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[会议论文集]导航年会 ION papers

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-28 12:06:12 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 qazwsxedc_1 于 2010-8-30 21:07 编辑

Session A1: Advanced Inertial Sensing Technology
Estimation of the Roll Angle in a Spinning Guided Munition Shell
R. Kreichauf, E. Lindquist , Honeywell Laboratories ------------------------------------------------------------------1
A New Quartz Monolithic Differential Vibrating Beam Accelerometer
O. Le Traon, D. Janiaud, M. Pernice, S. Masson, S. Muller, Onera, France;
J-Y. Tridera, DGA/LRBA, France ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
Performance Analysis of Tactical Grade Inertial Systems for MWD Process
M. El-Gizawy, The University of Calgary, Canada; A. Noureldin, Royal Military College of Canada;
N. El-Sheimy, The University of Calgary, Canada------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
Current Capabilities of MEMS Capacitive Accelerometers in Harsh Environment
J-M. Stauffer, Colibrys SA, Switzerland -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
Quartz Dual Axis Rate Sensor (QDARS)
R. Jaffe, S. Simshauser, BEI Systron Donner Inertial Division; A.M. Madni, BEI Technologies, Inc. --- 26
Ship Augmented Gravity Enhancement (SAGE)
J. DeWall, M.B. May, J. Eyth, Pennsylvania State University----------------------------------------------------- 36
Session B1: Advanced Integrated Navigation Technology
Analysis of an Ultra Tightly Coupled GPS/INS System in Jamming
E.J. Ohlmeyer, Naval Surface Warfare Center ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 44
Time-Differenced Carrier Phase Measurements for Tightly Coupled GPS/INS Integration
J. Wendel, O. Meister, R. Mönikes, G.F. Trommer, University of Karlsruhe, Germany -------------------- 54
A Development of WAAS-Aided Flight Inspection Truth System
E. Kim, U. Peled, T. Walter, J.D. Powell, Stanford University----------------------------------------------------- 61
Spacecraft Entry Navigation Using Sigma Point Kalman Filtering
M.C. Heyne, R.H. Bishop, The University of Texas at Austin----------------------------------------------------- 71
IMU Data Generation From the Defined Motion Using the NDI Controller Design Technique
Ö. Atesoglu, Aselsan, Inc., Turkey -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80
SINS Rapid In-Motion Alignment Based on Nonlinear Filter
Z. Xiong, Y. Hao, F. Sun, Harbin Engineering University, China------------------------------------------------- 86
Session C1: Atmospheric Effects & Modeling
Decorrelation of Troposphere Across Short Baselines
D. Lawrence, Novariant Corporation; R.B. Langley, D. Kim, University of New Brunswick, Canada;
F-C. Chan, B. Pervan, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago-------------------------------------------------- 94
An Improved Regularization Method to Estimate Near Real-time Systematical Errors and
Ionosphere Suitable for GPS Medium-long Baselines
X. Luo, Y. Yuan, J. Ou, Chinese Academy of Science, China; J. Wang, University of New South
Wales, Australia; K. Zhang, Chinese Academy of Science, China ---------------------------------------------103
Advanced Ionospheric Modelling for GNSS Single Frequency Users
M.A. Aragón, A.F. Amarillo Fernández, TEC-ETN, ESTEC/ESA, The Netherlands -----------------------110
mproving Ionospheric Corrections in the Asia Pacific Region
C-S. Ho, S-S. Jan, Y-C. Lin, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan ---------------------------------------121
Session D1: Advanced Navigation Concepts for Urban & Indoor
Optimal Sensor Placement for Agent Localization
D.B. Jourdan, N. Roy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology --------------------------------------------------128
Data Fusion for Mobile-Aided Localization in 4G Wireless Communication Systems
S. Frattasi, Aalborg University, Denmark; M. Monti, Konica srl, Italy; M. Antonini, M. Ruggieri,
“Tor Vergata", University, Italy; R. Prasad, Aalborg University, Denmark-------------------------------------140
ntegrated GPS/TOA Navigation Using a Positioning and Communication Software
