. (MWNL-294)
Warning: Cell 'NOR2X1M.CEL' is created for undefined module 'NOR2X1M'. (MWNL-294)
7.导入design后,命令check design,uniquify 出现logic cell在physical library 里面不匹配的warning, 然后出现error
Information: linking reference library : /home/wtt/test/CIC/pt/lib/smic18. (PSYN-878)
Warning: The 'XOR2XL' cell in the '/home/wtt/test/CIC/pt/lib/smic18' physical library does not
have corresponding logical cell description. (PSYN-025)
Warning: The 'XOR2X4' cell in the '/home/wtt/test/CIC/pt/lib/smic18' physical library does not
have corresponding logical cell description. (PSYN-025)
Warning: The 'XOR2X2' cell in the '/home/wtt/test/CIC/pt/lib/smic18' physical library does not
have corresponding logical cell description. (PSYN-025)
Warning: The 'XOR2X1' cell in the '/home/wtt/test/CIC/pt/lib/smic18' physical library does not
have corresponding logical cell description. (PSYN-025)
Error: The design is not uniquified. (MWDC-101)
# GUI Debug: Building dc from empty. -- Time: 562ms
Error: Fail to rebuild timing design from database (UID-841)
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