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Abslrod - As integrated circuits are getting more and more
complex, they are becoming increasingly vulnerable to transient
disturbances (e.g. to electrostatic discharges, ESD). The
development approaches for on-chip ESD protection devices
often have a very experimental chararter: ESD designers make
use of trial-and-error procedures to evaluate many variations of
protection structures. This methodology is very timcconsuming,
as it can require several redesigns to find proper
ESD protection devices for a given prmess technology. A h ,
from one proms generation to the next, already wellestahlisbed
ESD strnlctures may completely change their ESD
behavior. Now, more sophislicated design approaches makc use
of TCAD-based techniques. Simulations of ESD circnits provide
a dcepr understanding of the fnnctionalii of their protcetion
behavior. In this paper we will show how such simulation
techniques have been snc~sfullyu sed to design an efficient
trimer-circuit for SCRs, a speciiic class of very powertul ESD
protection devices. |