Defined Radio
A. Brown, J. Nordlie, NAVSYS Corporation--------------------------------------------------------------------------147
ndoor Mapping and Positioning Using Impulse Radios
W. Guo, N.P. Filer, The University of Manchester, U.K.; R. Zetik, Ilmenau University of
Technology, Germany ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------153
nitialization and Online-Learning of RSS Maps for Indoor / Campus Localization
B.B. Parodi, H. Lenz, A. Szabo, H. Wang, Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, Germany;
J. Horn, Helmut-Schmidt University/University of the Federal Armed Forces, Germany;
J. Bamberger, D. Obradovic, Siemens AG Corporate Technology, Germany -------------------------------164
A Database Method to Mitigate the NLOS Error in Mobile Phone Positioning
B. Li, A.G. Dempster, C. Rizos, University of New South Wales, Australia; H.K. Lee,
Hankuk Aviation University, Korea -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------173
Self Localization Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks
M. Youssef, The University of Calgary, Canada; A. Noureldin, Royal Military College of Canada;
A.F. Yousif, N. El-Sheimy, The University of Calgary, Canada--------------------------------------------------179
Session A2: Sensor Software & Signal Processing
Symmetric Phase-Only Matched Filter (SPOMF) for Frequency-Domain Software
GNSS Receivers
M. Miller T. Nguyen, Air Force Research Laboratory/SNRN; C. Yang, Sigtem Technology, Inc. -------187
Analysis and Practical Comparison of Wireless LAN and Ultra-Wideband Technologies for
Advanced Localization
S. Galler, J. Schroeder, G. Rahmatollahi, University of Hannover, Germany; K. Kyamakya,
University of Klagenfurt, Austria; K. Jobmann, University of Hannover, Germany--------------------------198
Kalman Filtering for Acquisition of GNSS Signals in Highly-Manoeuvrable Receivers
F.D. Nunes, F.M. Sousa, J.M. Leitão, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal ----------------------------204
nsights Into Jammer Mitigation Via Space-Time Adaptive Processing
K.F. McDonald, P.J. Costa, R.L. Fante, The MITRE Corporation-----------------------------------------------213
A Data Fusion Approach for Improved Positioning in GSM Networks
M. Zhang, S. Knedlik, P. Ubolkosold, O. Loffeld, University of Siegen, Germany --------------------------218
A Multi-Objective Approach in GNSS Code Discriminator Design
J-C. Juang, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan-------------------------------------------------------------223
A Constructive and Autonomous Integration Scheme of Low-Cost GPS/MEMS IMU for Land
Vehicular Navigation Applications
K-W. Chiang, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan; S. Nassar, N. El-Sheimy,
The University of Calgary, Canada-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------235
Session B2: Integration of Inertial Systems with Satellite
Performance of Honeywell's Inertial/GPS Hybrid (HIGH) for RNP Operations
C. Call, M. Ibis, J. McDonald, K. Vanderwerf, Honeywell International, Aerospace ------------------------244
TARSUS - A New Generation State of the Art Tactical Artillery Survey and Gun
Laying System
M. Eren, Ö. Atesoglu, D.R.L. Guner, ASELSAN Inc., Turkey----------------------------------------------------256
Architecture and System Performance of SPAN - NovAtel's GPS/INS Solution
S. Kennedy, J. Hamilton, H. Martell, NovAtel Inc., Canada ------------------------------------------------------266
A Systems Approach to Ionospheric Delay Compensation
D.P. Michal, H.A. Klotz, R.M. Hoven, The Boeing Company-----------------------------------------------------275
Post-processing GNSS/INS Measurements Using a Tightly Coupled Fixed-Interval Smoother
Performing Carrier Phase Ambiguity Resolution
R. Mönikes, A. Teltschik, J. Wendel, G.F. Trommer, University of Karlsruhe, Germany ------------------283
System Design and Performance Analysis of Extended Kalman Filter-Based Ultra-Tight
GPS/INS Integration
D. Li, J. Wang, The University of New South Wales, Australia --------------------------------------------------291
A Deeply Coupled GPS/INS Integrated Kalman Filter Design Using a Linearized Correlator
J.W. Kim, D-H. Hwang, S.J. Lee, Chungnam National University, South Korea ----------------------------300
Session C2: Receiver and Antenna Technology I
Radiation Pattern Analysis of Aircraft Mounted GPS Antennas and Verification Through Scale
Model Testing
B.R. Rao, E.N. Rosario, R.J. Davis, The MITRE Corporation ---------------------------------------------------306
Stabilizing the Phase Response of Blind Array Processors for GNSS Interference Cancellation
G. Carrie, F. Vincent, ENSICA, France; T. Deloues, Onera/DEMR, France; D. Pietin, DGA/LRBA,
France; A. Renard, F. Letestu, Thales, France----------------------------------------------------------------------319
Phase Compensation in GPS Array Processing Using a Software Radio
S.K. Kalyanaraman, M.S. Braasch, Ohio University ---------------------------------------------------------------324
Empirical Mode Decomposition and Blind Source Separation Methods for Antijamming
with GPS Signals
V. Kamath, Y-C. Lai, Arizona State University; L. Zhu, Beijing Jiaotong University, China; S. Urval,
Qualcomm Inc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------335
An Enhanced Correlation Processing Multipath Mitigation Technique for BOC Signals
V. Heiries, ENSAE (Supaero), France; D. Roviras, Enseeiht/IRIT, France; V. Calmettes, ENSAE
(Supaero), France; L. Ries, CNES, France --------------------------------------------------------------------------342
Strobe Pulse Design for Multipath Mitigation in BOC GNSS Receivers
F.M. Sousa, F.D. Nunes, J.M. Leitão, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal ----------------------------348
Session D2: Navigation Technologies Applied to DARPA Grand Challenge
Managing Complexity in an Autonomous Vehicle
J.C. Bebel, B.L. Raskob, A.C. Parker, University of Southern California; D.J. Bebel,
Northrop Grumman Corporation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------356
Autonomous off-road Driving in the DARPA Grand Challenge
E. Jones, B. Fulkerson, E. Frazzoli, H. Samueli, University of California, Los Angeles; D. Kumar,
R. Walters, J. Radford, R. Mason, The Golem Group -------------------------------------------------------------366
Utilization of Position and Orientation Data for Preplanning and Real Time Autonomous
Vehicle Navigation
W. Whittaker, Carnegie Mellon University; L. Nastro, Applanix Corporation ---------------------------------372
Kat-5: Systems Based on a Successful Paradigm for the Development of Autonomous
Ground Vehicles
P.M. Kinney, M. Dooner, J. Nagel, Tulane University; P.G. Trepagnier,
The Gray Insurance Company ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------378
Session A3: Inertial Measurement Unit Technology
Northrop Grumman's Family of Fiber-Optic Based Inertial Navigation Systems
C. Volk, J. Lincoln, D. Tazartes, Northrop Grumman, Navigation Systems Division -----------------------382
Advances in Ruggedized Quartz MEMS Inertial Measurements Units
R. Jaffe, BEI Systron Donner Inertial Division; T. Aston, A.M. Madni, BEI Technologies, Inc. ----------390
Designing Vibration and Shock Isolation Systems for Micro Electrical Machined Based
Inertial Measurement Units
T. Braman, O. Grossman, Honeywell Int. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------400
Test and Evaluation of High Performance Micro Electro-mechanical System Based Inertial
Measurement Units
S.J. Pethel, Navigation Technology Associates, Inc. --------------------------------------------------------------405
A Method for Multiple Fault Detection and Isolation of Redundant Inertial Navigation Sensor
D. Skoogh, A. Lennartsson, Swedish Defense Research Agency, Sweden --------------------------------415
Session B3: Integrated Navigation for Precision & Non-precision Landing
Characteristics of Navigation Errors During Sikorsky Helicopter GPS/WAAS Non-precision
D.P. Stapleton, Innovative Solutions International - Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center ----------------426
Flight Test Evaluation of Various Terrain Referenced Navigation Techniques for Aircraft
Approach Guidance
M. Uijt de Haag, A. Vadlamani, Ohio University---------------------------------------------------------------------440
An Integrity Monitoring Technique for Multiple Failures Detection
I. Martini, G.W. Hein, University FAF Munich, Germany ----------------------------------------------------------450
WAAS-Based Threat Monitoring for a Local Airport Monitor (LAM) that Supports Category I
Precision Approach
J. Rife, S. Pullen, T. Walter, E. Phelts, Stanford University; B. Pervan, Illinois Institute of
Technology; P. Enge, Stanford University----------------------------------------------------------------------------468
Code-Carrier Divergence Monitoring for the GPS Local Area Augmentation System
D.V. Simili, B. Pervan , Illinois Institute of Technology ------------------------------------------------------------483
Session C3: Ground and Space-based Augmentation Systems
EGNOS Performance Monitoring Using the DLR's Experimental Verification Network
B. Belabbas, S. Graf, T. Noack, German Aerospace Center, Germany---------------------------------------494
Assessment of Nominal Ionosphere Spatial Decorrelation for LAAS
J. Lee, S. Pullen, S. Datta-Barua, P. Enge, Stanford University ------------------------------------------------506
onospheric Information Broadcasting Methods for Standardization in SBAS L5
R. Prieto-Cerdeira, J. Samson, European Space Agency / ESTEC, The Netherlands; J. Ventura-
Traveset, European Space Agency, France, EGNOS Project Office, France; B. Arbesser-Rastburg,
European Space Agency / ESTEC, The Netherlands -------------------------------------------------------------515
Availability of the EGNOS Service for a Land Mobile User
P. KováM, L. Seidl, F. Vejražka, Czech Technical University, Czech Republic-------------------------------524
An Augmented GPS/EGNOS Localization System for Alpine Rescue Teams Based on a VHF
Communication Infrastructure
F. Dominici, A. Defina, F. Dovis, Politecnico di Torino, Italy; P. Mulassano, M. Gianola,
Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, Italy -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------531
Session D3: Advanced Navigation Concepts for Urban & Indoor Navigation II
A Prototype Personal Navigation System
W. Soehren, W. Hawkinson, Honeywell Laboratories -------------------------------------------------------------539
Location Determination in Indoor Environments for Pedestrian Navigation
G. Retscher, Vienna University of Technology, Austria -----------------------------------------------------------547
Performance of Hybrid Positioning System Combining GPS and Television Signals
J-Y. Do, M. Rabinowitz, P. Enge, Stanford University ------------------------------------------------------------556
Accuracy Enhancement for UWB Indoor Positioning Using Ray Tracing
Y-H. Jo, Core Logic, Inc., South Korea; J-Y. Lee, D-H. Ha, S-H. Kang,
Handong University, South Korea --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------565
PMD-Based Mobile Node Position Monitoring
F. Hasouneh, S. Knedlik, V. Peters, O. Loffeld, Center for Sensor Systems, (ZESS), Germany--------569
Session A4: MEMS Inertial Sensor Technology
Multi-Sensor Inertial Array Technologies for Advanced MicroSystems
T. Hudson, S. Holt, P. Ruffin, U.S. Army (AMRDEC); J. McKee, M. Whitley, M. Kranz,
Morgan Research Corp.; E. Tuck, The Aegis Technologies Group --------------------------------------------574
Type I and Type II - Micromachined Vibratory Gyroscopes
A.M. Shkel, University of California – Irvine--------------------------------------------------------------------------586
Oscillation Loop for a Resonant Type MEMS Accelerometer and its Performance
C. Hyun, J.G. Lee, Seoul National University, Korea; T. Kang, Konkuk University, Korea ---------------594
Patterned Polymer Bonding With 3-D Capability for Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)
Inertial Sensors
E.J. Tuck, G. Tuck, M. Buncick, Aegis Technologies Group, Inc.; T. Hudson, U.S. Army
(AMRDEC); T. Buckner, Aegis Technologies Group, Inc. --------------------------------------------------------599
Hybrid Methodology for Development of MEMS
R.J. Pryputniewicz, R.T. Marinis, A.R. Klempner, P. Hefti, Worcester Polytechnic Institute--------------606
Session B4: Integration of Inertial Systems with Satellite Navigation Systems II
Carrier Phase Coherence as a Sequential Correlation Issue
J.L. Farrell, VIGIL, Inc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------614
A GPS Aided Full Linear Accelerometer Based Gyroscope-free Navigation System
A. Buhmann, C. Peters, M. Cornils, Y. Manoli, University of Freiburg, Germany ---------------------------622
Novel Position Estimation for GPS and Low-Cost INS Fusion
M. Uenoyama, H. Nakamura, H. Nishitani, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan ----------630
High Latitude Trials of Modern Russian Marine Compasses
A.G. Andreev, V.C. Ermakov, M.B. Mafter, Perm Scientific-Industrial Instrument Making Co., Russia;
V.I.Kokorin, Krasnoyarsk State University, Russia; C.V. Rumyantsev,
Yamal Atomic Icebreaker, Russia --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------636
Bringing RTK to Cellular Terminals Using a Low-cost Single-frequency AGPS Receiver and
Inertial Sensors
L. Wirola, K. Alanen, J. Käppi, J. Syrjärinne, Nokia Technology Platforms, Finland -----------------------645
Session C4: Infrastructure Applications of Positioning, Navigation, & Timing
The Evolution of the National Geodetic Survey's Continuously Operating Reference Station
Network and Online Positioning User Service
W. Stone, NOAA - National Geodetic Survey------------------------------------------------------------------------653
Measurement of Backscattered GPS Signals
T. Lindgren, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden; E. Vinande, D. Akos, D. Masters, P. Axelrad,
University of Colorado - Boulder ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------664
Application of Wavelet Analysis to GPS Deformation Monitoring
Y. Min, Jiangxi Normal University, China; H. Guo, Nanchang University, China; C. Zou,
Jiangxi Normal University, China ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------670
Session D4: Alternatives to GNSS
Flash-LADAR Inertial Navigator Aiding
J. Campbell, M.M. Miller, AFRL/Sensors Directorate; M. Uijt de Haag, D. Venable,
M. Smearcheck, Ohio University----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------677
Geomagnetic Navigation Beyond the Magnetic Compass
F. Goldenberg, Goodrich Corporation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------684
Possible Optimizations for the US Loran System
G. Johnson, M. Wiggins, Alion Science & Technology; P.F. Swaszek, L. Hartshorn,
University of Rhode Island; R. Hartnett, U.S. Coast Guard Academy -----------------------------------------695
Ultra-Tight Integration of Pseudolites With INS
R. Babu, J. Wang, University of New South Wales, Australia ---------------------------------------------------705
A Positioning Technology for Classically Difficult GNSS Environments From Locata
J. Barnes, C. Rizos, M. Kanli, A. Pahwa, University of New South Wales / Locata Corporation
Pty Ltd, Australia------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------715
Sensitivity Analysis of An Integrated Vision and Inertial System
B.K.H. Soon, S. Scheding, Australian Centre for Field Robotics, Australia-----------------------------------722
A Two-Stage Fuzzy Logic Approach for Wireless LAN Indoor Positioning
A. Teuber, B. Eissfeller, T. Pany, University FAF Munich, Germany ------------------------------------------- 730
Session A5: Inertial Sensor Test & Evaluation
The New Calibrating Algorithm for the Low-Cost Fiber-Optics Gyroscope
P. Guo, BeiHang University, China; M. Wang, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China; Z. Ren,
BeiHang University, China; H. Qiu, Beijing YHLT Science & Technology, Inc, China --------------------- 739
Using A Gimbal to Calibrate Inertial Measurement Units
G. Reddy, H. Herr, Massachusetts, Institute of Technology ------------------------------------------------------ 744
A Least-Squares Normalized-Error Regression Algorithm With Application to the Allan
Variance Noise Analysis Method
B.E. Grantham, U.S. Army, AMRDEC; M.A. Bailey, Navigation Technology Associates, Inc.----------- 750
Characterization of Non-Linear Error Terms for Vibrating Beam Accelerometers
R. Sutherland, L.M. Overstreet, Honeywell Defense & Space --------------------------------------------------- 757
An Efficient Method for Evaluating the Performance of MEMS IMUs
X. Niu, C. Goodall, S. Nassar, N. El-Sheimy, The University of Calgary , Canada ------------------------- 766
Session B5: Inertial Navigation Applications for Space, Commercial, &
Military Systems
A High G, MEMS Based, Deeply Integrated, INS/GPS, Guidance, Navigation and Control Flight
Management Unit
T.M. Buck, J. Wilmot, Honeywell International; M.J. Cook, Rockwell Collins--------------------------------- 772
Enhanced Capabilities for Legacy Missiles through Technology Insertion
P.B. Renfroe, A.M. Wright, U.S. Army Research, Development & Engineering Command;
T.B. Medley, NTA, Inc.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 795
Study of Real-time Filtering for an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) With Magnetometer in a
155mm Projectile
V. Fleck. E. Sommer, M. Brökelmann, ISL, French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis,
France -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 803
A Micro Air Vehicle Navigation System
B.B. Mohr, Honeywell Laboratories; D.L. Fitzpatrick, Honeywell, Defense and Space -------------------- 808
Simplified Survey System User Trial
G.S. Graham, P.K. Couch, U.S. Army RDECOM; K.R. Peake,
Navigation Technology Associates, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 814
A Crosswind Hazard Study With Using FDR Data
C-S. Ho, C-T. Weng, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan; M. Guan, Aviation Safety Council,
Taiwan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 818
Comparison of INS Transfer Alignments Through Observability Analysis
W. Gao, Harbin Institute of Technology, China; Z. Xiong, Y. Hao, F. Sun, Harbin Engineering
University, China ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 823
Session C5: GPS & Galileo
Performance Analysis of GPS and Galileo Receivers in Urban Automatic Vehicle Location
H. Liu, Shanghai Galileo Industries/Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information
Technology/National University of Defense Tech., China; Q. Shi, G. Li, Shanghai Galileo
Industries/Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, China; J. Wan,
National University of Defense Tech, China -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 830
Signal Performance and Measurement Noise Assessment of the First L2C Signal-in-space
A. Simsky, J-M. Sleewaegen, P. Nemry, J. Van Hees, Septentrio Satellite Navigation,
Belgium------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 834
L1/L2CS GPS Receiver Implementation With Fast Acquisition Scheme
D.W. Lim, Chungnam National University, South Korea; S.W. Moon, Navicom, South Korea;
C. Park, Chungbuk National University, South Korea; S.J. Lee, Chungnam National University,
South Korea ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 840
Galileo L1c - Acquisition Complexity: Cross Correlation Benefits, Sensitivity Discussions
on the Choice of Pure Pilot, Secondary Code, or Something Different
P.G. Mattos, STMicroelectronics, U.K. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 845
Tracking Complex Modulation Waveforms - How to Avoid Receiver Bias
A.R. Pratt, J.I.R. Owen, DSTL, U.K.; G.W. Hein, J.A. Avila-Rodriguez, University FAF Munich,
Germany ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 853
Controlling the Galileo L1 OS Signal Emissions With Satellite Baseband Filters
A.R. Pratt, J.I.R. Owen, DSTL, U.K. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 865
Improved Maximum-Likelihood Time Delay Estimation for GPS Positioning in Multipath,
Interference and Low SNR Environments
M. Sahmoudi, M.G. Amin, Villanova University ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 876
MBOC: The New Optimized Spreading Modulation Recommended for GALILEO L1 OS
and GPS L1C
G.W. Hein, University FAF Munich, Germany; J.W. Betz, The MITRE Corporation; J-A. Avila-Rodriguez,
University FAF Munich, Germany; C.J. Hegarty, The MITRE Corporation; S. Wallner, University FAF
Munich, Germany; L.S. Lenahan, GPS Joint Program Office; A.R. Pratt, Orbstar Consulting, U.K.;
J.J. Rushanan, The MITRE Corporation; J.I.R. Owen, DSTL, U.K.; A.L. Kraay, The MITRE Corporation;
J-L. Issler, CNES, France; T. Stansell, Stansell Consulting ------------------------------------------------------ 883
Session D5: Advanced Navigation Concepts for Urban & Indoor Navigation
Use of a Vector Delay Lock Loop Receiver for GNSS Signal Analysis in Bad
Signal Conditions
T. Pany, B. Eissfeller, University FAF Munich, Germany ---------------------------------------------------------- 893
Innovative Indoor Geolocation Using RF Multipath Diversity
D. E. Gustafson, J. M. Elwell, J. A. Soltz, Charles Stark Draper Laboratory --------------------------------- 904
Signal Propagation Analysis and Signature Extraction for GNSS Indoor Positioning
M. Andreotti, M. Aquino, M. Woolfson, J. Walker, T. Moore, University of Nottingham, U.K. ------------913
nertial Sensor Enhanced Mobile RTK Solution Using Low-Cost Assisted GPS Receivers and
Internet-Enabled Cellular Phones
K. Alanen, L. Wirola, J. Käppi, J. Syrjärinne, Nokia Technology Platforms, Finland -----------------------920
A Deep Integration Estimator for Urban Ground Navigation
D. Landis, T. Thorvaldsen, B. Fink, P. Sherman, S. Holmes, The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory --927
Navigation Message Bit Identification Using Coherent Code Processing
R.K. Douglas, W.E. Lillo, The Aerospace Corporation ------------------------------------------------------------933
RAIM and Complementary Kalman Filtering for GNSS Reliability Enhancement
H. Leppäkoski, Tampere University of Technology, Finland; H. Kuusniemi, Fastrax Ltd., Finland;
J. Takala, Tampere University of Technology, Finland ------------------------------------------------------------948
An Anti-Jam GPS Receiver, Using Markov Chain, Monte Carlo Integration
M.C. Bromberg, Private Consultant; I.F. Progri, California State Polytechnic University –Pomona ----957
Session A6: Novel Applications Enabled by Emerging Sensor Technology
Advanced Borehole Attitude Determination Without Measuring Axial Angular Rate Component
Y.I. Binder, T.V. Paderina, Y.A. Litmanovich, Central Scientific & Research Institute, Russia-----------963
The Application of GPS on the Buoy Monitoring System
J-C. Zheng, Jimei University, China; Z-H. Chen, Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration, China----969
Marine Mammal Marker (MAMMARK) Dead Reckoning Sensor for In-Situ Environmental
G.H. Elkaim, E. Decker, G. Oliver,University of California - Santa Cruz; B. Wright, Boulder Creek ----976
Autonomous Ground Vehicle Navigation Using Integrated GPS and Laser-scanner
M. Joerger, B. Pervan, Illinois Institute of Technology-------------------------------------------------------------988
Navigation Error Analysis for the Rocketplane XP
K.M. Betts, R.C. Rutherford, bd Systems, Inc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------998
Model Free Subspace H-infinity Control for an Autonomous Catamaran
G.H. Elkaim, University of California - Santa Cruz; B.R. Woodley, NeoGuide Sysetms Inc.;
R. Kelbley, University of California - Santa Cruz------------------------------------------------------------------ 1005
A Localization System Using Geostationary Colocated Satellites for Location Based Services
in Interactive TV
M. Gross, G. Harles, G. Krier, SES ASTRA SA, Luxembourg ; T. Nicolay, Saarland University,
Germany-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1014
Session B6: Part 1: Underwater Navigation
Simplified Target Location Estimation for Underwater Vehicles
S.K. Rao, Naval Science and Technology Laboratory, India--------------------------------------------------- 1021
Terrain Aided Underwater Navigation Using Point Mass and Particle Filters
K.B. Ånonsen, O. Hallingstad, University Graduate Center (UniK), Norway ------------------------------- 1027
Pseudo Linear Kalman Filter for Underwater Target Location Using Intercept Sonar
S.K. Rao, Naval Science and Technology Laboratory, India--------------------------------------------------- 1036
Application of Statistical Estimators for Underwater Target Tracking
S.K. Rao, Naval Science and Technology Laboratory, India--------------------------------------------------- 1040
Session B6: Part 2: Precision Agriculture
Agricultural 3D Maps with Stereovision
F. Rovira-Más, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain; Q. Zhang, M. Kise, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign; J.F. Reid, John Deere Technology Center------------------------------------------- 1045
onospheric Effects on GPS Signals in Real Time Kinematic (RTK) Applications
A. Iyiade, Patronics International, U.K. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1054
Dynamic Testing of GPS Receivers on Agricultural Aircraft for Remote Sensing and
Variable-rate Aerial Application
S.J. Thomson, L.A. Smith, USDA, ARS, Application and Production Technology Research Unit ---- 1067
Session C6: Receiver & Antenna Technology II
Orbiting GPS Receiver Modified to Track New L2C Signal
T.K. Meehan, D. Robison, T.N. Munson, L.E. Young, Jet Propulsion Laboratory; S. Stoyanov,
ITT Space Systems Division ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1071
Fast Signal Acquisition Technology for New GPS/Galileo Receivers
W. De Wilde, J-M. Sleewaegen, A. Simsky, J. Van Hees, C. Vandewiele, E. Peeters, J. Grauwen,
F. Boon, Septentrio Satellite Navigation, Belgium---------------------------------------------------------------- 1074
Standardized GPS Simulation Scenarios for SPS Receiver Testing
C. Hay, Spirent Federal Systems ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1080
A Simple Multipath Delay Estimator Based on Alternating Projection Algorithm
H. Saarnisaari, V. Tapio, Centre for Wireless Communications, Finland ----------------------------------- 1086
Can Code Redundancy be Used to Improve GNSS Receiver Acquisition Sensitivity?
S. Turunen, Nokia Corporation, Finland----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1094
Impact of the Acquisition Searching Strategy on the Detection and False Alarm Probabilities
in a CDMA Receiver
D. Borio, Politecnico di Torino, Italy; L. Camoriano, Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, Italy;
L. Lo Presti, Politecnico di Torino, Italy------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1100
Open GNSS Receiver Platform
P.J. Mumford, K. Parkinson, A.G. Dempster, University of New South Wales, Australia --------------- 1108
Development of Software GPS+ Receiver Testbed
P.K. Sagiraju, A. Panchul, D. Bhupathiraju, G.V.S. Raju, D. Akopian, University of Texas
at San Antonio------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1114
A Novel Approach in the Detection and Characterisation of CW Interference of GPS Signal
Using the Receiver Estimation of C/No
A.T. Balaei, A.G.Dempster, J. Barnes, University of New South Wales, Australia------------------------ 1120
Session D6: The Future of Aerospace: Progress, Safety & Efficiency
Prior Probability Model Development to Support System Safety Verification in the Presence
of Anomalies
S. Pullen, J. Rife, P. Enge, Stanford University ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1127
GNSS Real Performance Monitoring and CNS/ATM Implementation
K. Van Dyke, J. Parmet, C. Dufresne, A. Hansen, DOT/RITA/Volpe Center; R. Cole, J. Campbell,
J. She, Y. Bian, R. Loh, Innovative Solutions International, Inc. ---------------------------------------------- 1137
Velocity and Acceleration From Unaided Carrier-Phase
J.L. Farrell, VIGIL, Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1145
Safety Requirements for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in Future Civil Airspace
R. Loh, Y. Bian, T. Roe, Innovative Solutions International ---------------------------------------------------- 1151
Professional Publishing Trends of Recent GPS Doctoral Students
L.A. Mallette, Pepperdine University --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1164
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